I'm back and feeling good!

Ok so... about a year and a half ago I used this app and managed to lose about 28lbs in 3 months. Then christmas hit. And Ive just not got back into the stride since. I had bursts of motivation but nothing stuck.
I didnt gain weight though. Mega plus! Ive just been fluctuating around 190lbs. Not ideal. But at least Im still in onederland!
After a massively indulgent weekend (the boyfriends birthday) I felt disgusted with myself. I'm currently at 196lbs and can feel those 200s lurking around the corner.
Well... after the bad weekend, I have craved salads all week. Healthy food! Gimme gimme gimme. I neeeeed to get my *kitten* together. Ive stagnated for too long. Its time for me to kick butt again.
Im feeling great! There is nothing quite as exciting about feeling motivated and determined to reach a goal.

My goals you ask? I dont plan on burning myself out. 10lbs at a time. Diddy steps. If I lose another 28lbs this year I would be over the moon. My massive end game goal atm is 140lbs (subject to change).

Who wants to buddy up and help each other through this?!
