Google fit calorie adjustments

Hello everyone,
On MFP, my calorie burn estimate is set using sedentary (i have a desk job). However, i walk a lot and average 10K steps a day, sometimes more. My calorie adjustment from google fit on MFP is always in the 1000 calories. Is that correct? It seems quite high to me? Any answer is appreciated.


  • SparkleBunny_93
    SparkleBunny_93 Posts: 9 Member
    Following this post... I don't quite understand if mine is working right either...
  • annacole94
    annacole94 Posts: 997 Member
    I find the calorie adjustments from steps to be pretty accurate. You can double check by using another calculator, like this:
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    10k steps is not Sedentary and is why you are seeing such a large adjustment.
  • thistimeisthelast509
    That's what I'm trying to figure out. I have quite a lot of weight to lose, so I'm set to lose 2lbs a week for now and I eat 1700 cal a day + 50% exercise cal back.
  • jelleigh
    jelleigh Posts: 743 Member
    Im following this post as well. I don't quite understand how the goggle fit calorie estimation works - mine looks high as well (although it seems to UNDERtrack my steps??)
  • SparkleBunny_93
    SparkleBunny_93 Posts: 9 Member
    jelleigh wrote: »
    Im following this post as well. I don't quite understand how the goggle fit calorie estimation works - mine looks high as well (although it seems to UNDERtrack my steps??)

    See I seem to be having the opposite problem. Googlefit overtracks mine.
    I've got a Bellabeat Leaf, and the app is lovely but doesn't sync here, so Googlefit is the middle man to get it all to sync.
    Hello everyone,
    On MFP, my calorie burn estimate is set using sedentary (i have a desk job). However, i walk a lot and average 10K steps a day, sometimes more. My calorie adjustment from google fit on MFP is always in the 1000 calories. Is that correct? It seems quite high to me? Any answer is appreciated.

    I've just had a thought, did you choose sedentary, based solely on your job? Is it one of those where you spend long period sitting down and then do lots of steps over a short period of time?
    Maybe change the setting to lightly active, because steps wise your body is used to exercise, so should be active, but then if your at a desk (?) for long hours, then I'd pick the lightly active to include that time.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm seeing very high calorie adjustment too. Which is totally wrong as I used to have a fitbit and know differently. The way the googlefit app syncs on mfp is extremely inflated or downright wrong!

    I even tried changing my settings and it still gave me too many calories.

    I'm going to unsync both apps because if I was to eat the cals given I know I'd gain!
    (I know from data/experience my TDEE is 1800-1900 yet if I was to listen to MFP when it syncs with googlefit it would tell me I could eat 2100.)