It's all a bunch of B.S. to me!

kslindner Posts: 107
edited September 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone else think that these "miracle fruits" to help you loose weight is a bunch of B.S.? I mean, first it's Acai Berry... I mean, companies were practically shoving those berries down our throats... Now it's Lychee...

If there were such thing as a "miracle fruit" for weight loss, don't you think we would all be the perfect weight??


  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    So true.

    They'll do anything to get things to sell.
  • You're right but we all know that there will be people out there buying the stuff up.
  • All fruit is a miracle fruit because they all have health benefits. Many fruits do assist in weight loss. But high in sugar fruits will slow the weight loss process. The point is merely eating a miracle fruit will not make you lose weight. Including in a healthy diet can be helpful.
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    and once they get you thinking it's a miracle food, do you notice what they can charge you for it? mega bucks $$$$
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    that is starting to get pretty annoying (i am esp. sick of hearing the word açai"- WHO CARES)
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    I have some figs .. if you send me a million dollars i'll let u in on the secret "Miracle fig" :laugh:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't believe there is ANYTHING out there that is a weight loss miracle. Plain and simple.

    Weight loss is achieved through hard work and be careful about you eat. I hate seeing commercials or whatever that tell me "Buy this and you'll be thin again!" I agree, it is such b.s.
  • MisScorpio
    MisScorpio Posts: 39
    They make money bc so many people only want a quick fix. Fruit and veggies are amazing for your body but there is no magic trick, food, pill, etc..
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    I'm sure all those fruits have some value, but a 500% mark up doesn't make it more valuable.
  • soguesswhat
    soguesswhat Posts: 18 Member
    yep, it's a big crock. While these fruits may be very healthy and full of antioxidants and whatnot, they are not going to make up for the pizza and beer later on! People just want to think that there's something easier than doing the work that we all know we have to do in order to lose weight. People need to get honest with themselves and stop buying overpriced things in order to fool themselves into thinking it's a "miracle."

    Healthy foods, watching portions, moving.... burning more than you put in. It's simple math, we just have to DO it.
  • kslindner
    kslindner Posts: 107
    I went to a vitamin shop the other day for some vitamins (obviously!!) and the guy helping me was telling me that all those "miracle wight loss" pills are pretty much useless. There were a ton of those pills in the store, which he could have sold me if he wanted to, but he chose to tell me the truth.

    There is no miracle cure for being overweight. It's something we have to work at... Diet & exercise is the only thing that's going to "cure" it. A lot of those "miracle pills" aren't good for you, anyway...
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I pretty much reject anything that's touted as a "miracle weight loss" anything. I do think that there are super foods, foods that are heavily enriched in certain nutrients, but there's no one pill, fruit, food that's going to be the secret miracle to weight loss. I mean hell at you could say that chewing on coca leaves is a miracle weight loss cure . . . it stunts your appetite, gives you more energy, and can heighten you awareness and attention span for periods of time . . .
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    What is more miraculous is how pizza, chinese food, beer, and wine (over time) can slide 15 pounds on the scale magically without one really noticing! Buahahahaha!

    More on topic, I took resveratrol supplements for a while, and I remember getting a huge energy rush when I first started taking them but no weight loss noted. So I cut them out of the budget...
  • Remember goji berries? They were very "in" here a couple of years back. I have no idea what a goji berry looks like.:huh:
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    I think the closest to a "miracle" fruit is the plain simple apple. Plenty of fiber, helps lower cholesterol, and in the studies I read the extra calories didn't lead to weight gain, they actually lost a bit though that wasn't even the goal. Unfortunately the apple isn't a sexy fruit. And legitimate researchers are actually doing real research instead of making up fantastical claims.
  • Mollywater
    Mollywater Posts: 42 Member
    I always thought I should market "Diet Water"... you know someone would buy it!
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