How did you eat as a child?



  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member

    Breakfast: Cereal with milk and toast with butter. Weekends: bacon and eggs or pancakes and sausage
    Lunch: Sandwich, fruit, cookies. Always.
    Dinner: Meat, potato/rice, green veggies, green salad.
    Mom and Dad's date night: TV dinner or Mac and Cheese or Campbell's Soup and Grilled Cheese

    Hamburgers, Pizza and Donuts were rare.

    In the 1970's, Mom stopped making fried chicken, or anything fried. And no more gravy :( Tab and Diet Iced Tea replaced milk :(

    Thanks for inspiring the trip down memory lane!!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    The earliest I remember, mom served burned pancakes every day. Later years I'd get up early to have my dad fix bacon, over easy eggs and toast with coffee before he left early for work. Somewhere in there also I ate a lot of Frosted Flakes with milk.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    edited April 2017
    60s and 70s
    Parents had a little farm so sometimes we ate our own meat from the freezer: pork, beef, sometimes chicken, and lots of eggs.
    We had home picked strawberries and grapes and blackberries and watermelon in the summer.
    Also home grown zucchini, tomatoes, asparagus, pumpkin, black eyed peas, blackberries, and cantelope and . . . . .We froze lots to eat in the winter
    Father was away in the military 75% of the time.
    Mother was home.
    Breakfast: cold cereal & milk & toast Sometimes oatmeal or pancakes or eggs.
    Lunch carried to school: Sandwich with fruit. Sometimes peanut butter and jelly, sometimes bacon sandwich
    Snacks after school: homemade cookies or cake or fruit. Kool aid. Some milk.

    My siblings were involved in sports by middle school so they were thin.
    When we were twelve or thirteen, sister and I took over some of the cooking jobs: baked chicken, baked potatoes, big salads, homemade pizza, . . . sometimes desserts like store bought ice creams or home made baked goods. I put on weight when I left home for college.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    edited April 2017
    Wow I find this very interesting to see how the meal have evolved over the years. Growing up I was very thin (only gained when I went away to college), but never ate very healthy. Very nutrient poor meals lol.

    Breakfast was a cream cheese filled giant donut or giant cinnamon roll with cream cheese frosting or waffles with powdered sugar/canned strawberry sauce, or sugary cereal and milk with a small carton of OJ

    Lunch was usually pb&J with a hoho/snack cake, water, canned fruit cup or sliced apples, bag of chips, and pack of gummies (my favorite were scooby do or gushers)

    Snack when I got home was usually poptart/more chips/corn dogs/gummy fruit snacks of some kind, sometimes the ice cream man would come by so I would have ice cream

    Dinner was usually tacos or spaghetti or 13 chicken nuggets (I liked a specific number) or a whole dinner plate of french fries or pizza or chili. Mom usually made me eat some baby carrots as my veg. I never grew up eating the "starch meat veg" family dinners. Never ate plain chunks of meat, veg and potato as a kid. Very interesting to see how most born before the 90s had this staple dinner.

    Snack before bed was usually ice cream sundae or poptarts or cheese/crackers or pita bread with peanut butter

    I ate like crap but was always very thin until after puberty it started to catch up with me.
  • WanderingRivers
    WanderingRivers Posts: 612 Member
    We were pretty bad off so it was a lot of stuff out of a box, beans and rice, ground turkey (it was cheap back I. the day), and times when we just didn't have enough so we'd head to bed hungry.
  • quebot
    quebot Posts: 99 Member
    edited April 2017
    I was not overweight until I had my 3rd child, and after my 4th, I was doomed. I was a latch-key kid as a child and my brother fed me most dinners. I hardly ever ate breakfast, but if I did, it was cold cereal. Usually corn flakes or rice crispies. I ate whatever was served at school. Dinners were usually fish sticks and french fries, frozen pizza, or grilled cheese. Sometimes he made spaghetti. I hardly ever snacked. But I do remember having cheese and crackers or pnut butter crackers sometimes.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    edited April 2017
    Just curious about what you were typically fed as a child and we're you over weight back then.

    For me this was in the US in the 1960's, a family of four: stay at home mom, my dad worked days so was home in the evening and I had a younger sister.

    Breakfast was cold cereal with banana and milk in the summer, or oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar and milk in the winter.

    Lunch was either a peanut butter and jelly or a bologna sandwich with an apple. (In my Three Stooges lunchbox on school days.). Milk to drink. Always whole milk.

    After school was a snack to tide us over until Daddy got home of one cookie and a little milk. Don't want to spoil you supper!

    Supper would vary much more than the other meals, but typically included a meat, a cooked vegetable, potatoes or rice and a salad. Milk or water to drink. Not usually a dessert, but if we had one it was something like canned fruit and a cookie. My dad insisted that we clean our plates (never a problem for me but a constant battle for my sister who hated vegetables and still does to this day), but I learned that if I ate too quickly, he would pile more food on whether I wanted it or not and he would insist that I eat all of that as well.

    Both my sister and I were skinny little kids, but as was typical in that era, we were sent outside to play after school and on weekend mornings and not allowed back in the house until we were called in for a meal or if there was bad weather.

    I still have this way of eating in my head as the model for good health.

    Ditto both for the era and the menu. Occasionally an egg salad sandwich. More tuna-salad than bologna sandwiches in my mom's repertoire. Vitamin D milk (which was new at the time). Iodized salt. No afternoon snack.

    If you wanted to go somewhere you either walked or rode your bike. Mom was not a taxi service. As a consequence my grade-school world was a little over a mile across, bounded at its edges by major roads with speed limits over 30 mph. Within that world was a 7-11 at the far edge next to an antiques (junk) store, and a creek with its easement, the elementary school half a mile away, a swath of orchard, a railroad with its easement. The rest was suburb. It was a daring adventure to follow roughly a mile along the 35 mph road at the edge of my 'turf' to go to the major grocery store (Safeway), which was not only a mile trek but required crossing the fast road and walking an additional ~2 blocks to reach it.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited April 2017
    Everything was healthy, healthy, healthy when i was a kid. I used to get teased at school for having my pumpernickel bread with ham and bean sprouts, all i ever wanted was a damn peanut butter sandwich lol My mum used to make us fruit and veggie smoothies all the time, and there were veggies at every meal (She still loads me up on them when i visit her).
    We had take away maybe once a month, we could have dessert if we wanted, but i can't remember ever having it unless guests were over for dinner..
    We could spend our pocket money at the shop on the way home from school if we wanted on whatever we wanted. So it wasn't a strict only healthy food thing, but the vast majority of our meals were healthy and home cooked, no ready meals or anything like that.

    My mum worked full time, did all the grocery shopping and cooking. I have apologised to her a hundred times over the years for not helping her more. She was/is certainly wonder woman in my eyes :heart:

    ETA: None of us were ever overweight. We all played a lot of sport too.
  • emilylittle5494
    emilylittle5494 Posts: 29 Member
    When I was in Primary school we used to have wheatbix for breakfast, with sugar and whole milk. Milk as a drink. Our school lunches were usually a piece of cake or a biscuit, a piece of fruit, and either a jam sandwich, or a ham sandwich with lots of tomato sauce and margarine. Afternoon tea was usually custard and some kind of pudding. Mum used to cook sausages and vegetables, rissoles and vegetables, meatloaf and vegetables or Bolognaisse for tea usually. We were usually made to eat everything on our plate, even if we were full, so it didn't get wasted. Meanwhile, my mother wouldnt eat the food she had cooked. She was always on a diet. Cabbage soup,diet, cottage cheese diet, Atkins diet, blood type diet, weight watchers etc etc.

    I didn't eat alot when I was very young, so,I wasn't an overweight child. It wasn't until grade 6 or 7 I started to gain weight and got a bit chubby. When I entered highschool I was unhappy with my weight. Ended up researching how to lose weight and that was when my eating disorders also developed. I was diagnosed with anorexia and bulimia, after hiding it for a long time. Since then, I have always struggled with my weight, going through periods of restriction, bingeing or overeating.
  • ja20102004
    ja20102004 Posts: 349 Member
    I was fed pretty good. Mac and cheese, milk, hamburgers, hotdogs, veggies. My mom made a lot of homemade stuff. I didn't start getting over weight til around my 20's especially after my 5 pregnancies. Plus with depression with losing 2 of my daughters in the hospital due to being preemies.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Mostly Croatian foods such as sarma, pasul, fileki, paprikas, gulas, kisela juha, zgance, kobasice, burek, cevape, mlinci, krpice, and many other dishes as well as roast meats with potato and salad made with lettuce dressed with oil and vinegar. A few sweets, too, smoked meats and cheeses, breads. I only started gaining weight after puberty.

    For snacks there would be oil popped popcorn, pretzels, dried meats, grapes and various fruits.
  • whatlunasaid
    whatlunasaid Posts: 173 Member
    edited April 2017
    I grew up eating everything. My parents have always been big on dining out, and my stepfather is Vietnamese, so we were always out at Asian restaurants, and brought a lot of snacks home from Asian markets. There was tex-mex food and regular fast food occasionally. Family dinners at home usually involved grilled meat and seafood, lots of fresh fruit and veggies, and rice or potatoes. (My favorite memory is opening up fresh young coconuts with an old meat cleaver.) We also ate crusty breads, cheese, cured meats, rich pastries, and wine. I experimented with cooking a lot, and often cooked for the whole family starting at age 12. Lots of roasted chicken, stir fries, sauteed veggies, and pasta. I was also big on smoothies (and milkshakes, haha). Blessedly, my mother didn't keep soda, sugary cereals, or candy around the house. But I knew how to bake sweets, so I knew if I wanted desserts I could have them.

    I took an interest in nutrition at a young age. It was hard to reconcile that with the fact that my family would spend entire weekends just gorging on international cuisine. But I was lucky that most of it was reasonably nutritious, even though we were eating too much of it.

    Edit: Also lots of Mediterranean and Persian foods, come to think of it. Hawaiian foods when my brother got married, since his wife's mother is from Hawaii. Did I mention I ate everything??
  • samasam799
    samasam799 Posts: 23 Member
    When I was a kid I wasn't a big eater. But I was a picky eater I didn't like any veggies sep corn. I ate what ever there was i had healthy or unhealthy food. I was very skinny and i left high school my appite change and now im a big eater and of course my weight went up
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I could care less about food as a kid, sent me to school and I didn't eat lunch, not breakfast either, ate snack when I got home and some dinner, Mom was a good cook. I just didn't get into food as a child, I was into having fun, being active, loved outside playing. No fast foods back there but maybe 1 Kenny Burger. Yep, fast food was probably my downfall later now I think about it. I was skinny until 16.

    Things changed for some reason, my metabolism, growing up stress, boys, peer pressure. I turned to food about 16 years old and now 63 and same struggle. My Mom used prescription drugs a lot. I turned to food. She seem to fall apart all the time and always took pills. This made me nervous. She is 90 and still going and lives in so much drama, still drives me crazy. She has a 63 year old caretaker she calls her boyfriend and 2 other caretakers that I am sure she drives nuts, amazing what they will do for her for money. Anyway when life gets hard I want to eat, I guess I need to go play more like I did when I was a child.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    cut out drinking my calories, not worth it
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    I ate more or less like OP, except my father was never so cruel as to force-feed us if we happened to finish sooner than the rest of the table. Not that ever did. I was an extremely picky eater and disliked anything with the wrong texture or too strong a flavor I didn't favor.

    We sometimes had soda, but only for an occasional treat and never with dinner unless it was a party of some kind, like a barbecue with the extended family. Snacks were also available in limited quantities: Fritos were my favorite. Candy almost never. If I wanted any, I had to find some money and then walk or ride my bike a mile each way to the nearest general store. (And after it closed, it was 3 miles to the next nearest one.)

    For most of my elementary school career, I was underweight for my height according to the growth charts of the time.
  • amandaeve
    amandaeve Posts: 723 Member
    Grew up in the 80's in Oregon. My family has a history of heart disease, so we avoided red meat, eggs, salt, and high fat foods as was the recommendation at the time. I was "chunky" from 2nd-6th grade (mirroring the years my family was the most financially strained). At age 13 I dieted and was of normal weight until a took a stressful sedentary job at age 24.

    Breakfast: milk, cereal, fruit. Sometimes oatmeal.

    Lunch: throughout all of my school years my dad lovingly packed my lunches. Sandwich (pb&j or cold cuts, veg, sprouts, cheese), apple or carrots (something healthy), fruit rollup or pudding cup (something fun), juice box.

    After-school snack: quesadilla or bagel or snap peas

    Dinner: My parents alternated between working nights and days so it varied whether one, both, or neither was home. TV dinners or pot pies (the aluminum kind because we had no microwave), chicken and veg* wok stir fry, or baked chicken or fish with veg* or salad and potato or rice.

    *veg= brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, peas, carrots, corn, etc. When my family was doing better they'd garden and/or shop at farmer's markets. The TV dinners were heavy during the hard years. But no matter what, my dad always packed that awesome lunch. For the record, I started out with a Snoopy lunch box, then a He-Man lunch box (both metal). When I got older I had an insulated nylon one with straps and zippers.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Grew up in the70's & 80"s. I have zero recollection what, if anything! I had for breakfast as a kid. Ate school lunches, usually burgers and fries. Pretty much everything my mom made for dinner was terrible and started with cream of mushroom soup and hamburger. But when I was home alone after school I made the most delicious snacks. Like popcorn with a stick of butter, or broiled wonder bread with butter and sugar, or -- well, you get it......Then when I got chubby, and my parents locked up the food, I got really crafty.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    90s kid, teen in 00s.

    Cereal or toast in the morning until I grew up enough and my mum, who worked two jobs, slept in would let me make my own, or not. I've always struggled with not being hungry and making myself eat in the morning. Particularly as I always woke up early and had to leave early to go to school and would often not eat from 6am till 12. Or get a crappy sugary snack when left to my own devices.

    My mum always made my lunch though. Sandwiches (1 sandwich). Salads. Wraps, all kinds of good stuff. A drink, Capri Sun or squash made up at home, and then some sort of little treat. Penguins and Clubs were my favourite. My salads were always an experience because I'd open it and my mum might have put broccoli in it. Raw broccoli. I didn't even know that was a thing that went in salads.

    Dinner, also made by Mum, was always some sort of protein, vegetables and a starchy carb. I really liked fish fingers*, mash potato and peas. Still do. I'm a bit fussy when it comes to meat just because I won't eat red meat, I don't like it but I love all the vegetables. *when we got oven cooked foods

    We had snacks but I wasn't interested in crisps/chips and I was unknowingly struggling with IBS so I was in pain a lot and was really scared of feeling full and therefore the swelling pain of IBS so I'd pick at everything. When I say I existed on diet coke and angst, that's pretty much it 'cause on top of that I suffered two eating disorders from 11 to 14 (psychological coping mechanism to being bullied not poor body image). I was the only person who came back from Christmas holidays weighing less than I did in term time because I'd just eat my dinner, the one meal my mum insisted I eat because she knew I was a serial skipper and then whatever little things I fancied during the day. To this day, my family still congratulate me if I eat a decent sized portion of food. :lol:

    I still keep this as my model of eating but I tend to just make it...less. I'll eat three meals a day but not heavy ones and snack more. It's funny, even at my biggest I couldn't eat big portions or things cooked in oil. It's just I was a serial snacker and that's how I gained it. Now I just keep them healthier.