Struggling to maintain routine

Hi! So I'm new here and i don't know if it's been brought up before but what helps you stay to the routine?

I have been trying this for 3 weeks so far, and while I was doing great with working out, eating well, staying up to date with my MFP enteries, this past week I have been struggling HARD.

For the last 3 days I have had candy everyday and absolutely broken my calorie intake limit and not gone to the gym. I am worried that I am gonna ruin my hard word in one week with this rebellion from myself, and I honestly don't know what to do to motivate myself.

I know I should remind myself about my goal, just suck it up and GO but ... it's ... just not happening.

I am tired and I feel like this is the biggest reason why I got as big as I did.


  • ejsilvi
    ejsilvi Posts: 205 Member
    U just got to start try 3 days a week working out more is not always better after 3weeks or so u will get into a grove then when u miss a workout u will know it - if u have a buddy to workout with it makes it easier cause when you don't want to go usually they do ...
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    What helps me stick to a routine, is having a routine I like. There's nothing to rebel against when I'm already doing what I want. I don't work hard, I work smart. I don't go to the gym, I move more on the daily. I don't base my success on motivation, but on sustainable habits and healthy attitudes. I don't have sweets at home, so I can't eat it. I don't struggle, I enjoy life.
  • SomyaAggarwal
    SomyaAggarwal Posts: 6 Member
    That's true and something I'll definitely keep in mind :)
  • momblue76
    momblue76 Posts: 1 Member
    One thing I would do is definitely don't give up after failed day or two or even week, try to wake up every morning with new mind set : Today is new day and I will try my best. Everybody fails some time but the important thing is to learn to get up and try again and again till it becomes new habit.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    For the first three weeks, did you cut out all the foods you love, like candy? Did that restriction cause the resulting 3 days of eating all the candy?

    If that's the case, adding a little candy (or whatever) into your diet regularly may help you stay on the right path for the long run.

    I have 200-300 calories of candy or ice cream every night. I would freak out and binge if I tried to completely cut them from my diet.