I'm back!

I had a baby last month so I've been slacking on the exercising and eating healthy ( yes I know perfect timing not to eat healthy) but I go to the dr tomorrow to hopefully get cleared to workout. I lost about 30 pounds before I got pregnant and I gained 40 pounds :/ I already have lost 20 but I still have 20 pounds to go plus I want to loose more than that. Feel free to add me


  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    Hey! I know how you feel. My weight yo yo'd so much from my kids. I got up to 244 pounds. I'm finally back down to 163. My goal is 130. :)
  • jjvf3390
    jjvf3390 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey the fact that you have already lost 20 that is phenomenal. Just remember its all about consistency. You got this. Im starting out also so lets do this. :)
  • jenniferkaye22
    jenniferkaye22 Posts: 84 Member
    I think the reason why I lost so much in a month without doing anything is because of breastfeeding. I stopped because I didn't make enough and not it hasn't changed. So I guess I have to work for it now.
  • lalamama113
    lalamama113 Posts: 8 Member
    You'll definitely get there. I have 3 kids and always gained 50 lbs myself so I know the struggle. Hope you get the green light from the doctor so you can work out again