Injury: Losing Motivation

sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
Exactly a week ago from today I sprained my ankle while doing my favorite class, Body Combat, at the gym. We were running doing high knees and I landed wrong on my right foot, my ankle rolled under, I heard a crack, and that was it. The doctor told me it's 2-6 weeks until I can get back into my normal workout routine/training for the half marathon, and I'm going crazy!

This past week I was on crutches, had to walk with a brace, and couldn't drive. I still went to the gym everyday with my friend, and just did arms, abs, and conditioning. Once during the week I did a slow ride on the bike inside the gym for fifteen minutes and it was completely fine. Today, however, I went back to Body Combat again, but didn't do the leg tracks, just the arm tracks, and after my friend invited me to do a 30 min walk at the park. Plus, today was my second day back at driving. I work at a daycare part time since I'm a student and have a night class, and yesterday I was on my feet for six hours. Later on tonight, my ankle was swollen and it hurts to walk on. Needless to say, I feel like I'm back to square one, and all I did was walk and drive.

On average each week I burn a minimum of 3,000 calories and workout/condition everyday for an hour at minimum. I was surprised that last week I lost weight, regardless of not being able to do cardio, but I don' t want to lose my motivation this week. I don't want to chance hurting my ankle even more by doing cardio inside the gym, so I'm planning on swimming laps each day at the gym pool, and doing some conditioning at home, plus icing my ankle twice a day. I plan on continuing to wear the brace throughout the day and while driving, but don't want to have to go back to crutches. In a week from today, two weeks since the accident will have happened, I hope to be able to do Body Combat and start up again with the leg tracks, not just arms, as well as my half marathon training.

I'm sorry for ranting! I'm just going crazy because I'm a gym rat, I was doing so well with training, and I hate that just having a sprained ankle is causing all of this. It's my first injury as well. Do you have any good tips for helping to stay on track and not letting my ankle hold me back? I'm definitely not feeling good about it tonight. :(

Thanks! :)


  • JeanWalker109
    I'm very sorry for your situation. I certainly pray you have a speedy recovery, and in the meantime I hope you can find something that you can do to keep you occupied. Maybe workin' upper body or something. I'm not sure. I just feel for your situation.

    Here's to a speedy recovery! *cheers*

  • marcusisntfunny
    This may be a dumb response, but I've been lucky enough to not have been seriously hurt yet, so here goes:

    How about swimming? Do you have access to a pool? I realize it's not the same, but any cardio is better than none, amirite?
  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    The same thing JUST happened to me at Dance team practice!
    We were practicing our ballet, doing leaps, I fell, role on my ankle wrong, heard the crack and was like"awww ****"

    My coach made me sit out right away, but I said i was fine to keep dancing and I did. It's been three days And i'm nearly 100 percent, even tho the past two days since the injury I have been on my feet working out(alas my ankle IS a bit swollen thoD:). All you need to probably get it to good enough condition to be able to do some cardio, is take one day of really really good rest. No getting up, R.I.C.E all the way baby.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I'm sorry, I know how frustrating injuries can be - I was sidelined with some sort of calf injury last fall, just when I had started to get back into running after a summer off. I think the smartest thing to do is stay off that ankle and make sure you don't do anything to keep it from healing, because that will only prolong the time you are out. Swimming is going to be your best option, or see if you can do water running/jogging? Not sure if that would bother the ankle or not - if you can get one of those flotation belts and do it in the deep end it shouldn't put any pressure on your foot at all. If you have to do it in shallower water, I'm not sure. But that would be a great way to keep up your marathon training - there was some world-class marathoner who had an injury and that was all she could do before a big race, and she wound up winning or placing really well - I wish I could remember her name...
  • nanc94
    nanc94 Posts: 141 Member
    i know what you mean...i finally got my routine down and even started to run. then just a few days ago when i was running i rolled my ankle....i already have bad knees so the pain just shot up to my knee....i still tried walking and a little running few days after...but paid for it w/pain and swelling the rest of the day....

    im hoping that doing R.I.C.E will help this wknd so i can get back into it by monday....i dont want to take a wk or 2 off...i know what will happen...just like times before
  • 0112317
    0112317 Posts: 17
    Joan Benoit 1984 Marathon time trials for the Olympics. She had arthroscopic knee surgery 17 days before. Trained by hand pedaling a bicycle suspended above her. Won the the time trials and went on to win the first women's Olympic marathon three months later
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    You have a solid plan - don't quit now. You can also try advil before you exercise to help with inflammation and pain - it makes it a little harder to tell when you are doing too much though so be careful.
    Ankles are complicated and they have to support the weight of your entire body when you walk etc. so give it a rest :)
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Thanks so much, everyone!!! :D I'm going to swim laps today. :)