Newbie from la

hi I'm Johanna. I've had the mfp app for a few months and I always start off tracking well and after a few weeks I sink back into my lazy habits and start skipping post and even when I know I have to come add the calories for what I eat I'm still eating junk. I work as a cosmetologist and I'm surrounded by pizza and burger joints. My fiancé works away from home some nights so if he isn't home I'm picking up fast food instead of cooking something healthy. I've been struggling with my weight for a little over a year now and I just don know how to do this alone. I graduated high school in '08 a 135 pound cheerleader. I never had to watch what I ate because I would just burn it off at practice the next day. I started beauty school a few months later and we would eat out everyday followed by working in a restraunt known for the amazing homecooked Cajun food. With school and work everyday excersise was the farthest thing from my mind and it started to show. Then I met my amazing fiancé and like most men he was on a weight gaining diet, well it worked , for both of us. Anytime he would eat without even thinking I would eat to and by the time I graduated school I was 40 pounds heavier. It's no excuse but now not only do I feel "too busy" to fit in excersie , I don't know where to start. My fiancé helps motivate me as much as he can, but I still need help. I'm hoping starting this program can help me


  • CaptainAmerica1970
    hi, mfp friend.
  • ilovecakes
    ilovecakes Posts: 13 Member

    Im totally in the same boat, but im gonna make sure i make the time to excercise now and stop eating crap.
    Happy to support ya :)