I am the heaviest I have ever been and I'm worried

Ever since graduating college and ending my football career, my weight has been increasing and my health has been decreasing. At nearly 400lbs I am the heaviest I have ever been. I am 6'6" and during my football days, I played at about 320lbs-340lbs now, I am currently about 390lbs, and it is scary. I'm joining myfitnesspal in attempt to become healthier. A recent visit to the doctor's office determined that my blood pressure is a little on the high side and I need to get it under control. I have rejoined my gym about two weeks ago and have been going at least 4 times a week to get back into it. I am nowhere near as strong as I used to be and my cardio is not what it once was, but it is a start. I have cut out pop and juice and have been a little more conscious of what, when, and how much I eat. I figured since diet is 90% of the battle for me ( I love working out) I should get more strict and start logging my meals and counting my calories. My goal is to lose anywhere between 70 and 100 lbs Fun fact, I have been in the professional wrestling business for about 2 years now and at my size, I really look the part, but I would love to lose some weight, then build more muscle to look even more like a professional wrestler! Thanks for welcoming me here! I cant wait to make some friends, have some discussions and lose some weight! Would love to hear some stories and get some motivation from you amazing people!
