Beautiful Behaviors - April 2017



  • fibonacci227
    fibonacci227 Posts: 5 Member
    Do you guys have any favorite salad recipes? @aleahurst 's chickweed inspired me!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @fibonacci227, i love to make salads with kale. i like to add craisins and walnuts, red pepper and sprouts.

    good morning, everyone! starting day 3 of eating low carb, and i'm noticing dramatic improvements in my diabetes. i'm using HALF the insulin i was a week ago, and my glucose readings are more stable and more in the normal range. i am close to being hooked, even though i am still in partial mourning for my dearly departed carbs.

    today i will focus on staying on track with my food. my gym buddy is sick today, and i'm not going. i'm still getting used to it and don't feel comfy yet there on my own. i think today will be a quiet day spent mostly at home.

    what's on your agenda this saturday? any challenges this weekend?

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @fibonacci227 - lettuce has so little flavor (for my taste) that I'm on the search for more interesting salads! Have you ever tried cutting up about 6 strawberries on a salad? It makes the salad so pretty and good. My homemade dressing is NOT low fat, but has good fats. My other go to is about 6 wild violet blooms. They look pretty and are surprisingly tasty.

    @jessiquoi - I'm so proud of you! Yay! That's me cheering. Can you see me jumping?

    Today, I will sit outdoors in whatever sunlight we have for about 20 minutes and dig my toes into the grass. Vitamin D, earthing, and gardening. Yeah!

    Oh. Wait. I'm taking serrapeptase in the a.m. on an empty stomach. It seems to help, but I'm still in the wait and watch state on that.

    I now use spirulina daily and need to remember to not use it at night. It keeps me awake!

    Love to all.

  • fibonacci227
    fibonacci227 Posts: 5 Member
    @jessiquoi, that's wonderful!! It's surprising how quickly your body reacts to changes in diet like that- I have attempted similar things in the past (Type II here) and it makes a huge difference! Plus, it gives you so much more energy in the long run!

    Thank you both for the salad tips. I love dried cranberries and craisins! I hope I have access to some edible flowers soon- @aleahurst, the violet blooms sound lovely. I've been making spinach salads with lots of toppings lately. Cabbage is one of my favorites- I love the crunch :smile:
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
  • ParanormaLauren
    ParanormaLauren Posts: 69 Member
    Not sure if you guys can see this, but...

    I invite you to check out my vegetarian recipes board on pinterest. I've made quite a few of these and I'm super happy most of the time. I tend to look for vegan recipes since we are a dairy-free household because of my husband's allergies.

    That potato soup with beans and kale was AMAZING.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Quick update because I'm gonna spend time with my loved one <3
    Worked out both Saturday and Sunday. Today I completed 113 minutes of Shoulders and Treadmill incline. Went to the gym by myself the past couple days because the bf had to work.
    Thought for the day: Ain't nobody got time for fat. lol We have time, 10 minutes, 20 minutes or 2 hours. What ever time you have to walk, stretch, pick an activity, get out there. Enjoy your active life. Good night
  • fangcat623
    fangcat623 Posts: 22 Member
    Confession time ... I was completely off the rails on Friday and couldn't even really track it. It was bad, real bad. I progressively got better over the weekend. The problem is that when I go on a sugar binge, it takes a while to recover. No one can tell me that sugar isn't as addictive as drugs. So, the game plan this week is to up my veggie/fruit intake, no processed foods, good carbs and lean protein. Maybe by Wednesday I'll feel more human again. Oh, and water, lots of water.

    My back has been feeling a little cranky and it's affecting my hip and knee. I have an appointment with the chiropractor tonight.

    Having a plan feels empowering.
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    This weekend was not a great one food wise. Saturday was open house in a lot of the local businesses, so we made it a Mommy son date with my 6 year old. We had cappuccino (happened to be sugar free) and nutty bars at the first place, then doughnuts and diet Mt dew at the next. After that we had big bowls of soft serve ice cream, and once we went to my mom's, I added cherry topping and a pecan bar, and tasted some of the buttermilk from her last batch of butter. I did help shake the butter, and still went for my run, but I felt pretty sick afterwards. Sunday we had coffee and toast with the homemade butter for breakfast, the. Went to my mom's, and had some jello salad and leafy salad, then made pancakes with rich syrup for lunch. Had a generous helping of those then later had more hello salad and some ice cream. Today is a new day, and I'm trying to start making up for it.
  • tabletop_joe
    tabletop_joe Posts: 455 Member
    I like really strong flavors mixed in with my salad, but I don't like salad dressing at all. It's too soggy! My current favorite salad topping is pickled banana peppers and siracha. I like lime and cilantro and chives mixed in too.
  • fibonacci227
    fibonacci227 Posts: 5 Member
    @ParanormaLauren, I followed your Pinterest board! So many good recipes- I'm excited to try them out.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @jessiquoi - That's awesome that you are already feeling better on the low carb plan. Usually is delayed with my body - to feel the difference. Keep it up
    @mbam89 - how did your full and fun weekend go? I hope you enjoyed all those festivities.
    @aleahurst - I love that 'always challenge your nevers'. Chickweed?! hmmm, don't even know if I've ever heard of it, I might have to look that up.
    @fibonacci227 - Welcome, this group is kind, and inspirational. I sometimes top my salad with spicy salsa rather than dressing because it saves calories and tastes good. I am pretty boring with my salads because I get lazy when I make them to take with me to lunch.
    @ParanormaLauren - Imma check that out, because I love Pinterest :smile:
    @fangcat623 - No biggie! I did that last weekend and now I'm back at it, strong as ever. That is a fitjourney - fall down, get back up. I know, I know - cliche, but true. Have your splurges - Enjoy them and move forward.
    @wellthenwhat - Sounds like a worthwhile and incredible weekend! I sometimes ask myself if the calories are worth it - this is why I skip some of the free goodies at work, if they are not bakery or homemade I probably won't enjoy them as much. You seemed to have enjoyed what you had with people you love! Also, you have a plan and that has to feel good.
    @tabletop_joe - I like banana peppers and siracha - I'm going to try that. Alas I do enjoy salad dressing, but I try to find alternatives to those calorie busters.

    Update: I realized I worked out 6 days last week! I normally take 2 rest days. I wanted to take advantage of feeling energetic this weekend. So far for the month of April I have worked out 20.87 hours; my goal is 24 hours for this month. I can do it!!! I did not log everything that I ate this past weekend, however when I think back on Friday, Saturday and Sunday - I only had 1 splurge meal. I am hoping that I can intuitively eat one day, will see.
    I also made protein cheesecake in cupcake form. They are pretty good and the macronutrients are good. However, just with any new recipe I feel I can better them with time. I think next time I will use less sweetener, because I don't like the fake sugar after taste. But they're still good.

    Thought for the day: Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit. **This! I have had some really tough times and I did feel like giving up. As soon as I flipped that switch in my mind and decided to become a fighter, changed my world. There was a time (with my depression) where I felt like I gave up. This was no way of living. The moment I took back my life and decided to do the things that I wanted, I felt empowered.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    hey, everyone, happy monday!

    i'm having trouble sticking to the low carb diet, but i'm hanging in there and doing my best. i bought some groceries to support it this weekend, and included some treats too. we'll see how it goes. i am committed to trying it for 3 months, until my next bloodwork is due.
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Good looking recipes, @ParanormaLauren
  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    @fangcat623 A plan is the way to go. You might have had a rough couple of days but your attitude about moving forward is what will get you where want to be. Good for you for looking forward and not back.

    @wellthenwhat Weekends with lots of activities can be a challenge. I hope that you enjoyed all those treats! Not only is today a new day, it's a new week!

    @ParanormaLauren I can't wait to try some of those recipes!

    @happysherri You are a workout MACHINE! You are really inspiring me to up my game with strength training. I will be taking it slow to prevent injury, but I want to be tough like you!

    @jessiquoi Congrats on getting through the first few days. I hope you will find things in this new way of eating that give you pleasure so that you can stick to it and see real results when you go for your next bloodwork.

    @aleahurst You use so many interesting ingredients! I'm going to have to get more creative. You talked about split peas... Did you boil dried ones? Or canned? Or do you grow them yourself? (I know nothing about split peas, except that I've eaten them in soup.)

    @fibonacci227 I love to make a salad dressing of pureed artichoke hearts with a bit of oil (usually olive), vinegar (balsamic or cider, or lemon juice sometimes) and Dijon mustard mixed in. It's sharp and has a strong flavour so a little goes a long way. I do a batch on the weekends and it keeps in the fridge for ages.

    I had a great weekend. Made it through a toddler B-day party on Saturday with only a few indulgences and was well within my calorie target for the day.

    I didn't get as much meal prep done yesterday as I'd planned because two long bike rides in two days left me pooped! (But yay bike rides!) I did get all my snacks done for the week, and I have lots of frozen soups and chili in the freezer, and it's a quiet week so I'll have time to cook dinners.

    I have a job interview today that I wasn't expecting. My construction project is done and my last day at work is this coming Friday, but our client's Office Manager just quit, so things might work out kinda perfectly for me. (Though a little part of me was looking forward to a little downtime between jobs since I'm getting some severance pay.) And surprisingly, the nerves have not driven me to raid my Hershey's kiss stash!
  • fangcat623
    fangcat623 Posts: 22 Member
    @fitzmonkey13 - Good luck on your job interview.
  • alaskandelight
    alaskandelight Posts: 24 Member
    Hey, hey beautiful people!

    I either ate really healthy (pad thai dinner and salmon dinner) or reeeaally bad this weekend (banana split with all the fixings for girls night). No regrets! I completed a 4.6 mile, 1800ft elevation gain hike in 4 hours on Sunday. My buddies and I kept falling through the snow and I'm sure I burned a ton more calories trying to climb out of the snow and keep warm. It was beautiful and insane! I felt like a beast.

    Skinny Chicken Pad Thai was a success. My zoodles cooked waaay down and we (2 people) ended up eating more of the chicken than intended, but I was ok with this since it helped me reach my protein goals for Friday. I poached the 3 chicken breasts (sliced thinly) in .5 cup of water with half an onion and three cloves of garlic. I added three medium zucchinis (spiralized) with another .25 cup of water after the chicken was cooked through. The zuchinni released a lot of water once cooked down. After I added the peanut sauce, I lost patience and added a teaspoon of cornstarch to thicken the sauce rather than wait any longer. I garnished the dish with a ton fresh cilantro, red pepper flakes and lime wedges.

    Skinny Peanut Sauce- I basically winged this and it can be adapted to taste. I have substitutes in here, but I starred the necessities. Water could be added to reach your desired viscosity.
    *4 tbs of PBfit of P2B. Probably use just 1tbs if your going with regular nutbutter. The powered pb has way less fat.
    *1 tbs of Brags liquid aminos (or low sodium soy sauce)
    *1 tsp of fish sauce (or Worcestershire sauce)
    *1/2 tsp of sesame oil
    1 tbs garlic chili paste (or siracha)
    *2 tbs of honey
    dash of powdered ginger
    red pepper flakes
    dash of pepper
    dash of white pepper.

    @str8bowbabe and @fibonacci227 one of my super low fat meal staples happens to be the "cabbage soup diet" recipe with added protein (chicken, ground turkey, salmon, beans, etc.). I skip oil in the recipe and poach the veggies with water. Keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn. I keep it versatile by using different hot sauces, changing the broth type (chicken, veggie, beef), fresh herbs, or adding Italian or Mexican spices. It's essentially salad in soup form. I make a huge pot once or twice a month and portion it out for lunches or lazy dinners. I've never done the crash diet itself, but I find the versatility and the volume of the soup super satisfying. I do think its important to add a protein source to help make it a complete meal.

    Some of the other salad add-ins I use include: cottage cheese (instead of a dressing, meat or cheese), boiled egg or egg or easy (like the runny yolk) with bacon, nuts that I toast and portion out, sunflower seeds, fresh herbs and shredded brussel sprouts. I also like making a taco salad with ground turkey taco meat. :-)

    @ParanormaLauren I just started following your board on pinterest! I'm super jazzed to try it out some of these veggie recipes!

    Keep up the beautiful work everyone! <3
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Wow! I love everyone's reports. You are all doing so well!

    I will have to find insurance and get an appointment with the lung doc soon. Medicaid cancelled me, which was expected. I have one week to find insurance and I am super sick this week. Grumbling. I don't want to see the lung doc because he will see that my weight hasn't changed. I have to see the lung doc because I have additional symptoms.

    If I can get through this week without over indulgence, I'll celebrate!

    Polka Dot, the wonder cat, caught a rattlesnake today. I killed it for her. I'm usually the kind who lets everything go free, but I couldn't do it today.

    I wonder why I can't sleep tonight?

    Love to all.

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Lea! a rattlesnake! the thought makes this Brooklyn girl's stomach turn. I hope you work out the insurance thing quickly and get to the doctor. don't worry about your weight, just go! you're going for you, not for them.
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Good morning, all! I'm in the office today, which means I'll get more activity walking around to meetings and stuff, and it's easier for me to stay on program because I'm not sitting in sight of my refrigerator. I'm not thrilled with this low carb diet I'm trying, but I'm going to stick it out for 3 months. (quickly counting when it will be over...) end of July! I am trying to get my diabetes under control while I'm losing weight, and that's such a hard thing to do. The low carbs ARE giving me better glucose numbers, so I'll keep it up because I'm getting the results I need. But on the whole, I say a big "bleh". I'm not a fan of meat, so I'm doing a lot of cheese and nuts. I love fruit, and the little bits I'm eating aren't satisfying. I don't have a kitchen yet, so I can't get too creative on the cooking. I'm not looking for advice, I just want to whine a little. :)

    @fitzmonkey13, how did the interview go?

    @alaskandelight, that hike sounds amazing, you go girl! I love peanut sauce and I'm going to try your version, thanks!

    @happysherri, your posts are always so inspiring! thank you.

    @fangcat623, I hope the chiropractor helped! I have trouble with my back and hips too.
