Giving Up Soda

Fai30 Posts: 20 Member
Im on about day 7 of giving up Soda....

I feel great minus these caffine withdrawl headaches Im getting :(

Did anyone else go through this...and how long did it last... I cant get rid of it.

And what I dont want is to resort to Advil everytime.... sad face.


  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 245 Member
    This is likely the withdrawal from 'carbs' aka sugar. Getting adequate quantities of electrolytes may help - magnesium, potassium and good old sodium. Along with plenty of water.
  • Fai30
    Fai30 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you ! Someone had suggested mag. Pills.
    Maybe il look into that !!
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 654 Member
    caffeine withdraw can be hell. I go through it when I go through my coffee phases. The headaches can be awful. For me, they don't usually last longer than a week.
  • ejmommy2014
    ejmommy2014 Posts: 6 Member
    Day 3 no soda thanks for the challenge
  • MarcMiller3
    MarcMiller3 Posts: 2 Member
    I quit all carbonated beverages on Dec 30, 2016. Around day 45, I starting drinking a Coke Zero. I couldn't even finish it! It tasted bad and I now really don't even want one at all. I had headaches, but they went away after about 10 days. Hang in there, it will go away.
  • TheChaoticBuffalo
    TheChaoticBuffalo Posts: 86 Member
    I went from 8 to 12 cans of Dr. Pepper a day to zero about three years ago. Took me a week and a half to two weeks to get over the headaches and lack of energy from the caffeine withdrawal, but it was worth it. I still have a Dr. Pepper about twice a year, but now they don't taste as good as they used to.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I gave up all sodas a while ago even though I never really drank a lot. When I gave up sweet iced tea I decided that I just don't need any manufactured beverage of any kind. I carry a Hydroflask with me and fill it with plain old water. Its easy and cheap. Now if I could only give up wine.
  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    Try drinking green tea. It's caffeinated and it aids in weight loss!