Is anyone losing weight without weighing in??

I've been stuck in a terrible plateau, when the scale won't budge I want to throw in the towel and quit. I've cried myself to sleep, I've wanted to quit, I spiral into a deep depression and ask myself why I'm even bothering. I've been reading up on this and there are a lot of good reasons to not weigh in if you're someone who gets depressed, cries, beats yourself up if the number fluctuates up.

I know I'm losing - I've lost 13 inches, I feel better, my pants are loose, I've gone down a shirt size. I've changed the way I'm eating, people are noticing my losses and giving me compliments. The problem is, that all I'm doing and the results I'm seeing vanish if the scale isn't decreasing. Does anyone else here feel that measuring your loss on a scale is more detrimental?

I'm shifting my focus into weight lifting much more than cardio too within the last few weeks. I've weight trained for years but got obsessed with the calorie burn of cardio. I know to reshape my body and raise my metabolism - I'm 48 by the way. I've lost only 7.9 pounds in three months.

One one hand, I feel like not getting on the scale all these years got me fat- denial!! If I don't see it therefore it doesn't exist. On the other hand I AM monitoring and logging my foods and measurements. When I work out I feel amazing, when I can wear smaller sizes I feel so accomplished. ALL of my progress and emotional well being gets squashed when the scale stays constant. It ruins all of the positive accomplishments I've had.



  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    8lbs in 3 months is great. That is about 0.75 lbs a week. Huge wonderful change. That will have you 24lbs lighter in a year or 48lbs in 2. Seriously if making steady progress be proud.
  • Mermaidtriathlete
    Mermaidtriathlete Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you. I haven't been on the scale in 2 weeks. I just can't handle seeing a number that won't move down- to me it's such a huge failure. I used to be able to just dump sugar and easily lose 7 pounds in 2 weeks- I never realized how much harder it is as you get older.
  • pmkershaw
    pmkershaw Posts: 19 Member
    I had a similar thing earlier this year. I reverted to weighing every 4 weeks rather than every week. I found I was getting too obsessive over numbers on the scale rather than how I felt.
  • TinkerbelleJ
    TinkerbelleJ Posts: 33 Member
    I don't have a scale at home because I know I can get a wee bit obsessed about it. Instead I only weigh myself at the pool I go swimming. Which kills two birds with one stone since I weigh myself and then go swimming.

    If I see the number is higher than before I swim a bit more if it is lower than I expected I swim the normal amount :smile:
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    I di not weigh myself for the first 2 years at MFP. I only started weighing myself when my mother tried to tell me I was way to skinny to be healthy - was still overweight!
    Anyway Since then I decided to weigh once a month - that is enough. And even then it will not always budge, for instance in december. But you know what? It is also not moving up at all. So I then renew my promise to me and go back my right frame of mind and write it up as; I know how to do maintenance! And then go for a walk or run because it still P*sses me off :-)
  • emilyvictoria7
    emilyvictoria7 Posts: 102 Member
    I don't weigh in regularly because we don't keep a scale at the house. I'm scale-obsessed and my partner is in recovery from an ED. Typically I weigh in once per month, and I adjust my calorie goal to be slightly lower than the recommended goal (only 50-75kcal less) and then when I go home to visit my folks I weigh in.

    I hear you though as my last weigh in was on the Monday after Easter and I had eaten like crap for 2 days and when I got on the scale it said I had only lost 0.7lbs in 1mo. I thought I would cry. But then I reminded myself I had been weight lifting the last month, eating like crap for two days AND on my period. So probably muscle mass, water retention and obviously my cheat days. I know my next weigh in will look better but in the meantime I can physically see my double chin almost disappearing, and my hips are more defined when I stand with my hands on my hips.

    Keep working, you got this. Add me if you want support :)
  • Mermaidtriathlete
    Mermaidtriathlete Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for all your responses- I took measurements a few moments ago I've lost 14.25"
  • Mermaidtriathlete
    Mermaidtriathlete Posts: 18 Member
    I don't weigh in regularly because we don't keep a scale at the house. I'm scale-obsessed and my partner is in recovery from an ED. Typically I weigh in once per month, and I adjust my calorie goal to be slightly lower than the recommended goal (only 50-75kcal less) and then when I go home to visit my folks I weigh in.

    I hear you though as my last weigh in was on the Monday after Easter and I had eaten like crap for 2 days and when I got on the scale it said I had only lost 0.7lbs in 1mo. I thought I would cry. But then I reminded myself I had been weight lifting the last month, eating like crap for two days AND on my period. So probably muscle mass, water retention and obviously my cheat days. I know my next weigh in will look better but in the meantime I can physically see my double chin almost disappearing, and my hips are more defined when I stand with my hands on my hips.

    Keep working, you got this. Add me if you want support :)

    That's great that you LOST though!! Way to Go!!
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    The only scale you need concern yourself about is a food scale. :wink:

    I'm a bit of a weird one because I weigh in everyday to keep an eye on my IBS. I've been at the exact same weight, no fluctuations, for 3 days despite mixing up my macros (I'm trying something new) so I knew what was coming. Boom, this morning, huge bloat and tummy pain. My point, is that there's no right or wrong way when it comes to weighing in, just how you feel about it. And honestly, if it upsets you this much then it isn't worth doing. Just keep truckin' along with what you're doing because it's obviously working and just get on the scale once a month to hip check where you're at. :heart: