Mamas? Losing weight (while not losing your mind) with young kids....

Hey MyFitnessPal World!

My name is Katie, and I have STRUGGLED to lose weight since having my 'baby' boy (who is now 3.5), since....well, since he was born. I lost, I gained, I did a crazy diet called Ideal Protein that put me into Ketosis and then I lost BIG but then I gained back BIG too. I've gotten so stressed out thinking how to meal plan and feed everyone, workout, feed myself, stay motivated, sane...

My oldest is 6.5, youngest 3.5, and I'm 33. I'm needing to lose 50 pounds. Or a few more than that ;) Any mama's out there who want to support each other?


  • nkolpean
    nkolpean Posts: 94 Member
    You can add me. I'm 32, and have a 4 year old and 10 month old. I know the struggles too but my main goal is to make sure that we always have food made or meat thawed so that we are not eating fast food.
  • YogaBookLady37
    YogaBookLady37 Posts: 34 Member
    Add me! I have a 2 year old and a 10 month old. I'm currently 2 pounds from my pre-first baby weight, but I was heavy then and still have about 40 to lose! It's so hard!
  • megnolia82
    megnolia82 Posts: 829 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me, too. I have a 6 and a 2 year old. In the last 3 months I've lost 20 and got below where I was before both kids which is great but still overweight so I'm still working at it.
    My challenges were finding time to work out and getting through the time after work until dinner is ready without going crazy eating everything in sight.
    I cycle each evening after the kids are asleep. I have an elliptical. Even when they are monsters I usually have a good couple hours before I go to bed.
    As for the snacking, I try to plan ahead so I get home either with something ready in the crock pot or simple to make. I also try to replace some meals like chicken fingers and fries with fast, healthier ones like soup and carrot sticks. My husband isn't excited about that but I have realized there's nothing wrong with a bowl of pumpkin soup for supper.

    Good luck! We can definitely make this work!
  • ProfDawnLee
    ProfDawnLee Posts: 127 Member
    Add me! I have three kids and struggle with healthy and easy.
    I work and am getting my Doctorate. Have a hard time getting off weight from
    When I had baby in September. I do prep and planning ahead when I can. I'm into new foods to keep things interesting and have an open diary.
  • juliakhanna
    juliakhanna Posts: 13 Member
    I would also like to be added. I'm having a very hard time starting. The battle is with food :( I enjoy exercise but not tackling my diet yet.
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    My "baby" is 5. I feel you. 13 pounds to prepregnancy weight. Have to laugh, otherwise I will cry. Still have 10-30 to go after that.

    Feel free to add me as a friend- anyone. Looking for support!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,815 Member
    I have 4 kiddos, I lost 36lbs when my 3rd was 3, but I got pregnant with my 4th and gained it all back, and havent been able to lose it since. Im trying hard now, and im training for races to keep me motivated, I have lost 10 lbs, and have stalled, but I have reevaluated my food intake, some hopefully that will halp. feel free to add me if youd like
  • jennifer3913
    jennifer3913 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi... add me. I'm 36 with a 14 month old. It's very hard for me to stay on track with my busy schedule.
  • dodgegirl1979
    dodgegirl1979 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 37 with 5 kiddo's and iv got about 150 pounds to loose and I struggle daily to keep up with the kids and find things I like and keep me full . I have a sit down job 7 days a week with two doubles so I'm really sitting those days .i love to eat out for social time and I think I make the right choices there and it's more calories than I expected. Anyone can add me I don't know how to add ppl !
  • esmenandez1
    esmenandez1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm 31 and mother of 3 year old boy/girl twin toddlers and an 11 year old girl. I too have been struggling with motivation and finding the time to workout. Would love to make new friends and help encourage each other. Please feel free to add me as well.
  • jesslynn0520
    jesslynn0520 Posts: 12 Member
    Anyone can add me too! I'm 29 and have a 17 month year old boy. Having the energy to cook and workout and keep up with other responsibilities (hello laundry and bill paying!) with a baby who hates sleep and is super active has me wiped! I'd love to encourage and support others and trade tips and tricks!
  • Fitfromfat17
    Fitfromfat17 Posts: 56 Member
    Feel free to add me :)

    I have a 6yo boy. He is so energetic though, so I'm hoping to be able to play with him more often because right now I'm so lazy and I hate myself for it...
  • SylviazSpirit
    SylviazSpirit Posts: 694 Member
    I'm a 31 year old mama. I have two kiddos (7 and 3) I've currently lost 50lbs and have 50 to go. It can be hard trying to do it all. But, it's possible. We can do it! Feel free to add me!
  • MyLovesMyLife
    MyLovesMyLife Posts: 424 Member
    Mom 2 7, 10yo and under. Gained 100 lbs with my first pregnancy and been losing and gaining ever since.
  • AwesomeAnnie88
    AwesomeAnnie88 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm an Aussie Mum to a 4 year old and almost 2 year old. Lost 20kgs last year but got caught up in end of year celebrations and started gaining it back. I'm recommitting myself to getting healthy and need people to hold me accountable!
  • dmorrical
    dmorrical Posts: 16 Member
    Just came back to MFP. I'm in the same boat. 3 year old and full time job. Husband works second shift so it is usually just me and the kiddo home alone in the evenings. Would love the support of other moms. However I'm not sure how to add people.
  • amandaaaa_shakes
    amandaaaa_shakes Posts: 25 Member
    I'm a working mama of a 3 & 5 year old and let me tell you -- there is NEVER a dull moment lol! I am here to make friends and stay motivated to lose 28lbs by Christmas! Add me!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    I think the hardest thing I've ever done was become a mother. I put my family first to the detriment of my own body/sanity. I love my 5 and 2 year old to bits but did find getting back into shape with them a struggle. I've been preparing my meals ahead of time now and I find prelogging meals makes a big difference too. I also get up an hour or more before the family does to squeeze in a workout or just some breathing time alone and that sets me day right. :)
  • SarahFromWalthamForest
    I have two children, aged 11 and 4. I want to lose 36lbs more initially, already lost 20lbs, then go from there until I'm happy with my weight.

    Feel free to add me :)