Hello! Introductions and stuff :)


I've started on MFP properly this time to help keep on top of my calorie intake (and oh man it is a lot more than I thought) and will be buying a Fitbit next week to keep on top of my calories burnt.

Any tips of tricks for someone just starting out with trying to shift a junk food addiction and generally has a low-activity lifestyle parked at a desk for 8 hours a day will be gratefully received :)


  • lizComeBack2017
    lizComeBack2017 Posts: 6 Member
    I have a desk job as well and I take the long way to the restroom, jog/walk in place...I park far from work and walk etc!!! I use my fitbit and boy do I get in my 10,000 steps a day but making little changes and pushing myself. Log everything good and bad, and drink tons of water!!! You got this, wishing you nothing but success along your journey :)<3
  • lizComeBack2017
    lizComeBack2017 Posts: 6 Member
    I have a bad sweet tooth but I bunch on fiber one has brownies,lemon bars etc...Special k has bars with fruit/chocolate...nothing wrong with having something sweet just google and find healthier choices
  • SummertimeQueen
    SummertimeQueen Posts: 3 Member

    I get the train into work but I get off a stop early and walk the rest of the way and always take the stairs - currently using my iPhone Health App to monitor steps but it doesn't always pick them up so I figure something on my wrist is probably better!

    I'm trying to find healthy alternatives to my favourite fast food meals and want to start doing a meal plan but I can never stick to it!