Starting over...yet again



  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    *raises hand* Ooo ooo pick me!! I would say I am on my 3rd or 4th try but I ain't trying this time I'm doing. I learned a lot from my last few attempts. It is important to find ways to make subtle changes to your diet and lifestyle that don't seem like you are changing anything. Like still have dessert if you want it just low calorie and on work out days so there is some extra calories to work with. Just little things like that make a huge difference.

    What is really helping me stick with it this time is I'm not doing it to lose weight, thinking of it as a bonus. I'm doing this to get healthy and feel healthy and have energy again and get off blood pressure medicine (I hope!).
  • PGMGO62
    PGMGO62 Posts: 9 Member
    What is the single most important lifestyle change you are working on?

    For me it is not eating after 8:30 pm. I've been working on it for fifteen days....I've done it for 13 out of 15...
    My goal is fifty days in a row. I once read that after fifty days a change begins to take root as a habit.
    I am currently on day 5.... five down....forty-five to go.......
  • jenturner06
    jenturner06 Posts: 10 Member
    I am looking for the same thing. Would love to add you, and others who commented.
    I'm 35, have 3 children (who are all teens so cant blame my weight on pregnancies) and am also starting over. Just started on Monday, and what a time to start with all my kids Easter candy in eye sight.
    My weight has gotten out of control. I have battled my whole life with my weight. The only time I lost a lot and quick was taking Rx, which I do not want to do again.
    Current weight is 253 and looking to get to my healthy for me 180. Friendly reminders of others working towards the same goal is always a plus! Good luck in your journey!
  • jenturner06
    jenturner06 Posts: 10 Member
    I also just realized I do not know how to add any of you as friends. Any help would be appreciated.
  • PGMGO62
    PGMGO62 Posts: 9 Member
    Six down.....forty-four to go....
  • HisLadyBug83
    HisLadyBug83 Posts: 11 Member
    This is my 2nd real attempt using MFP. The 1st time I lost about 35 lbs, but then I got pregnant. After having my baby I went back to my old habits and gained almost all of it back. I finally decided to do this again for real in March. As of today I have lost 19 lbs. Still have about 60ish lbs to go in order to be in a healthy weight range. I'm always open to new friends because support and motivation are so important, so feel free to add me. It's good to know that we are not alone on our journeys. Good luck everyone!!
  • sjaa71
    sjaa71 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm starting over too. My health is has suffered over the last few years with my blood pressure steadily on the rise and a few bouts of kidney stones. I would like to let go of 100 lbs and would love some support thanks
  • cmredding69
    cmredding69 Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi Jamie
    I too need to loose 100lbs I have done all kinds of diets and nothing has worked, let's re phrase that I've not pushed myself and let myself down, years and years of being overweight I moan and say this year will be different never happened then for some reason 2017 looks like the year on march 1st I decided gotta do this so I've lost 10lb since but put on a couple of pounds then lost them again then last week I thought I need to get over this barrier so started using MFP all I do is either log or scan what I eat and it's helping me ...started doing gentle exercise and ab crunches for now will work harder as I feel stronger as I went to a boot camp and on the 2nd visit hurt my knee and it's been playing up now for 3 weeks. and I'm determined this time so slowly but surely I think we can do this. Please anyone that wants to be part of a group to talk about are journey whether it be positive ness or just general that would be great... motivation and knowing your not on yr own will help us and make some friends along the way.. FB/Messenger ID. or MFP ID. Cmredding69
  • cmredding69
    cmredding69 Posts: 2 Member
    I also just realized I do not know how to add any of you as friends. Any help would be appreciated.
    Jen click on the persons ID then on the next screen click on ID again then an add button same a FB will come up you need to put your ID in as well on this page.... hope that helps
  • abigailbecker14
    abigailbecker14 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 21 and have been overweight my entire life.. one of my best friends is getting married this October and she asked me to be in her wedding.. I can't wait of course but it has made me realize that I need to start working for myself! I was dumped recently because I was "too big" so this is revenge on him and to make myself feel better about myself and be healthier! I have tried to start this journey many times and have failed but this time, I'm excited, I just need that little extra motivation from other people on this journey! Right now I weigh 240 and my ideal weight would be 150.. 90 lbs is a lot but here we go!!
  • PGMGO62
    PGMGO62 Posts: 9 Member
    9 down.....41 to go....
  • sandmill88
    sandmill88 Posts: 2 Member
    Me too. I want to lose 75 lbs. Weight loss is hard for me as I grew up eating anything I wanted and couldn't gain weight and now I'm 55 and have aches and pains so exercise is hard. I do walk and am slowly building back up to 10,000 steps a day but anything else is difficult.