1000 Days Later...

1000 Days Later
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I made a decision exactly 1000 days ago today. It’s really not anything special, and tons of other people have made this decision, and so much more. But it was a decision to take back the health I had let slip through my fingers for so many years.

I’ve posted about this enough over the last nearly 3 years. The truth is I’ve been
“in shape” at this point for more of those 1000 days than not. I don’t even really remember what it was like to be 50 lbs overweight anymore. I don’t remember what it was like to not be able to run a 5K whenever I want, or test for my 2nd degree black belt a couple of weeks ago.

The picture on the right is who I am now. It’s who I used to be, but had forgotten. I’m thankful for some of the health scares I had that woke me up. Even though they had nothing to do with being out of shape (viruses, appendicitis, etc…), they still made me aware of how frail we all are, and that, while I may not be able to control whether I get hit by a bus or something else, there are many things I CAN control with my health. Not only myself, but my family deserves that I do all I can do to be healthfully here for as long as I possibly can.

I have nothing to sell you except hope. I’ve used no special diet (I hate that word. I prefer “nutrition plan”), I’ve used no pyramid scheme or shake or supplement. I’ve simply made a daily commitment to my nutrition and exercise plan. Daily. 1000 of them in a row, in fact.

If you find yourself in the place I was 1000 days ago, I simply urge you to start. Be reasonable with your nutrition plan. The 8oz. cheeseburger I ate tonight was fabulous, and I don’t sweat eating it one bit. I wouldn’t have had a problem eating it while I was getting in shape, either.

Those who deprive themselves of foods they enjoy on a regular basis will find themselves overindulging in moments of weakness. Those who are unrealistic in their exercise goals will injure themselves and slip back into a sedentary lifestyle. Those who have milestones in their minds that are not reasonable will find themselves discouraged and giving up before any real breakthrough happens.

You CAN do this! You GOT this! It’s up to YOU!

Just start! And, if you stumble, it’s okay! I don’t care whether you use MyFitnessPal, some other app, or just pen and paper, log everything you eat, and log every exercise you do DAILY, with a knowledge of what it will take to meet your goals, and it WILL work for you.

It WILL!!!!!!

Go get your health!


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  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    Your user name is awesome. 1000 days is an amazing accomplishment too of course, and your message is amazing. But lets be real. That user name is pure winning.
  • the_quadfather
    the_quadfather Posts: 49 Member
    Sorry... those pics didn't post.
  • Bays2017
    Bays2017 Posts: 4 Member
  • rhps84
    rhps84 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for sharing! Congrats on your loss!
  • Alanna1961
    Alanna1961 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for your inspiring story!
  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    Your username cracks me up, I love it.

    What amazing progress!! :D
    TARGET65K Posts: 150 Member
  • ILoveGoal
    ILoveGoal Posts: 141 Member
    Awesome <3
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    Awesome message! You look very fit and healthy!

    Yes, life is fragile and too often short, so we need to grab each day and celebrate the blessings!

    I re-posted this today on my newsfeed (borrowed from a fit friend):


    Life is a gift and a blessing!
  • RedSquadronLeader
    RedSquadronLeader Posts: 84 Member
    I love this. Amazing transformation, awesome motivation, great attitude. And how many times did any of us think, "man I should have started this 3 years ago!"

    What martial art do you do?
  • the_quadfather
    the_quadfather Posts: 49 Member

    What martial art do you do?

    Tang Soo Do. It's a Korean style. I grew up doing it. I've trained several other styles over the years, but this is where I started over 25 years ago.
  • gianna42
    gianna42 Posts: 5,991 Member
    Wow - great transformation - you look wonderful! (and yes - great username as well!) Thanks for sharing!
  • the_quadfather
    the_quadfather Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you!
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Fantastic job!
  • bigmuneymfp
    bigmuneymfp Posts: 2,235 Member
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