HCG - What I don't understand

I've been reading up on HCG this morning as I kept seeing it mentioned and had never heard of it before coming here (and this is coming from someone who thought she knew every diet under the sun!). However, what I don't understand is if it works so well and is safe etc as they say then why aren't doctors everywhere prescribing it for their overweight patients? Surely that's a darn sight better than surgery? To me it just doesn't add up. I'm not thinking of doing it because I know I couldn't survive on 500 calories a day as I have a job where I need to be active, besides I don't think i'd be happy taking something unregulated in the UK. I am interested to know if there are people here who have done HCG and had bad side effects, because all I ever see are the positives from those who have done it, and the neigh sayers don't seem to have done (not that I am saying they are wrong, I am just interested in some feedback). Also, doesn't your body go into starvation mode after you stop the drops and start eating normally? Wouldn't you just gain all the weight back?


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I think it couldn't be prescribed much because of the low calories. People have to be very dedicated to starve like that!
  • laureneva15
    laureneva15 Posts: 280
    what does the HCG stand for?
  • Lefriedline
    Lefriedline Posts: 61 Member
    Interested to see what people say. I agree with you that I just feel like even if you do the diet properly you will gain weight back after returning to a proper diet. I don't feel that this could be healthy by any means. I think everyone knows deep down that a healthy diet (of enough but not too much calories and nutrients) and exercise is the way to do it the right way. It's just science :)
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    what does the HCG stand for?

    Human chorionic gonadotropin

    It's a hormone which is created naturally during pregnancy.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    It has nothing to do with being "dedicated" to starve yourself.

    It takes dedication to eat the recommended amount, make healthy choices & work out daily.

    It doesn't take dedication to starve.

    Educate yourself. HCG is unsafe.
  • Lefriedline
    Lefriedline Posts: 61 Member
    It has nothing to do with being "dedicated" to starve yourself.

    It takes dedication to eat the recommended amount, make healthy choices & work out daily.

    It doesn't take dedication to starve.

    Educate yourself. HCG is unsafe.

    Perfect way to put it!
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member

    Educate yourself.

    That's what I'm trying to do! Everything is so biased!
  • ChrisWag
    ChrisWag Posts: 169
    To answer your questions....doctors all over in major cities are opening clinics to prescribe it. There is much debate over this tho. Dr Oz did a show about it even.

    it does work, and well and quickly, however like any other diet, if you don't change your lifestyle forever the weight will come back.

    As far as the active job, I have known several who have done it, one of whom was a full time server is a busy night club/restaurant, and all she did to conpemsate for the activity was eat alittle more, like extra protein. She never felt weak or tired or hungry. She lost 31lbs in 40 days.

    While I cannot say if it is healthy or not, it does work, and if you are willing to change forever how you eat, it is a quick way to lose the inches and fat.

    My step-dad's cariologist in FL actually opened a clinic. My step dad used HCG for 2 rounds. He was an insulin Diabetic at almost 300lbs and took 2 other meds as well. He is now only taking the 1 time released pill a day, and is about 220lbs. He was under doc supervision the whole time. It was very PRICEY as it is usually is thru a clinic, which is why many perfer the drops or to obtain it themselves. many clinics are charging about $1000/40 day round.

    I've done much research on this subject since I knew people who did it.....Hope that helped alittle :)

  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I myself have not done it,but I know several people in real life that have and they have all but one succsesfully kept the weight off. They also seemed fine the whole time they were doing it.
    Personally I have no feelings about it,I am neither for it or against it. I just felt like why should I pay a bunch of money for something I could do for free.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    It has nothing to do with being "dedicated" to starve yourself.

    It takes dedication to eat the recommended amount, make healthy choices & work out daily.

    It doesn't take dedication to starve.

    Educate yourself. HCG is unsafe.
    I wasn't trying to make it sound safe at all. Yes, eating the recommend amount and making healthy choices takes a lot of dedication
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    As far as I understand, people eat 500 calories/day and inject themselves with HCG and/or take something orally.

    We know for a fact that eating that little is not safe. Period. And I -personally- wouldn't mess with hormones. I have enough issues as it is with my thyroid! What's more, just because we don't yet know if they have long term adverse effects, it doesn't mean they don't exist. I wouldn't choose to use the only body I have as a lab rat, honestly.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    The fact that it is derived from the urine of pregnant females is enough to deter me.
  • DinaHCG
    DinaHCG Posts: 11
    I live in Arizona our hospital here has a weight loss clinic. They do HCG there.
  • I am doing the HCG diet and have successfully lost 70 lbs without starving or side effects...
    the HCG curbs your appetite. (sorry for spelling errors, have dyslexia)
    The benefits of the HCG diet over other diets, is you loose your bad fat only, and are able to keep your good fat.
    I don't recommend anyone going on it until they are completely informed, because if you don't know what you are doing, it will not work.
    If you are highly active, and not willing to give up activity for about a month, this diet is not for you.
  • lizmaebar
    lizmaebar Posts: 97
    I have no experience with it, but I saw them talking about it on the show "the Doctors." It doesn't look like a good thing to do. check it out > http://www.thedoctorstv.com/videolib/init/4451
  • Also, I am going through a weight loss clinic for this diet...
  • ChrisWag
    ChrisWag Posts: 169
    I myself have not done it,but I know several people in real life that have and they have all but one succsesfully kept the weight off. They also seemed fine the whole time they were doing it.
    Personally I have no feelings about it,I am neither for it or against it. I just felt like why should I pay a bunch of money for something I could do for free.

    All the ones I know who did it except 2 kept it off as well, they changed their eating habot and developed healthy lifestyles. Its not a cure, it is the key to opening the door and giving them the motivation to stay healthy. The hardest part is losing the weight, most who do keep it off, HCG makes it easier to lose it, so then once they get there, it is up to a healthy life to keep it off... like any other diet...and yes, most of them who keep it off follow a low carb life...
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    I just finished my first complete round (3 days loading, 37 days low calorie, 6 weeks adding food variety and calories). I've maintained my average weight 1 pound below my total loss from the VLCD (days) eating a normal, healthy diet and exercising for the past 6 weeks. Yes, 6 weeks is just six weeks but I have changes my whole attitude about food and what satisfies me.

    You can read my blog entry to understand what prompted my decision and my diary is open for viewing. I've not been tracking calories during most of the maintenance period since the point is to eat and exercise and watch the scale for clues about what you are doing right and wrong. VLCD started around 1 May and maintenenance around 6 June--I logged the first 10 days of maintenance to ensure I was getting up to the right number of calories and then I went on vacation...then I felt comfortable about making the right decisions.

    A VLCD is acutally not all that uncommon in the treatment of obesity--it is usually combined with appetite suppressants to make it tolerable.

    Here are the three potential side effects that I considered the most when making my decision:

    Gall Bladder Problems: More common in those that were already heavy and likely already had undiagnosed GB disease. The GB needs a certain amount of fat to operate properly. The 37 days with very low fat intake can exacerbate existing stones or cause their formation. This is a COMMON problem in all heavy people who make drastic changes to their diet....not particular to HCG. I've suffered for years with biliary colic--thin and thick--so I wasn't surprised when I had a couple of attacks. I fully suspect that my GB will be removed at sometime in the future.

    Pulmonary Arryhtmias: can be imbalance electrolytes; again, also a risk with any heavy person who makes drastic changes to their diet; I had and EKG before starting and have always had excellent blood pressure so this wasn't such an issue to me

    Rhabdomyolysis: release of muscle fibers into the bloodstream and can cause muscle damage; main reason that strenuous exercise is not recommended during VLCD without compensating for the exertion with extra calories; this also can be caused during crush injuries

    I lost a bit over 30 pounds and 4 inches off my waist. I am not so many pounds away from getting rid of my CPAP machine. My cholesteral (which I worked for a year to get in a healthy range) dropped another 22 points--57 points total in the last year. I am in the loading phase of Round 2....VLCD starts on Tuesday.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    bump for later
  • Ultima_Morpha
    Ultima_Morpha Posts: 895 Member
    Do you research the origin of every drug that you might be prescribed? Interesting article that just scratches the surface.


    HCG can also be synthesized in a lab.

    The fact that it is derived from the urine of pregnant females is enough to deter me.
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