Injured, need alternative to bench press

Hello all, I hurt my right arm a couple months ago while reaching into the back seat to undo my daughter's car-seat belt. It hurt really bad and I wonder if I didn't tear something. I could barely raise it up any higher than shoulder height without feeling pain. I am not a pro body builder by any means but do have a bench and some weights in the basement that I used fairly regularly. A couple days after the injury, I tried doing some bench press and found it to be impossible with the pain. I could still do curls, pull-downs, rows, etc though, but the bench press was too much, even with reduced weight. Jump forward 2 months and I tried again yesterday because my arm has been feeling a lot better (yes, it took this long to not feel pain just taking off a t-shirt). I started really light at 100 lbs, but the press was still uncomfortable. I stopped after the set not wanting to re-injure myself. Long story short, any ideas I've missed on replacing the incline, flat and decline bench presses I was used to doing with something that won't hurt my arm? Thanks!


  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    If you don't have the insurance coverage to go to the doctor I'd simply suggest cutting the weight down a bit more, maybe even a lot more from where you are now and practicing quantity of reps. If your muscles are healing they may be stiff. You could also try some stretches, light amounts of push ups, even at an incline, to help get your muscle memory back to where it was. It does sound like you injured yourself, and you should most definitely let a professional take a look, but it isn't always a perfect world. There were many times in my life that I had insurance, but the copay's and coinsurance was so high I reserved use of it for my family members as much as possible and ignored my own needs. Back in those days I had a single income, a wife, and three children at home. They came first. So if you can consult a PT or a doctor please do, if not try less weight, more reps, work on the muscle groups that have not been used the last couple of months. It's not about getting back to the same weight you were pressing before quickly. It's about getting back to it at all.

    Just my .02.
  • CamaroZ28c
    CamaroZ28c Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the input guys, I know I should go to a doctor, but I'm on a high deductible plan and my 3yo daughter broke her arm this year (she's fine after only 3 weeks in a cast, wow they bounce back fast!) which took a major chunk out of my HSA. I'm in the same boat you were Spliner, I'm the sole breadwinner with a wife and two little girls. I just hoped that it would heal on it's own and that I could find an exercise that wouldn't aggravate it. Haha, I wish I was strong enough for one armed push ups! Thanks again!
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    CamaroZ28c wrote: »
    Thanks for the input guys, I know I should go to a doctor, but I'm on a high deductible plan and my 3yo daughter broke her arm this year (she's fine after only 3 weeks in a cast, wow they bounce back fast!) which took a major chunk out of my HSA. I'm in the same boat you were Spliner, I'm the sole breadwinner with a wife and two little girls. I just hoped that it would heal on it's own and that I could find an exercise that wouldn't aggravate it. Haha, I wish I was strong enough for one armed push ups! Thanks again!

    No problem. Then if I were you I'd let it heal longer if needed, and while that's happening work on your range of motion with stretches daily. Find yourself some 10 lb or 20lb free weights and lay on the bench and work on it. You'll get there.

    The only time I personally involve a doctor (I even have much better insurance now) is if the pain is too bad to stand or if I believe it's threatening my health seriously. The wife though, she comes first as always. Kids are grown, and are no longer on my plan so they obviously come before me if they need something still (monetary help), and always will. It's just a fact of life.
  • CamaroZ28c
    CamaroZ28c Posts: 6 Member
    Same here regarding my family, they come first. Great advice, thanks again!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Sounds like shoulder tendon tear. Tore all of mine in my right shoulder. Had surgery, 8 weeks til rehab, 4 months of rehab or PT. A year and a half before all pain was gone. Back where I was before. If its just a slight tear it could be 6 months before you can bench light.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,663 Member
    edited April 2017
    For chest? Flyes?

    I have had a shoulder injury for over two years. The shoulder is a complex joint, many things in there could be injured. Could be a torn rotator cuff, impingement, labrum tear, biceps tendonitis, AC joint separation, and so on and so forth.

    I have however found rotator cuff exercises like internal and external rotations with a band, cables, and dumbbells to reduce pain. That and facepulls, band pullaparts, overhead press (with very light weight), flyes, and front raises; lateral raises; rear laterals. Trap and scapular exercises also work in stablizing the joint.
    THIS. I jacked mine up doing a "seatbelt race" against my daughter and pulled so fast it stopped, but I kept the momentum going and my left shoulder popped. I'm rehabbing now with the above and it's getting better, but it's been a month now. I can still press and do laterals, but reaching back (like to put on a jacket) is still a bit uncomfortable. Luckily for me I'm experienced in this type of recovery and will eventually get back to full form, but I expect it will be 6 months. Till then, I would tell you just to do flyes. Cable flyes so the tension is consistent.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • Casey_3350
    Casey_3350 Posts: 17 Member
    I would stay away from free weights and move to a bands
  • caseyjames33
    caseyjames33 Posts: 27 Member
    I did the same thing a year or so ago. I was diagnosed with a frozen shoulder. They basically had to restructure my muscles though therapy. Hurt like a mother f'er. But 4 months later I was playing golf again. You should definitely get it checked out when you can.
    Good luck
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    I messed up my RC bad last year. Pretty much was limited to only band work. Light bands too. High volume. Took a couple months to get back to PR levels on bench. Started back up from the bar. Now I make sure to hit rear delts 3x wk. Feel better than ever now.

    I got the bands from EliteFTS.
  • CamaroZ28c
    CamaroZ28c Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone, great insights! Appreciate it!
  • ejsilvi
    ejsilvi Posts: 205 Member
    Get it looked at I tore my left bicep 3 years ago I weighted to long to get it fixed - I did get it fixed but the sooner the better! Don't mess around with it ! I did n the lifts will never be the same !