Looking for New Post Partum Friends



  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I'm here too. My daughter is five months old.

    I was 227lbs when she was born (213lbs prepregnancy) and in the first 2 months I lost 40 pounds. Easily. I did no exercise, ate whatever I wanted, breastfed my baby, and the pounds melted off. It freaked me out because I have fought the weight loss battle for years with excercise and portion control and I was literally sitting in a chair or sleeping 24/7 and losing weight crazy fast. I used to say that pregnancy and breastfeeding is the best weight loss strategy I have ever experienced.

    Things have really slowed down for weight loss since March to about 0.5lbs lost weekly. I'm much more comfy with that.

    As far as including breastfeeding there are a few ways you can do it but only pick one or it will sabotage your progress! You can add breastfeeding as an "exercise" daily, or you can add it daily into your actual food diary as a negative calorie amount, or you can simply adjust your goal calories to naturally include nursing.

    I choose to set my own calorie goal and add 400 extra calories to my total personal goal to account for my daughter's needs. (2100 calories is the amount of calories I set to eat daily for a 0.5lb weekly loss) It isn't perfect but I'm happy with a slower loss currently.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. When I remember to log my food I log honestly, so if you can't stand seeing an occasional ice cream sandwich or the same lunchtime salad six days in a row I won't take it personally.
  • BrookeRunningMom
    BrookeRunningMom Posts: 156 Member
    edited April 2017
    Add me :) im a mom of a three year old and 1 year old !!! <3 I was 130 before my first pregnancys and went up to 183 lbs then was 170ish before having my second now 14 months post partum an 115lbs & im 5 3 btw
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    Post partum also looking to lose
  • _MissBrie
    _MissBrie Posts: 114 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi! Four months post delivery with my fourth child! I haven't lost even a single pound yet. With breastfeeding the weight just isn't going anywhere no matter how hard I try. I have about 20 lbs to lose to get back to my prepregnancy weight of 118.
  • 10_out_of_10
    10_out_of_10 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm 7 months PP. I would like to lose 32lbs by the end of the year. I'd love some mum friends that are also in a similar position. Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • momandhercoffee
    momandhercoffee Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all! 6 months pp and I'd love some fellow mom friends! I love my girls, but I'm not in love with the mom body aftermath lol.
  • Ashleymarie4464
    Ashleymarie4464 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Ladies! I'm a 29 yr old second time mom! Exclusively breastfeeding and looking to lose the remaining 40 pounds that I gained during pregnancy. I gained a total of 65 and my baby is now a month old. For two weeks now I have been eating roughly 1650 calories a day and it's had no negative impact on my milk supply. I have two weeks left until I'm cleared by my doctor for exercise due to my csection! Currently weigh 204, hoping to get my to my pre-pregnancy weight of 165. Looking for friends/motivation! Feel free to add me!
  • BethanyRuth
    BethanyRuth Posts: 19 Member
  • Hey ladies! I am 6 weeks pp and looking for some friends who are also loosing baby weight! I am breast feeding . I gave birth weighing 168 i am down to 144 but looking to get to about 110! Please feel free to add me ! :)
  • Toria718
    Toria718 Posts: 396 Member
    Add me too. Just hit 4 months post partum. 2 sisters are getting married in the fall and I'm breast feeding so i have to keep myself in check lol. I was 185 8 weeks ago but lack of sleep, stress, and inaccurate logging/not caring had me gain 10 lbs. All those calories were delicious but definitely over indulged. Ultimate goal is to be 135 but by sept 1 I'd like to be at 160-165.
  • kchapy21
    kchapy21 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! 10 months post partum and very close to pre pregnancy weight, except I have no muscle this time :( I'm looking to get stronger and healthy before we try for another baby. Please add me to a group, I need motivation and challenges from other moms!
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    edited June 2017
    Really need to read to see if I already responded once. Oops. Lol
  • jpeloquin14
    jpeloquin14 Posts: 4 Member
    5 months pp with my second. 228 after losing 30 lbs since having lil one. Looking for support as I continue losing weight.
  • XSaturnsMoonX
    XSaturnsMoonX Posts: 14 Member
    2 weeks post partum with number 3!! Breastfeeding and looking for mom friends!!
  • brit2009h
    brit2009h Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm 3 weeks postpartum and trying to track calories burnt with breastfeeding. Have you found how to do that on this app?
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    My baby is 10 months old. I started exercising when she was 4 months old. I gained about 40 lbs and so far lost 15 lbs . I finished t25 and insanity max 30 since January. And will start another round of Insanity on Monday. You can add me :)
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    brit2009h wrote: »
    Hi I'm 3 weeks postpartum and trying to track calories burnt with breastfeeding. Have you found how to do that on this app?

    There are a wide range of estimates out there for calories burned via breastfeeding because a lot of variables are involved. Generally you can expect between 300 and 600 calories daily: it starts higher and tends to drop over time and as baby starts eating solids or is given some formula.

    Tracking it on MFP can be done any number of ways but I simply created a new exercise called ______ breastfeeding ______ where the blanks are our names and put my estimated calories burned in. Log it as an exercise daily.

    My breastfeeding calories was definitely on the high end for me early on. Now, at almost seven months PP, I estimate nursing my little one is roughly 400-450 calories daily but it might be higher than that.

    The only way I've found to figure out your magic number accurately takes time and patience. It is to track the food you eat, set your MFP goal to maintain, and eat the estimated calories burned including any breastfeeding and physical activity. Give it some time (at least a couple weeks) and if you are not maintaining, adjust your intake up or down until you maintain your weight.

    I strongly encourage all breastfeeding moms to focus on eating good healthy food at no less than maintenance for the first six weeks until your supply is secured, nursing is going very smoothly, and your body is healed from the trauma of birth and the hormone cascade afterward. Once cleared by your health professional, then fat loss goals can come into play.

    I'm a mom but I'm also an RN with focus on postpartum mom and baby care.
  • Lennyowen2311
    Lennyowen2311 Posts: 1 Member
    Add me I'm almost 6 months PP and looking for other mom friends and support I'm ebf and thought I couldn't cut calories so I gave up early after trying to lose the baby weight. Add me I'd love the support from other moms!!
  • tegtmeyerd
    tegtmeyerd Posts: 66 Member
    Hi moms! I'm 3 weeks pp and trying to breastfeed but we're struggling a bit so it would be great to share with others. Feel free to add me.

    I've got about 10 lbs to lose to pre-pregnancy weight of 145 but would love to get to 135; I'm ok with a higher number if my muscle tone increases. Just want my old pants to fit!!
  • Chelly0126
    Chelly0126 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I am 4 weeks post partum tomorrow and I am weighing in at 218 lbs. I was at 242 lbs before I delivered. I had 2 babies (back to back, they are a year and four months apart). First pregnancy I gained 35 lbs(went down to 200 lbs), second I gained 42 lbs.
    My weight before baby #1 was at 185 lbs. So I am about 40 lbs from my goal weight.
    Trying to not get discouraged, but it is extremely challenging. Being someone who has struggled with my weight all of my life, I do not really have anyone to talk to who understands the struggle.
  • ncsubeachgirl
    ncsubeachgirl Posts: 97 Member
    Sent you a request! I'm in the same boat as you with post partum weight loss :)
  • msLigits
    msLigits Posts: 2 Member
    Count me in ladies!
    I'm currently 7 weeks pp and breastfeeding my baby girl, although I do supplement a little. I'm 6'2 and went up to 233 at the end of pregnancy, down to 208 2 weeks pp, but since then the weight has been hanging right around 208-212.

    My husband bought us a stationary bike and I'm now starting to diet a little.

    Didn't do any dieting for a week between 2 and 3 weeks pp because the baby was not gaining weight and the pediatrician told me she would not gain any unless I stopped losing weight. I don't think I'm one of those women who lose weight just because of breastfeeding, so this might be a battle to get back to under 180 like in good old fit days
  • AMV91
    AMV91 Posts: 86 Member
    4 weeks pp, rcs. Not reducing calories until 6 weeks pp. I gained 45 lbs with my son and have only lost 15 lmao. I lost the 35 I gained with my daughter with no effort by now so thats a bit sucky. Very excited to get back to everything. Right now I'm just trying to be honest with how many calories I'm eating rn.
  • InspiredBrunette
    InspiredBrunette Posts: 43 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hey everyone I'm 10 months pp
    I've lost 31 lbs so far in 3 months
    Add me if you wish i have about 49 lbs to goal obviously baby weight from previous pregnancies i never lost
    I'm also breastfeeding
  • JCLewis7
    JCLewis7 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Mamas! I can't figure out how to add people as friends, so please add me (or enlighten me). Also I need advice... my baby boy is 7 months now and eating one or two meals of baby food a day, otherwise exclusively breastfeeding. Should I lower the 500-calorie estimate I've used since I started mfp at around 2 months pp?
  • DreaB410
    DreaB410 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm breastfeeding my 6 month old. Feel free to add me! I started mfp at 3 months post partum 176. Now I'm 151 and trying to get back to 135-140.
  • clee707
    clee707 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello 30 yr old ftm from cali. Trying to loose 20 lbs and gain muscle that I lost. I am 163 and would like to at least get to 145 my pre pregnancy weight. I am exclusively breastfeeding and my lil girl won't take bottle so going to gym is impossible :( add me
  • honorablebede
    honorablebede Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone, I am 2 months post partum. I have just gotten back to looking at weight loss after a difficult pregnancy. I am 4 kilos higher than my prepregnancy weight, and exclusively breastfeeding. Before pregnancy I lost 15kgs last year and need to lose more to be healthy. I would love more friends :)
  • Livingdeadgirl44
    Livingdeadgirl44 Posts: 264 Member
    My son is 4 months, I lost 2 stone really quick but am now stuck and have the same end goal as you. Add me :)
  • emilyeskelson
    emilyeskelson Posts: 4 Member
    My LO is a yr now and I have been breastfeeding and have gained 25lbs since she was born (didnt gain anything when pregnant) I am really trying now to loose this extra weight (and then some) before we try for #2.

    Please feel free to add me!

    Strating weight 291