Holding onto hope

LYMAS Posts: 1 Member
that this time I can do this! I'm 57, recently retired, and experiencing an empty nest. Those changes led to a lot of stress eating. Now I'm heavier than I've ever been, but ready to deal with the weight, and shaping my new life. I definitely need encouragement and support, and am hoping to find that here.
Thanks for reading! Cheers for all of us!


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Hi And welcome, no hope needed. You can do this! Please read these stickies, lots of good information.


  • patsyacs
    patsyacs Posts: 1,322 Member
    good luck, join a challenge to motivate you, that helps me
  • tricia5715
    tricia5715 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Lymas,
    Welcome and good luck!
    You and I are in somewhat of a similar situation - We are same age range and I'm empty nest also though I am working full-time still (and will probably be doing so for some time even though I'm soon to be 59). My daughter lives in the next state over (about an hour drive for me) she just had a baby - my first grandson :) My son is living and working in PA. I'll be going to visit him in a couple of weeks.

    I don't eat so much out of stress - but out of boredom and or lack of planning. My activity level needs to step up quite a bit - got into some bad habits w/sitting at work all day and sitting at night while studying for a degree in English (I graduate in May - yay!) But my right knee kills me - its hard to be active w/it aching the way it does. However I did put my FitBit back on and logged nearly 8K steps on Mon and over 8K on Tues. I've been here two weeks and have lost 3.6 pounds so far. It seems grudgingly slow but in retrospect the two weeks have gone by quickly and its two weeks I've been actually working at it and not thinking about it :)
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi Lymas! I am a little older, 64, but retired about the time you did. I had packed on weight over the years, with the worst being the last four or five years where I was in a desk job. Chronic tendonitis in one leg kept me from walking for the first couple of years after I retired. I started with MFP in mid-January and am having a lot of success by using the diary to plan my meals and by weighing and logging everything I eat. I also started logging my steps with Fitbit. I am now starting my 14th week and am over 40 pounds down. All the ideas and encouragement I have found here have really helped. Good luck!
  • tricia5715
    tricia5715 Posts: 28 Member
    pitegny wrote: »
    Hi Lymas! I am a little older, 64, but retired about the time you did. I had packed on weight over the years, with the worst being the last four or five years where I was in a desk job. Chronic tendonitis in one leg kept me from walking for the first couple of years after I retired. I started with MFP in mid-January and am having a lot of success by using the diary to plan my meals and by weighing and logging everything I eat. I also started logging my steps with Fitbit. I am now starting my 14th week and am over 40 pounds down. All the ideas and encouragement I have found here have really helped. Good luck!
    Hi Pitegny,

    I am really inspired reading your post. I started wearing my FitBit five days or so ago as I feel that a huge part of being successful will be getting out of this sedentary rut I am in. I am over the top excited about your success losing forty pounds and I hope that will be me! Congratulations!
  • dgsocwrkr
    dgsocwrkr Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Lymas Empty nester, emotional eater here also
    Happy to friend you in hopes we can motivate each other
    Sending request
  • andyzee69
    andyzee69 Posts: 193 Member
    Hi Lymas. I'm 47 but have had weight problems for many years. I thought age was going to make it harder to lose weight, but I've found a way to succeed and it's working. Happy to provide support if you'd like