To eat or not to eat

Just wonderin what others are doing,, to lose weight,, do we not eat the calories burned through excercise. At the end of day , it says you may have 250 cals remaining,, which you may have earned excercise,to lose weight do we not eat them.cos I'm.not losing any>:( would like to hear what others have been doing , cheers


  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    Started this a year ago and I always ate my exercise calories. Maybe not all but most of them. Now not so much as I am on 2000 a day sometimes I go over that if I have burned a lot of cals on my morning walk/jog. I am more hungry these days and do eat or I feel horrilbe and lack energy if I do not. So I say eat them if you want espeically if you not losing any weight it could be your body needs more calories.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    see this as a lifestyle change not a diet. eat your exercise calories if you are generally hungry and try to make your calories each day. make sure to eat healthy wholesome foods. no junk. if you want something sweet. yogurt or fruit.
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    This question has been asked a lot on this forum and it seems that the general consensus from most is to find what works for you. Personally I do not eat mine back as a general rule as I have worked really hard to burn those calories off; I do not want to put them all back in my body.

    That being said if I have done a lot of exercise then I will eat some of them back as this is a change of lifestyle for me rather than a 'diet' and therefore if I am hungry I will eat; but just eat the right things. I will also use my exercise calories if I have a special event (wedding etc) rather than going up to my maintenance limit.

    BUT.....I know people in this forum who swear by needed to eat back them all else they won't loose weight and similarly those who never eat back any else they won't loose weight. Its about finding what works for you and your body. For me its somewhere in between.

    Good luck on your journey xx
  • JodieLBradbury
    JodieLBradbury Posts: 38 Member
    Eat your exercise calories if you're hungry. If you're not hungry then don't eat them. This is what I do and it works. I've lost almost 2 stone since January, lost 4lbs this week and some days I ate all my exercise calories and some days I didn't.

    There's no point eating them if you're not hungry.