People Who Comment On What You Eat



  • dudebro200
    dudebro200 Posts: 97 Member
    I have the same experience.

    Just keep your mind on the goal and chill
  • elaineamj
    elaineamj Posts: 347 Member
    My DH used to do it. And still does sometimes.He thinks he's being helpful. Of course, it just makes me rebellious and want to eat even more of whatever. He's been better since he started seeing me put forth serious effort in.

    Harder with annoying brothers though. Just stay firm in what you have chosen to do.
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    edited April 2017
    So this pretty much summarizes every conversation regarding food that my brother is involved in. Every time my mom texts us both, he gets toxic super quickly. He tries to establish his own credibility through commonly known ideas. He brags about his friend who is a personal trainer. And then he acts as annoying as possible to get a rise out of me. The dude is 21.


    Had to edit to cut a word out of one of the pictures ^^"
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member

    It's not easy to edit posts on my phone x_x
    But yeah. Any tips to simply get him to stop would be nice. If I ignore him sometimes he blows up my phone with repetitive nonsense.
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    kenzienal wrote: »
    Jirachii wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies, guys! I laughed at some of the responses, imagining a battle over the sour cream.

    I wouldn't say I'm suffering any abuse, it's just super annoying. My brother likes to push my buttons, and my step dad I think wishes he were healthier but is just not willing to try, even with 3 stints in his heart and diabetes. (He doesn't even watch what he eats for the diabetes, let alone weight loss.) When my mom loses weight, she usually hardly eats anything, or follows a fad diet with lots of treadmill exercise to fit in a corset for an event, and then she puts it all back on. Because I'm not doing that, I'm not doing what is thought of to be a "diet" in this household.

    My brother has let up a little bit since I started two months ago, but when he gets going, he just likes to hear himself sound smart by saying nutrients that he doesn't think I'm aware of, haha. (Like how could he have possibly known how much saturated fat I had in a day, and why does he get more than me?)

    I've personally started opting for ignoring them and waiting for the results to start to show. Kind of wish I could get my step dad on the bang wagon though. It's getting sad to see him like that.

    Everytime your brother goes on this rant of "diet perfection" knowledge he's attained, laugh hysterically. Laugh so hard you snort, and cry, and even walk out of the room to calm yourself back down like you have just heard the funniest joke of your life.

    If he keeps talking, keep laughing.

    "Why are you laughing?" "Because! I find it ridiculously hilarious you feel the need to harass me about MY diet!"

    Eventually, he's going to get tired of being laughed at.

    I love this idea but you should get on here and tell him you are going to share this with everyone so we can all laugh.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    edited April 2017
    The best "revenge" so to speak is to eat that sour cream and continue to lose weight. Who cares what he says what matters is you are reaching your goal eating the way you like to eat. That to me speaks volumes.

    My friends are begining to question my weight loss while eating pizza and hershey's kisses on occasion. I eat what they eat (not as much or often) so they are a little confused:).
  • BigBadVanna
    BigBadVanna Posts: 65 Member
    I'm sorry you're subjected to this. He sounds like a real pr!ck.
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    In this particular conversation, I originally declined food from chipotle and was asked why. Hence the answer about sodium. I am going to just not use the family chat anymore, but he still does this in person when I can't only respond to my mom.
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    I don't enjoy constant aggressively sarcastic remarks and spam if that's what you're insinuating.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,062 Member
    I know it's annoying to live with a brother. I get that, really...but those texts don't look annoying to me. It DOES work to drink more water when you have too much salt. It works to exercise too. Anyway, Chipotle has reasonably good wholesome food (although large portions) Why are you stressing over salt? I mean, a 19 YO shouldn't be needing to worry about salt. Do you have high blood pressure?

    I don't see how those texts are examples of him being a jerk. (?)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,062 Member
    ...and maybe he prefers white rice. Take turns. White this time, brown the next.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    I've been more active and watching my diet for close to three years now (down 30lbs) and I still get crap from my parents and my family. Very annoying, especially when I don't say anything about their poor choices. I eat what I want and they eat what they want.

    I just ignore it and keep doing my thing. If I let it really get under my skin, I wouldn't be where I am now. I, too, wish my habits would rub off on my parents. My mom keeps saying she wants to lose weight and "I need to watch my carbs," but she never wants to put in the work. She says, "I'll buy stuff for salads" or some other 'quick fix' thing but never does it.
  • Jirachii
    Jirachii Posts: 152 Member
    edited April 2017
    My mom mentioned the rice haha. "We" don't eat brown rice, I'm the only one in the house who eats brown rice. My mom ordered it tonight in her burrito bowl because I choose brown rice over white rice in my lunches, and she's been trying to copy some of my meal choices. The problem with the texts is that my brother then goes on to want to battle me about nutrition for the entire day afterwards. If I ever say ANYTHING regarding food he gets extremely toxic and aggressive, and I get to listen to what an expert he is because his friend is a personal trainer. He's the type to shout over you, not the type to accept that you might want to do something differently.

    Part of why I posted here is because I needed a way to vent without fueling him. My phone was spammed with toxic nonsense shortly after. (More lols in caps and whatnot directly to me instead of the group, more mocking me for trying and trying to give me advice about exercise when exercise was never mentioned.)
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Man, that sucks. I can understand maybe not wanting to be confrontational, but I'd be tempted to just stare in silent disgust for a beat and then ask "what's WRONG with you?" ;p
  • ent3rsandman
    ent3rsandman Posts: 170 Member
    edited April 2017
    Yeah, I agree with cmriverside on the sodium bit. You don't really need to worry about that unless you have pre-existing issues, as it has nothing to do with weight loss beyond water weight retention (iirc).

    Though I do think your brother's texts were a little obnoxious, he was right about drinking a lot of water to flush them out. That's one of the reasons that water poisoning is a thing - people end up drinking too much and flush out too many of their electrolytes (one of which is sodium).
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Jirachii wrote: »
    In this particular conversation, I originally declined food from chipotle and was asked why. Hence the answer about sodium. I am going to just not use the family chat anymore, but he still does this in person when I can't only respond to my mom.

    All you have to say is "because I don't want it"

    There is no need to ever explain your actions to anyone, stop giving him the opportunity.

    When someone tries to keep me from eating something I just eat it anyways, I tell them it's my body and I will eat what I want... I don't explain whether it fits in my diet or not, it absolutely none of their business. I don't feel guilty if I eat three thousand calories over my budget, because it's my body not anyone else's. Stop letting him get to you and don't bother trying to explain to them why or how or what.

    Let them believe you quit the diet or whatever it takes to get them off the back and stop letting them be privy to your personal information. The more you talk about it with them the more they are going to spew their personal opinions at you, so just do you.

    You are doing an amazing job and you are obviously doing the right and healthy thing so just don't let them bring you down, you should be super proud of yourself!
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    You can't control what your family does, says or thinks. You can only control how you react to it, and also how much information you provide to them about your diet. I would 100% stop telling them details about your diet. Why do they need to know anything? You can just say, "I want that taco without the sour cream" or whatever and not explain why you can or can't eat sour cream. If they mention your weight loss, say thanks, don't explain how you did it. If they don't say anything about your weight, don't worry about it. Just focus on you and get support elsewhere.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I get most of my meals from meal replacement powders like soylent. The peanut gallery never shuts up about it. Most people on fitness forums have something negative to say about it (like telling me what is or isn't sustainable in MY life), and most people in person look at you like you're nuts and tell you that you need to eat "real food".

    Meanwhile I've been getting most my meals mon-friday like this for over a year and seems perfectly healthy and sustainable for me. But people love to have opinions. I'm not known for my patience, so I just have to take a deep breath, bite my lip, and pretend I didn't hear it.