Low weight but still have belly fat

I am 5'2 and weigh 110lbs. However , I cant seem to get rid of belly fat no matter how much weight I lose :( Can something be done about this?


  • pinklife1117
    pinklife1117 Posts: 79 Member
    Start weight training along with cardio. If you do cardio and lower calorie intake you may have lost your muscle instead of losing fat.
  • jpoehls9025
    jpoehls9025 Posts: 471 Member

  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    +1 to what everyone else has said and don't be afraid of lifting heavy.
  • Pinkcustard
    Pinkcustard Posts: 11 Member
    Have you been exercising whilst dieting?
  • RobBasss
    RobBasss Posts: 65 Member
    Similar situation, anyhow, Google "skinny fat", echoes what others have said. When lifting, be careful not to hurt yourself, jacked up my back a few weeks back. Be safe.