70lbs to loose. Looking for friends.



  • JennifrClaire
    JennifrClaire Posts: 141 Member
    Hi, I've lost 45 pounds since joining MFP, but 70 pounds from my starting weight, a few years ago. Its do-able, even though it seemed impossible at the start. I still have 30 pounds to go.
  • ramblingpickle
    ramblingpickle Posts: 2 Member
    I am just starting again, I am a mum of 2 from Surrey also with about 70lbs to loose. I would love some friends and motivation to keep going :)
  • Alexandra_Faller
    Alexandra_Faller Posts: 25 Member
    Wow didnt expect so many people to want to join in :smile: Have sent you all friend requests for the ones who hadnt added me already.
    It was my youngest daughters first day of pre school today so I went straight to aqua aerobics after dropping her off and took my sadness that my baby is growing up out on the water lol
  • curvymegan89
    curvymegan89 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi all, I'm 27, 5"5 and started at 227lbs. I'm currently 218lbs and I've got about another 50 to go. Anybody is free to add me, I love making new friends.
  • kholshausen
    kholshausen Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to join too!
  • Houndsy
    Houndsy Posts: 19 Member
    Hi me too! I'm 48 and need to lose around 15 kilos (not sure what that is in pounds). I find it really had cause I'll try and stick to something then go off it and then mentally I then go right off it!! and have to start all over again. Also finding it so hard now I'm going through the big M!! like nothing is working anymore...
  • izzyfitandclean
    izzyfitandclean Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 42 mom of two boys. I need to lose around 70lbs. My biggest problem is consistency, I do very well for a few weeks than i go right off.
  • Houndsy
    Houndsy Posts: 19 Member
    Exactly like me izzy
  • flosoup38
    flosoup38 Posts: 71 Member
    Please add me too. I'm 220 and want to be 140. Its all up and down back and forward with me at the minute
  • jodimontana
    jodimontana Posts: 1 Member
    hi everyone!!! add me as well, i think its great when people with similar goals help to motivate each other.
  • TTucker1229
    TTucker1229 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I'm new in here and I have alot of weight to lose. I'm sticking with a smaller goal of 50 lbs then once I lose that I'll set another goal. I'm 30 and married to my best friend. I'm from Ohio and we are TTC so I have to lose this weight to be a healthier weight to conceive. Good luck.