Transition/maintenance changes

I'd posted earlier in an attempt to get some feedback from people as to how to transition from weight loss to maintenance, as I am close to said transition. After reading several comments, I wanted to bounce some thoughts and ideas off of people to see if my plan makes sense or looks like a good plan. I know its hard to tell until you attempt it, but I just want to see if this seems like a sensible plan.

1. Right now, my goal for weight loss 1400 net calories daily. I havent checked to see what it would be when I switch to "maintenance" as a goal in mfp, but my plan is to net around 1600 calories daily. I am 29 years old, 5'6, and will be 150-155lbs at maintenance.
2. So I will not be changing my caloric intake drastically, but I think I will change my caloric composition. Right now, Im drinking two scoops of whey protein daily, and protein accounts for ~50% of my diet. I'd like to nix the shakes, at least on a daily basis, and maybe lower my protein intake to about 30% of my calories. Ideally, each of my macros would constitute 33% of my caloric intake.
3. In terms of working out, right now I am at the gym 6 days a week, 3x HIIT and 3x strength training and steady state cardio. In maintence, I want to continue this trend. The difference would be that for my intrevals, I up the intensity every ~2 weeks ish as the workouts become easier. I think I can maintain at the same level moving forward, at least for more than two weeks if not always

What do people think? Does this make sense?


  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Sounds reasonable to me. 1600 net sounds on the low side to me for maintenance calories given your stats, but give it a shot and see what happens weight-wise at that intake level and you can always adjust as necessary.
  • Wizeman22
    Wizeman22 Posts: 552 Member
    How is everyone doing today! It has been a while since I showed my face in MFP. I have been busy with my fitness journey and trying to use my body as an inspiration to other people. I would love for us to take this journey together and hopefully we can become an international inspiration. Add me if you want to take this journey together, if not good luck on your fitness journey.
  • jacobsl221
    jacobsl221 Posts: 75 Member
    I guess you have to work at what the maintenance is. I had been losing steadily at 850 cal a day, but now that I am about 1100 I have been the same weight for two weeks. Your metabolism may have changed. I think mine accommodated to the lower intake. Don't give up. The important thing is not to regain the weight.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Couple points started at 288 pounds my current weight is 208. It took me approximately 8 months to lose the weight and I've been maintaining for 8 months in the 208 area. When I went into maintenance I was around 2:20. I have my calories still working out and I totally screwed maintenance up I lost another 12 pounds.

    You can set yourself goals as far as what you wanted to it maintenance but it's a learning process as everybody's going to react differently depending on your body genetics and it sounds like you do some intense workouts. It sounds like you want to lift weights and go through a recomposition at some point so you really need to keep your protein levels at about .8 to1 gram per pound. That seems to be the general consensus.

    Like I said you really need to do some more research as far as maintenance. You have to reassess your goals on a monthly basis as far as what you're eating and what's happening with your body. You'll be surprised you may need to eat a lot more calories than you think depending on your activity level and if you want to build muscle and tone you're going to have to eat more then your maintenance wait. My suggestion to you is look at the posts as far as recomposition