Do you have a goal? I'm not talking about a number

I always set goals around a specific event or item. For me, a hard DATE that can't be changed is important to keep me on track and motivated. My short term goal is to look good in this one pair of jeans I own by May 26th. What is May 26? It's the Bottle Rock Music Festival in Napa. I want to feel good in my own skin and not be shy about showing my bare arms!

So, what's your short term goal?


  • strebor337
    strebor337 Posts: 168 Member
    I don't exactly have a hard date, but my big motivation is to be able to do a backpacking bow hunt with my daughter in the Rocky mountains this fall. Losing a little weight helps with that goal, but I too am more interested in just feeling good about myself (and not having a heart attack in the wilderness).
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    I want to lose enough off my belly, thighs and hips so that my bikini bottoms aren't squishing in this summer. I have 4 more weeks of school before summer break, so probably another 10 lbs should be all I need to get rid of. If the scale would start budging again! It's kind of about a number, but really it's more about the appearance. I want to look good in a swimming suit.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Get down to 125# by August 1st. I'm stopping at that date even if I'm not 125. I want more room when I gain so I stop jumping from normal to overweight BMI.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    Honestly I'd just like to date again, but as time goes on I care less and less. I don't have hard goals. I'd like to bring gold home from a TKD tournament, maybe next November. At this point I'm just having fun pushing myself to get fitter and all the crazy reactions I get from people after losing close to 130lbs. That drum beat of life.
  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    Qualify for Boston Marathon in 2 years. It'll take me from now until next year to even come close - most likely.

    I like setting mini goals, but I'm a numbers person ... so they are all numbers haha.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    I have cycling goals ... events on certain dates.

    Just successfully completed one of those goals this past Easter weekend.

    Cycled 500 km in 60 hours! :)

    Friday was a 300 km event (17 hours), Saturday we supported other riders doing the 300 km event and rested a bit, Sunday was a 200 km event (12 hours). Tired now!
  • bethpaige86
    bethpaige86 Posts: 23 Member
    I want to look better than my sister next time I go home to visit. I know it is shallow and mean to say, but I deeply want to show up at my mom's for whatever holiday/birthday is next and look better than my sister.
  • Cymrian2017
    Cymrian2017 Posts: 49 Member
    I want to get under 190. I put on some weight the last couple of years. In the process of taking it off. My ultimate goal would be 180 but I know from past experience as soon as I hit 190 I definitely notice a difference. Mentally and physically. More energy. Simply feel better.
  • nrbutton
    nrbutton Posts: 165 Member
    By August 7th I want to be down to 25% body fat for a tubal ligation reversal surgery, less risky and less expensive surgery, and for obvious advantages in trying to get pregnant afterwards. I'm at 37% body fat right now. I've lost 10% body fat in the last 2 months so I'm well on my way :)
  • Suzanuh
    Suzanuh Posts: 36 Member
    My goal is to be able to fit into all the summer clothes I actually like by mid June for vacation.
  • Amara411
    Amara411 Posts: 54 Member
    I'd like to hit the 150s by my birthday in July. I'd even settle for weighing 159lbs ... I've been stuck in one range for over a year now and I'm trying to change that
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    It's more wanting to be able to fit into shirts a friend of mine gave me before she passed away.
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    I have a bunch of vintage sewing patterns that I'd love to actually be able to use. Some of them I know will always be too small (I don't think I've had a 31" bust and 24" waist since 7th grade) but I have several that are a size 28 waist and I think that's a realistic goal for me.
  • denato1
    denato1 Posts: 54 Member
    Pullups, never in my lift have I done one. I will do them in a few months. I must
  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    Bikini ready by Memorial Day weekend, which for me is about more 10 lbs, but I want to lose 15 since there is a lot of uncontrolled eating and drinking on the weekends. Hopefully all the work I've done since January will have re-trained me to be mindful of what I am eating without conscious thought (works a bit already - I have 2 or 3 crackers and cheese and then focus on the veggie tray). Since I'm not 100% convinced that will work I am planning on eating at a deficit and working out hard during the week so I have some calories banked for the weekend. One saving grace is the shear amount of walking, swimming, and stairs that are involved with a weekend at the lake.
    After the summer is over I have to maintain or lose a little more since we are going to Mexico right after Thanksgiving.
  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    A pair of shorts I haven't been able to wear in a couple of years are sitting out as a reminder of my goal. I call them "My Ultimate Shorts." I most likely wouldn't ever wear them out because they are sooooo short. But I remember the day I couldn't zip them up and I died a little inside. I can zip them now, they are just tight. My goal is by my birthday, June 30. It will be a little present to myself.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Short term.. finish up this bulk in a week then cut for summer. Most likely I still won't fit into my nice bikinis (the tops) so I will have to buy new ones.
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    These are all awesome- I have a number goal for the year, but I bought a beautiful pink Ann Taylor dress at Goodwill ($5! Got to love it) that I can fit into but it is too tight at the moment. I would love to lose weight/inches enough to fit into it to wear it for work.