I need help or tips

So i am 265 not ideal and i want to get down under 200 but a main problem has been trying to keep my hunger down as well as the calories I've been able to eat a little less but always keep getting a little snack what would be a good way to supress the hunger or a heathier snack.
I also have a problem with drinking water i never really been a water drinking mainly soda and juice amd trying to change that whats a good way to get to drink more

Thanks in advance


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    You may have to play with the types of foods you are eating. Personally, I find protein and fats with veggies very filling, but others don't. As for the water, nothing wrong with adding some flavoring to it, like MIO or something, or switching to diet soda.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited April 2017
    Give us your stats and basics
    - height
    - current calorie goal
    - how long have you been dieting
    - are you losing or flat/gaining

    Without knowing your specifics I'd suggest you spend 1-2 weeks eating close to your maintenance level and focus on your meal planning and building some awareness on what works for you and what doesn't. You'll soon get into a rhythm and it's then much easier to reduce your calorie goal without feeling so hungry. Many newbies go from free eating to a severe diet, which is a sudden shock and increases feelings of hunger/torture.

    I plan on snacks and bring them with me. String cheese or babybel cheese rounds hit the spot with fat & protein, about 70 calories each. I also like some veggies as snack food, but they don't satiate me for as long.

    I get most of my water from coffee or weak tea. I use a 32oz mug that I refill multiple times in the day reusing the same tea bag, which still gives off enough flavor to make the water more interesting. I like sipping hot/warm water over cold water.
  • marcasrinde1599
    marcasrinde1599 Posts: 2 Member
    Oh my height ia 6 1
    calorie goal is 1800
    dieting for week and a half
    and Ive been losing for the most part
  • lindae5
    lindae5 Posts: 4 Member
    you could try eating the same thing everyday to your calorie goal, finding out just what you need to keep your self comfortable. then relax and forget about food eating only your daily menu.