Weight Loss TAKE TWO! go!

So I weighed 285lbs when I got married 7 years ago. Kicked my own *kitten* and dropped 80lbs and felt amazing, had two kids put on 65. Lost 45 of that and now they're 3 &5 and I am working full time. So, here I go again! I am 20 pounds away from 199, and I want to eat well to lose weight without killing myself at the gym 6 days a week since that is not possible for me at the moment!
I wanna meet others that are maybe starting over or are wanting some motivation!!
What are your stories???! Mine is definitely a lifetime choice toward my ultimate goal!!!


  • risberg96
    risberg96 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm right there with you!! Lost 60 lbs. 30 more to go. Kids, working, so hard to balance it all... trying to get to my goal! Add me!!!
  • lifestyle70
    lifestyle70 Posts: 126 Member
    Wishing you the best of luck! I have found this time around that setting weekly and daily targets around eating, hydration, staying under calorie goal and scheduling workouts has really helped. I have tried to be more intentional about the day-to-day instead of hoping it will happen. Off to a good start and planning on keeping the momentum.
  • McMandy17
    McMandy17 Posts: 31 Member
    Starting tomorrow as well! Nursing school has made me kick my health to the curb and I want to be a role model for others when I graduate! Would live to help encourage you along the way! My name is Amanda, too
  • chjones21
    chjones21 Posts: 33 Member
    I am starting too. I don't know quite what to do to lose weight!??!

    I only want to lose a couple of kilos - maybe 7 pounds but I haven't done it before. I think my weight gain is stress/sadness related but as I can't seem to resolve the stress or the sadness, I can probably do something about the weight.

    Where do you start even? I can't afford gym membership right now although I would like it. So all exercise will have to be home-based or walking. I don't really run. I could do yoga from youtube videos or something.

    Are you starting exercising?
  • neonpunked
    neonpunked Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! Looking to make some lady friends,I would love to be going on this weightloss journey with friends. :)
  • LizComeOut86
    LizComeOut86 Posts: 4 Member
    I work partime and attend college part time.Recently engaged and the mother to a beautiful two year old daughter. I was pushing 289 when I had my daughter and as of today I am 247.8,so I have a long way to go....looking for friends along the journey,sending a request your way
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Amanda, I'd love to be your weight loss buddy! I too am starting over after getting up to about 198 lbs (at the height of my healthy eating, working out, and food tracking, I weighed 135). I'd like to get back down there again!