5'8" looking to lose 10+

kidsandheroes Posts: 6 Member
edited April 2017 in Motivation and Support
As the summer (and my wedding/honeymoon) quickly approach, I'm realizing I haven't gotten in shape as well as I would've liked these past couple months. I'm looking to follow people who have similar goals/workouts/interests/situations to mine who post often.

SW: 170
CW: 165
GW: 150
Height: 5'8"
Workouts that I like: lap swimming, tennis, running (kind of...I just started C25k again today!)

About me: I'm a 25 year old music teacher/band director who struggles to find time to get to the gym (mainly because I spend a ridiculous amount of time at work). I've been trying to lose weight and get in shape on and off for years (I lose, then I gain, then I lose again). My wedding is in July and while my gown totally fits, I'm looking to continue working on my arms, legs, belly to make sure I feel confident! I'm a huge fan of pizza and wine, like to spend time with my fiance and dog, and have ongoing issues with my ankles/knees that can make working out a bit of a challenge.

If you have similar goals or are in a similar situation, let's be MFP buddies!


  • LopezChakra
    LopezChakra Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'8, 175 looking to get down to 160! Adding you :)
  • xxtonixx87
    xxtonixx87 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey add me if you like I'm 5'6" looking to lose a stone
  • Becky_be_bold749
    Becky_be_bold749 Posts: 7 Member
    Add me! I'm 5'10" weigh 170lbs hoping to get down to the 155-160 lb range. I also love pizza and wine and getting married this summer
  • phinaleweisheit
    phinaleweisheit Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I am also trying to get in shape for wedding season, not my own though ;) I am 5'4", started at around 140 pounds and trying to get to 130. But mainly be healthier and more active. CW: 135p
    Adding you guys if it's ok!
  • FaileBashere
    FaileBashere Posts: 27 Member
    Similar goals here, I started working out in January because I'm getting married in May. I also had a hard time scheduling but I just had to make it a priority. Luckily there is a gym 5 minutes from me that has evening classes, so I would be able to sneak off there for just an hour after work. But just an hour makes a difference!!! I also started weighing my food, I cannot stress how much JUST WEIGHING FOOD ALONE HELPS. Trust me, buy a scale, and really count those calories. If you can't workout, that alone will work because a lot of food (I noticed while doing this) is mislabeled and you're actually eating more calories than you think. Try it out :) I've lost 3% body fat since January.
  • misskerimac
    misskerimac Posts: 10 Member
    Happy Friday!
    I too am 5'8" CW:162.8 (as of this morning) with a GW: 140(ideally!)

    I'm also a teacher so working out after school is a no-go. With kids and activities, afternoons are not mommy time but mom-chauffer-everyone-around time LOL So, my workouts consist of getting up at 4:45am working out so it's about me and what I want. So far, it's doing my body well. The biggest difference I notice is what I eat not how hard I workout.

    Currently, I'm part of an accountability group with BeachBody so I use the on demand workouts on my tv. Something of interest that you may want to look into because the types of exercises available are so diverse that you don't have to pound the pavement to see results. No, I don't buy into their shakeology philosophy, I just like the available exercises. (There are "cleaner" shakes-and holy crap cheaper-out there that do just as well).

    I have changed my eating habits drastically, clean, measured macro control daily food intake. I take the Sabbath literal and do no work (no working out nor counting calories). My cheat day to enjoy the richness of life! I'm not where I want to be so why would I cheat otherwise the rest of the week?

    Hope this is some insight if you want to add me as well. Good luck and congratulations!
  • TheCupcakeCounter
    TheCupcakeCounter Posts: 606 Member
    SW: 192 (although I was higher but my husband hid the scale so I couldn't update when I officially started so this was at my health screening in November and I estimate I was 4-5 lbs higher when I started trying to lose)
    CW: 169
    GW: 155

    Accountant, so I sit at a desk all day, and if I don't workout first thing in the morning (also known as 5 am) it doesn't happen. I adore swimming but don't get to do it nearly enough so I mostly use my treadmill and home gym setup (which is pretty good if I do say so myself).

    Look into kettle bell workouts. Great burn without a ton of impact in the knees/ankles.
  • cc480
    cc480 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there. Im 5'8'
    SW 190 1-2-2017
    CW 172
    GW 160
  • elizabethhilbert
    elizabethhilbert Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 5'8", SW 170, cw 154.6, goal weight 135-140. Added you! I lap swim also!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I am 42 yrs old.
    CW: 166 lbs
    GW: Eh... maybe 155ish lbs
    Truthfully, I would like to lose about 10 lbs. However, I'm more interested in seeing my muscles pop out more and my midsection get a little trimmer. I don't put tons of emotion into the scale, because I look better now at 166 lbs than I did at 153 lbs a year and a half ago.

    Just looking to improve upon what I've already worked hard on. :smiley: