Weighing yourself

I have never ever weighed myself before, I am always scared of what the number might be! However last year I lost a lot of weight went down 2 dress sizes by using MFP and exercising 5x a week and felt loads better about myself I didn't weigh myself as people complained about doing really well not losing weight and getting disheartened and quitting, however I have recently got into a new relationship (6 months ago) and have gained 'happy fat' skipping the gym, eating out etc. I know I have put on weight and I am considering weighing myself to see how much I need to lose, however I am really scared of being devastated at the number.. is there any scales recommendations that give the most accurate results? Or should I just go to my local boots store?


  • LisaMoxon155
    LisaMoxon155 Posts: 257 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hello. Ok so u lost weight before and didnt weigh yourself but u lost 2 dress sizes. If u dont want to see the number on the scale dont stand on any.
    If you do i brought a set of digital ones as think ones in boots dont give 100% accurate reading as so many people stand on them. So if u got some at home,calibrated them ,then u should know ur true weight. (I weigh myself every sunday morni g)
    You could use your dress size measurement again. When ur clothes get looser youve lost weight
    Another option is
    Measure(using a tape measure) and do waist/hips/thigg measurements every 2 weeks

    I do all three . Sometimes i dont lose weight but ive lose inches in varies places
  • missmagnoliablossom
    missmagnoliablossom Posts: 240 Member
    The most accurate result on the scale is the one that you use consistently, in the same conditions. Buy a home scale and measure against the same conditions - i.e. early morning, on a Saturday, in your birthday suit, on the kitchen floor, etc.

    A good mindset to have is that whatever weight does come up, is your starting point. No matter what it says, you're jumping back on this wagon and you'll get to your goal.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    "Boots" store??
  • __Lora__
    __Lora__ Posts: 1,184 Member
    I love the Withings scale. It syncs to your smartphone. I've had mine a couple of years and it's great to be able to go back and see trends, how my weight has fluctuated.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Don't weigh yourself at boots.

    If you feel you're going to have such an extreme reaction to a number on the scale then really, don't weigh yourself!
  • BlueberryJoghurt
    BlueberryJoghurt Posts: 67 Member
    I think we got a really cheap no-name brand scale. Still works, doesnt need to be super hi-tech but ofc can be if that something that motivates you! (I shall not talk as falf my room is full of PC related stuff)

    Try not to be afraid of the scale, its just showing you whats there but that doesnt define you!
    For me the scale is the most important part of meassuring progress next to old clothing as I was stupid enough not to measure with tape.

    Which btw would also work, if you dont want to step on a scale, you dont have to! Take your current meassurements and then set a goal of where to lose some cm's and do work-outs targeting the muscles in the areas.
  • Charabz69
    Charabz69 Posts: 52 Member
    "Boots" store??

    Boots is the name of a Chemist/Pharmacy in the UK, like Walgreens?
  • Daddy78230
    Daddy78230 Posts: 125 Member
    If I were you I would avoid the scale and get back on track. I'm a daily weigher and tracker, but it's not an issue for me - I don't allow myself to get upset if I gained weight, or get overly positive with weight loss. I'll go back and look at trends over time and adjust from that point.
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    I say don't worry about what the scale says. Just try to stay active, eat healthy and just try to feel better about yourself. If you are happy with how you feel and how you look the scale shouldn't matter.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Don't let a number define you. It's just a piece of information. Why let something so meaningless by itself - a number, a quantity, a measurement - devastate you?
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I am a big fan of the Aria scale from FitBit. I weigh each morning when I wake and it send the weight and body fat % to FitBit app and syncs to MFP. Great graphs & trends and I don't have to log anything. I can go back to any day in the last two years and see what I weighed. The way I see it the more data the better. In the end its just a number and even though I am disappointed when it goes up I don't freak out about it. My record is after a four day bender in Chicago I gained 10 pounds. I gained so fast that my scale displayed "Welcome guest" and I had to re enter my weight manually.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Daddy78230 wrote: »
    If I were you I would avoid the scale and get back on track. I'm a daily weigher and tracker, but it's not an issue for me - I don't allow myself to get upset if I gained weight, or get overly positive with weight loss. I'll go back and look at trends over time and adjust from that point.

    ^^This. I also weigh daily and suggest you don't weigh yourself. You know what you did before, just go do it again.

    When you think you are "happy" with how you look (and I know we are never really "happy", maybe just less disgusted), then weigh yourself, get a scale, start weighing weekly with the focus on not letting the number crawl up again.