3 weeks, only lost 1 lb, heart broken



  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    edited April 2017
    lorenelia wrote: »
    I've been eating 1200 calories for 3 weeks, working out 4x per week...only lost 1 lb. About to completely quit my diet.... Any idea whu this could be happening?

    What are your stats? (height, weight, age and what kind of exercise?)
  • kayeroze
    kayeroze Posts: 146 Member
    It might also have to do with how much you need to lose. Is it 10 lbs or a 100lbs? 1200 calories a day usually for those that aim for 2 lbs a week, something the very overweight/obese can accomplish (maybe a a bit more for a short period of time). For some, they can lose 1lb in half a week, for others a month. It depends on your goals, weight you need to lose to be healthy, eating habits, and intensity of your workouts (an aid). If you have less weight to lose, perhaps take a look at what you're eating more closely as well as your exercises. Yoga is a great for strengthening your core and mindfulness, but it isn't very know for a huge calorie burner (to be able to eat more food). Maybe throw in a dance or weight class in your routine and see if you like it.

    I would also suggest that you take measurements of your body and keep record of it over time. It gives you a better idea of where you are instead of a scale.
  • rday4489
    rday4489 Posts: 2 Member
    Don't forget it's a lifestyle change, not just a few months. Don't give up- it will be worth fighting for! I had the same thing happen to me last summer and I gave up for a while. I totally regret giving up and am kicking myself for letting myself get to this point.

    I'm not sure if you or anyone else mentioned above, but you could check your macros and make sure you are balanced and not eating too much of one thing or another. Also, pound that water!

    Best of luck to you! Stick with it!
  • VioiletAgnes
    VioiletAgnes Posts: 18 Member
    You may be eating too little....so your body is trying to protect you from starving. I am obese and working out an hour a day....on a 1,650 diet per day. I am losing 2 lbs per week for the last 3 weeks...but I plan to lose my weight over the next year. I think you need to be eating more calories. You could also be building muscle too. Hang in there.
  • lorenelia
    lorenelia Posts: 9 Member
    Blitzia wrote: »
    If you bring your lunch, you can weigh it in your house beforehand. I think part of the problem may be eating back exercise calories. I think 200 calories is probably an overestimate for a yoga class even if it's intense, though maybe someone more knowledgeable about yoga than me can correct me. Elliptical trainers are also notoriously bad for overestimating calories, so if you're eating back the number on the machine, you are probably chipping away at your deficit.

    The other issue though is that no matter how perfect you are at logging and sticking to it, weight loss is going to be slow. You have to want it. If it doesn't feel worth it to you, how are you going to stick with it for the months it will take to reach your goals? I think you need to find ways to make the process less miserable for yourself. Work in foods you enjoy that still fit with your calorie goals. You can still go out with your friends, just maybe skip the alcohol and pick a water. You can eat at restaurants but find the lowest calorie options, etc. Dieting shouldn't be miserable. It's hard, but the reward of getting healthier or liking what you see in the mirror is supposed to outweigh the hardship.

    Yes, great advise, thanks!!
  • lorenelia
    lorenelia Posts: 9 Member
    What is "quitting" going to do.... Besides probably seeing you put the pound on, plus some?

    If you're new to exercise you could be retaining fluid, you could be heavier due to hormonal changes, you could have weighed on a heavy day, you could need a good poo, you could be eating more than you think....there are many reasons why you may not be showing lighter on the scale. Don't give up!

    Never underestimate the power of a "good poo".

    Hahaha, true that!
  • lorenelia
    lorenelia Posts: 9 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    eskimodeb2 wrote: »
    You may be eating too little....so your body is trying to protect you from starving. I am obese and working out an hour a day....on a 1,650 diet per day. I am losing 2 lbs per week for the last 3 weeks...but I plan to lose my weight over the next year. I think you need to be eating more calories. You could also be building muscle too. Hang in there.

    no ignore all of this listen to others the cause of not losing weight is NEVER eating to little (but you are losing)

    And for the record hate to say it but your not building muscle on that defecit either. Listen to the water weight/to little time to know people

    Alright! Thanks!
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    lorenelia wrote: »
    Theo166 wrote: »
    Work through this flow chart and tell us what you see.


    Well...using a food scale when I'm at work is really awkward. I can't see myself weighing my food in front of my co-workers....how do other people do that? Any tips?

    Prep and weigh at home then bring your lunch with you. I wouldn't want to weigh in front on coworkers either.
  • annasteff96
    annasteff96 Posts: 11 Member
    It could also be a sign that you're at a healthy weight! I dont know your weight loss goals or how much you currently weigh, but this could be something. I would consider this for sure.
    If you know this isn't the case, don't lose hope! There are so many factors that effect weight loss it can't be just those two things effecting how much weight youre losing. Keep up on the diet; those sacrifices in the end are totally worth it. Always remember why you started! :)
  • Libby283
    Libby283 Posts: 288 Member
    What is "quitting" going to do.... Besides probably seeing you put the pound on, plus some?

    If you're new to exercise you could be retaining fluid, you could be heavier due to hormonal changes, you could have weighed on a heavy day, you could need a good poo, you could be eating more than you think....there are many reasons why you may not be showing lighter on the scale. Don't give up!

    Never underestimate the power of a "good poo".

    :D Right!
  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 245 Member
    There's no quick fix to losing weight! It takes time and dedication - after all you're making a life change.
    Sometimes the scale doesn't move but measurements do. The transition from fat to muscle. So it's not only about what happens on the scale. One view is that the scale should be banned in favour of how your clothes feel and what the tape measure says!
    It's taken me 3 years to lose 93lbs and I still have about 6-7lb to go.
  • bigmuneymfp
    bigmuneymfp Posts: 2,235 Member
    lorenelia wrote: »
    dakingmon wrote: »
    Wow! You have really been working at it, eh? Good for you! What kind of exercise have you been doing? It's possible you've been gaining muscle and losing fat, which would result in less weight loss but getting fitter. I've also read on these forums that water weight can be an issue when kicking off an exercise routine, but that it stabilizes eventually. I'm new here, so maybe some others have better insight to offer.

    I'm doing vinyasa yoga 3x week and elliptical 1x week. The days when I'm doing yoga I'm only discounting 200 calories for the workout (it's a pretty tough class, not just stretching and meditation)

    200 calories burned doing yoga? Not in my book
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    lorenelia wrote: »
    It just seems like I'm making a lot of sacrifices for this, not going out with friends, not enjoying dinners at restaurants and all for nothing. But thanks for the encouraging words...maybe I need to give it time. I did increase my workout by a lot...

    That's unfortunately the sad truth of losing and maintaining a healthy weight. I do go out with friends and (mostly) enjoy my restaurant meals, but I have to restrict myself more the rest of the week to make up for it... and I've learned to enjoy lower calorie options instead of 1700 calories of burger and fries (usually).

    The thing is though, if you were not doing what you're doing, you'd just be piling up more pounds down the road. So it's not for nothing. Even if the scale doesn't show it yet, you're getting healthier.