Sugar Help!

lauraashley614 Posts: 117
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
So I love junk food and know that sugar is a problem for me. With that said, there are so many foods (esp. fruit) that have a ton of sugar in them. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on curbing the sugar monster that lies inside me. My diary is open if you want to take a look. Today I'm already way over sugar intake due to tea and bagels. Are the settings too low or how can I effectively sub food for less sugary ones?


  • Wish I could help, but I'm in the same boat!
  • skinnyhappy
    skinnyhappy Posts: 152 Member
    Fruit! Every time you crave chocolate or junk food or whatever, reach for fruit. Make it a habit. It'll help you SO MUCH. As for sweetening your tea, try some different flavors or just slowly decrease your sweetner usage. Try finding more whole wheat or multi-grain bagels if you can't give those up. The higher the fiber, the fuller you feel (and more quickly) and the less sugar you're likely eating.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    well from what my doc says.. (I am IR) i can only have 3 fruits a day cause of the sugars. She has limited me on my breads and stuff...I dont use sugar..if I have tea...I use Stevia to sweeten it..and also use the liquid stevia..berry flavor to add some zing to both my water and yogurt.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    I know fruit has quite a bit of sugar in it but, I don't worry if that's the source of sugar. I'm a sugar fiend too so I eat a ton of fruit to get away from processed sugars. It also helps me stay away from breads and processed grains. Fruit is definitely my go to sugar and for now, until I no longer crave it, I'm not limiting my fruit intake (I'm usually around 5 servings a day).
  • I entered a banana on here and it said it had 14 grams of sugar!! And I'm only allowed 26 grams per day! Is the fruit sugar better than regular sugar? Thanks for the hint with the tea..I'm just worried about the taste of artifical sugar but I guess I'm going to have to get over it :)
  • I take steroids for Lupus and it makes you crave carbs, bad. I love chocolate so I started making my chocolate chip cookies with splenda brown sugar. They are so good even the neighborhood kids attack my cookie jar. This might sound stupid but brushing my teeth after I eat kills my taste buds from wanting after meal sweets. I also eat fruit when I crave sugar because at least fruit sugar is better than the process stuff. Good luck.
  • SpectacuLaura
    SpectacuLaura Posts: 144 Member
    Sugar is such an addictive drug! I didn't even realize how hooked on it I was until I did a cleanse and cut all sugar out completely. I've found that as soon as you let even a little bit into your diet, you only crave more and more. I am still fighting to keep my sugar intake under control and for me, it's the absolute hardest thing to do! :(

    I've tried freezing a few bananas and tossing them in a blender for awhile to make fake "ice cream." It's pretty good and keeps me from going overboard, but still gives me something sweet at the end of the day. Dark chocolate is always better for you and I use Stevia now instead of sugar and it's been awesome! It's not sugar at all and not a chemical laden sugar substitute. It's amazing! It's a 0 on the glycemic index and it's still really sweet tasting. I use that or agave nectar in place of sugar and have been just as happy as when I was using the real thing. :)
  • sabulla
    sabulla Posts: 58
    I'm not an expert, but I was in the same boat and just said had enough! I have doubled up on my daily fiber/protein/water intake. It was made me not so wanna go through the line @ Wal Mart and buy a bag of M/Ms to eat on the way home just for the heck of it whether I was hungry or not.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I agree with the fruit thing... the more fruit I eat the less I want any kind of sweets. I go over my sugar everyday but mostly bc of fruits.. which are technically considered "good sugars", right? so I've heard.. I figure if it's mostly fruits, that's okay in my book.

    I also agree with the brushing your teeth!! who wants to bite into a candy bar after they've got that toothpastey mintey taste in their mouth? not me. same with gum! :)
  • bik2101
    bik2101 Posts: 2 Member
    i've been struggling with this too as i love fruits. while fruit sugar is better than processed sugar, i do still think it has to be controlled because of the type of sugar that is present in most fruits - fructose. from what i've read, if it was glucose, that would be okay but fructose really hurts weight loss. of course it depends on the fruit, some are much worse than others. the fruits i like most - watermelon, pineapple, oranges have some of the higher fructose content so i've been trying to limit myself to fruit only once every 2 or three days.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Fruit! Every time you crave chocolate or junk food or whatever, reach for fruit. Make it a habit. It'll help you SO MUCH. As for sweetening your tea, try some different flavors or just slowly decrease your sweetner usage. Try finding more whole wheat or multi-grain bagels if you can't give those up. The higher the fiber, the fuller you feel (and more quickly) and the less sugar you're likely eating.

    fruit also has lots of sugar, but good sugar so its still a good substitute
  • If you crave sugar, eat more protein.
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