Let's be friends? 190 back to 230 pounds



  • Delaine1130
    Delaine1130 Posts: 54 Member
    I think we all lose motivation at some point but what matters is how u get up when u fall right! Add me! Also looking for motivation! I'm log my food all the time however this is the first time I interact with the community! My prep is for basic military training! What is your why???
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    I have done that restarting thing a lot.... even this last stretch where I have been more or less on the wagon, I have done some ping pong weight wise that is entirely dumb diet related, any of you are welcome to add me... strength in numbers
  • Tommygirl_Swag
    Tommygirl_Swag Posts: 65 Member
    @musicismylife2013, I am in the exact same boat as you. I was also at the same weight a year ago and maintaining the weight around 230, which fluctuates. Feel free to add me! I'd love to be a part of your support system!
  • eIIekay
    eIIekay Posts: 164 Member
    Hi Jordan, I came here a few years ago, got tired of logging and gave up. I continued to gain weight. I rejoined last July after hitting an all-time high at 250. I'm down 40 lbs. I have been hovering since about November (due to lack of motivation). At least this time I didn't quit and I've only gained about 3 lbs. I'm just getting back on track now.
    I love MFP because it is so black and white. Eat this much, lose this much. One bad meal doesn't have to be a whole bad day. I wish you the best! It's totally do-able. You are worth it!
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    i went from 285 to 225 to 265 and then down to 190 and remained a fit weight ever since (almost 4 years now).

    so since you've done it once you know you can do it again, it's just about consistency, you have to remain consistent with your eating and then any activity/lifting will supplement it. but it's 85% about your kitchen choices.
  • crowed1993
    crowed1993 Posts: 61 Member
    Add me!!
  • FaeryLove18
    FaeryLove18 Posts: 41 Member
    I here that and we're here to help keep each other motivated! :) let's not worry where we been and work on where we wanna be. We can all do it. Whatever goals we have, we can do it. Say it again... WE CAN DO IT! B):)

    ADD ME, I'm full of encouragement because I'm determined to lose this weight and adpot a healthier lifestyle too. One day at a time!
  • ConquerAndBloom
    ConquerAndBloom Posts: 94 Member
    Hey girl, I can always use motivation! I'll add you!
  • crowed1993
    crowed1993 Posts: 61 Member
    Add me :)