hello from Alabama

dmjinx Posts: 45 Member
Well lately I have been slacking (if can you call a month slacking) now I am finding it hard to get back on track... but this is my day to get control back wish me luck!!


  • MalDunc2012
    MalDunc2012 Posts: 170 Member
    I'm with you on this!
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    Hi there,
    You can do this, just remember all the reasons that you
    wanted to do it in the first place :wink: Look at that Month
    as in the past it's behind you, look forward now that's
    where your future and the new leaner you awaits!

    I wish you much success on this journey we're taking. :flowerforyou:

    Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • ebramlett
    ebramlett Posts: 306 Member
    You can do it!!!!
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    You can do it!!!! **makes room on the wagon for you** Hop on!!!!
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I know what you're saying. Sometimes you just feel less than inspired and you seem to "slack"... you're back on track though and that's what counts!

    I have cousins in Huntsville area... are you near there?
  • HankFit247
    HankFit247 Posts: 139

    We're all here to provide assistance and support. Just let me know how I can be of personal assistance.

  • dmjinx
    dmjinx Posts: 45 Member
    thanks for your encouragement, your right time to move forward we got this!!
  • dmjinx
    dmjinx Posts: 45 Member
    so right look out I'm back!!!
  • dmjinx
    dmjinx Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks, you are right here I go again fresh and inspired, and yes I am very close to Huntsville. Heres to our journey, best of luck to both of us.
  • Welcome back!! Can you believe the wagon now has cushioned seats! haha! :)

    You can Do this!!!!!!!! :) Love you mom :)
  • azuremiste
    azuremiste Posts: 46 Member
    Welcome back! I'm from Alabama also. Feel free to add me as a friend. Best of luck to you!
  • dmjinx
    dmjinx Posts: 45 Member
    Love you ou too, thanks for staying on me babe, you are a real inspiration.
  • GurleyGurl
    GurleyGurl Posts: 14 Member
    I find myself slacking on occasion. But thankfully I have great supportive friends & family. I'm close to the Huntsville area also (Toney). Feel free to friend me on here. Good luck getting back on track. You can do it! :smile: