Beautiful Behaviors - April 2017



  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @fitzmonkey13 - Hope your job interview went well. Sounds like you got some great activity in with the bike rides! I love when a workout leaves me exhausted or/and sweaty! :blush:
    @alaskandelight - Wowzers! That hike sounds exhausting yet wonderful :smile: Sounds like you are doing a good job with activity and cooking!
    @aleahurst - I'm sorry that you are under this stress. Finding insurance isn't always fun. Glad you are getting into the doctor, and don't worry about no change on the scale, you are trying. Keep up thinking healthy and beautiful thoughts. I will be sending good vibes your way.
    @jessiquoi - Just for you - I will share my (well, it's not mine, but) 'Protein' cheesecake recipe... Yay, Protein!

    2 Eggs
    2 scoops Protein powder (I used vanilla protein powder. Note: some protein powders may bake better than others. I probably didn't use the best, but I thought they were good. I used Five Star Whey Protein Vanilla.)
    1/4 tsp Salt
    3/4 cup Sweetener (This actually could be excluded from the recipe. I used Truvia and I only used about 2/3 cup and I don't really care for the "diety" sugar after taste - but they're still delicious. *Next time I will probably try using just a tiny bit of honey to sweeten it.)
    1 tsp Vanilla extract
    12 oz Cream cheese, fat free
    12 oz Greek yogurt, plain nonfat

    Obviously you could play around a little with it.
    Mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl - I used about 3-4 speed on my mixer.
    Preheat oven to 325 F.
    Line muffin tin with cupcake liners. Spoon into liners.
    *** I folded in blueberries into some, strawberries into others and just barely a couple of chocolate chips into others.
    Bake at 325 for 15 minutes, then turn off the oven and let sit until middle is set.
    Remove from oven and let cool.
    Once cool, refrigerate for 30 minutes. Voila!
    Notes: If you like your cheesecake extra sweet, you can add some liquid stevia drops. You can also make this into an entire cheesecake - in that case, cook at 325 for about 30 minutes and then let sit in warm oven until set.

    **I only used a scoop in a half of protein powder - but next time will add the full 2 scoops for more protein.
    The macros for mine - 12 g Carbs 1 g Fat and 8.5 g Protein
    Mine made about 16 cupcakes and I put in 1 cupcake as 1 serving = 63 calories per cupcake for mine (yours may differ)
  • CT0526
    CT0526 Posts: 24 Member
    Good morning! I've been doing OK with my calorie goals. I didn't really track it for a couple of days so this week, my goal is to track every day.
    I also got a new scale that weighs me at 5 lbs less than the old scale. I know I didn't lose the weight but I'm loving the new scale!
    Sounds like most here are doing well.
    @aleahurst So sorry that you have new symptoms. I'm thinking of you.

    Good luck to everyone this week!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Update: I completed 87 minutes of Von Moger chest and stair intervals with the bf last night. My arms will be sore and tired and I love it. Hoping for either back and cardio or maybe just cardio tonight. We will see.

    There's a little bit of drama at work. My coworker - suppose to be my equal (lol). She manipulates time and actually ends up getting paid for time she isn't even here or working. This has been going on for a year and half and management doesn't seem to care. I religiously count my time and do not go over. I was raised with rules, morals, values and to have a conscious. I guess I'm supposed to have an open mind and embrace this new generation/thought process coming into our society?! I don't want to use the term millenneal way of thinking because it's not even a specific age group. There are older people who act this way at the company. I just view what she is doing as theft - getting paid when you are not working. I should have went over the management's head and reported it to corporate, but I feel that now she hides it so well - that they wouldn't be able to find all the inaccuracies. I don't know why the director puts up with her, she is not even good at what she does?! ***Rant over*** It's a shame that karma has not yet caught up with someone who seems to be a cheat.

    Deep breath - and let it go because this is someone whom doesn't even matter in my life. 'Just do me and let time run it's course.' Focus on me, focus on me ---ok, and I'm back lol

    Thought for the day: Be who you say you are. **Just like actions speak louder than words. Take action, don't just hand out promises and not follow through. None of us are perfect, but I try not to commit unless I know I will be able to make it or take on the task. Be truthful in what your intentions are and what you want to do. *We all know how it feels when someone continues to promise change and it never happens.

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Sherri, I would LOVE to have cheesecake, but I still don't have an oven to preheat lol! thanks for thinking of me, though. I agree with your decision to let go of the woman who cheats on her time. Just focus on you, and let karma rule.
  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    @alaskandelight I am jealous of your hikes! My area around here is so flat that the hikes are a little dull. Can't wait till I go north for the May long weekend where walking through the woods means hills and rocks! And I can't wait to try that Peanut Sauce.

    @aleahurst I love that in spite of all your health issues, you go out to garden, fight off bees and kill rattlesnakes like it's no big deal. You are way tougher than you give yourself credit for. If my cat brought me a rattlesnake I'd nuke the site from orbit! (It's the only way to be sure.)

    @jessiquoi I know this change is hard for you. Once you have a kitchen again, maybe you'll be able to find more foods that satisfy and make it easier to stay the course. We're all pulling for you. You've been strong and we know you can keep doing it!

    @CT0526 Yay new scale! Tracking every day is a good goal. Information is your best weapon in the fight for your health. You can do it!

    @happysherri It's amazing what a little work drama can do to ruin your day and seep into your real life. You have the right attitude. Shake it off as best you can and don't give that person free real estate in your brain.

    Thanks to everyone who wished me luck on my interview. I did not get the job. I was messaging with a friend last night when she got the offer and the relief I felt was like a weight dropped from my shoulders. I knew when I applied that I would not be a good fit for the job and would not like it. I also knew that if they offered it to me I would take it because I'm the primary breadwinner in my family and in spite of a generous separation package and my eligibility for EI, I will lose my mind if I am off work for too long.

    So, today I am focused on finishing up my tasks at the office before I'm done, reaching out to my contacts to let them know I'm available and applying to jobs. This morning before I left for work I applied to 5 interesting positions. I also scheduled a couple of shifts at the medical school for next week (I sometimes work as a practice patient for medical students to learn interviewing skills). And I picked up a couple of sewing jobs for my time off.

    Busy is best. It will keep me from eating the whole kitchen while I'm between jobs. I was unemployed for a year once and gained at least 30 pounds from eating my feelings and sulking instead of exercising.

    This weekend I am going to write a schedule for myself to budget my time between pick up jobs, real job hunting, exercise, and maybe a little quality time with my gaming console as a treat.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Hello ladies. Yesterday was a super busy, super stressful day. Sorry I didn't swing in to say hello and see how everyone was doing. Today is busy but less stress. Thank goodness for that. Its upper body day so looking forward to my workout today. And might I add...its BEAUTIFUL here today so that sooooooo helps my mood.

    @alaskandelight - thank you. I love cabbage soup of any kind so I will have to try that. I would soooo have to add more meat to it like you did. My husband is not a fan of well pretty much any vegetable and especially anything green. Guess he will fend for himself on the night I make this. LOL Thanks again.

    Everyone have a great day!
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    Hello everyone. This morning when my coach was talking to me, he said, " I'm not quite sure how to ask this, but are you smaller than you were before?" I told him, yes, I lost over 20 lbs. He said he hoped I was doing it in a healthy way. I assured him that I was. Then someone asked me in the locker room later how much weight I lost.

    I think the suit I was wearing was sagging. I might have to stop wearing that one. But I am happy that people are noticing. Especially since I seem to be in a plateau with losing.

    My son made the elite meet with the 7th fastest mile time in the state and I am super psyched!

    I finally lifted weights again on Sunday after over a month off. Unfortunately, my sinus infection is not getting better and I need to go to the ENT later today. :(

    @fitzmonkey13 - how did the interview go? When do you find out?
    @ParanormaLauren - nice recipies - very inspiring
    Jess - great job with the carbs - maybe you just need to search some more for some protein that you like...
    @alaskandelight - sounds like a great hike - I am sure you burned a ton of calories climbing out of the snow
    @happysherri - nice job - days last week - that is always my goal for swimming - I swam 5 and lifted once
    @fangcat623 - sugar is addicting - good job recovering
    @wellthenwhat - it sounds like you had a lot of fun on your weekend and your attitude is good with just moving forward

    Keep thinking healthy everyone and enjoy your day!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    Today was like an exercise routine. I didn't want to apply for insurance. I did it anyway. I got a reasonable plan. I danced because it felt so good to have it done. Then I took a 2 mile walk because that was way too much sitting in front of the computer :)

    I called the lung doctor's office but I have not heard back. The nurse has to order a breathing test if the doctor wants one based on my symptoms. Thanks to everyone for the encouragement. I turned my oxygen machine up to a higher number while I wait on the call.

    @happysherri - whoa.... If I can find a protein mix that doesn't contain corn (allergen), I'm going to try that recipe! Looks like a wonderful, and easy, way to make cheesecake. Oh my, I remember something from my years of being employed. I had a workmate like that. I found it best not to get involved in the drama he/she is creating. Know that you are a loving and caring person who deserves better, and I'll shut up with that.

    @CT0526 - That sounds like a good goal!

    @jessiquoi - Yay go low carbs! You are doing great!

    @fitzmonkey13 - I'll take that compliment and run! Thank you. I'm glad you decided to keep busy, regardless of the job interview. It sounds like the right thing happened.

    @str8bowbabe - You know, I've come to appreciate exercise as a way to counteract stress. It sounds like upper body workout day came at the right time! Good for you!

    @nickiphillips1 - Don't you just love it when people start to notice!!! YAY!

    Hello to everyone here!

    Oh, @fangcat623 - I so agree about the sugar. I don't think the addiction is imagination. It's serious. I do try to cut down on sugar by NEVER using the white processed kind and by substituting honey or sorghum or dates or raisins. Cutting sugar out completely (raw sugar that is) leads to the worst depression. Life is too short for that.

    Love to all!

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    good morning, all! today i woke up with a low blood sugar, the first low i've had in ages, which makes me know that the low carb diet is working. a low blood sugar is very uncomfortable, but it's part of my life when my diabetes is well managed. normal blood sugar is very close to low, so it's a balancing act, and there's always lows when you're in tight control.

    it's an at home day, and john is making me a cheese omelet with bacon for bkfst. i'm going to have a tuna salad for lunch, and dinner is an unknown at the moment. the hardest part when i'm at home is not hitting the frig every five minutes. i have cheese and almonds as low carb snacks available. i haven't been good about drinking my water when i'm home, so i'm going to work on that today.

    what beautiful behavior are you going to focus on today?

  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    @nickiphillips1 Sounds like great feedback from your swimming buds! Sinus infections suck. I love that you are not letting it keep you down, and I'm glad you are going to see someone about it before it gets any worse.

    @aleahurst Happy dance and a walk? Look at you, kicking *kitten* and taking names!

    @str8bowbabe I know what you mean about the weather. It's been gorgeous here too. It's amazing what a little sunshine and warmth has done to help my mood.

    @jessiquoi So great to hear about your improving blood sugar. I'm glad you know how to manage at the low end of the scale. That must be a difficult balancing act for you. As for water, I love to make flavoured waters to keep in the fridge. I think I've mentioned before, but my favourite is lemon, mint, cucumber and ginger. I steep that overnight and then I've got a lovely pitcher of tasty, refreshing water to sip on all day long.

    So, I had a mini-meltdown last night about my stupid knee. It's been getting more painful. I have an appointment with a physio on Friday, but yesterday it hurt all day and I couldn't make it stop. The knee pain is not extreme, but my concern was that it would derail everything we've been working so hard to achieve. I know that I can lose weight and get more healthy without exercise, but if I can't walk around, it's hard to do all the meal prep. My husband pitches in and does a lot, but he's not an exciting cook, so it will get boring very fast and we'll start doing fast food and take out more often and hey, there's that slippery slope I've been down so many times before.

    So... I'm seeing a physio Friday. Good. I'm wearing the big brace full time until then. Good. We have lots of food in the freezer until I can stand/walk comfortably again. Good. Bike riding doesn't hurt at all, so I can probably do that, but I'm going to wait until I've talked to a professional. (Hopeful)

    I suspect that yesterday was exacerbated by the fact that some idiot (me) did the Costco & grocery store runs alone on a sore leg with no brace on. (Yes, I know. I'm kind of a dummy when I get stubborn.) Also, I started my TOM today, so I'm sure my emotional state yesterday was at least partly hormonal.

    Okay, whining done. I'm taking all the right steps and I'm well prepared for a few days with less kitchen activity than usual. There is no problem here that can't be solved with careful planning. This is not a disaster. It's barely a blip. Everything will be fine. Seeing all the positives that everyone here makes out of their negatives has been a huge help. Thank you to everyone for all the good stuff that you post.

  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @jessiquoi - Oh, forgot about the no oven thing. Sorry. GOLD STAR - you get 2 gold stars for sticking to the low carb diet and it's paying off!!! That is fantastic and keep it up
    @fitzmonkey13 - Haha, I had an emotional meltdown this last TOM too. And I truly don't normally have them, so... that's fun. Sorry about your knee. I have to wear a compression sleeve on my right knee when I do leg day - not pain I just feel a tiny catch sometimes and don't want it to get worse. Fantastic work on being aware of your eating habits. Fast food is easy and quick to grab, just noticing patterns and working toward breaking them is progress. Glad you have that food in your freezer! Feel better soon.
    @str8bowbabe - How did upper body day go? Hope you worked out any stress. Glad to see you in here :smile:
    @nickiphillips1 - CONGRATS to your son! Woot Woot!!! Don't you love when people notice and actually comment?! That's just too awesome. ...and, Girl, get yourself a new suit - you've earned it!!!
    @aleahurst - Next time, we are going to need you to record your dancing - that's great. 2 mile walk?! Wow, great exercise right there! Keep it up

    Update: I took a rest day yesterday, because after 5 straight days at the gym I felt it was needed. However, I did mow my front and side yard (took me about an hour), so I got some steps in and I actually got sweaty. The bf can do the backyard. :wink: Hoping tonight that I will feel up to going to the gym. Right now I feel energetic but normally after lunch I go downhill and feel tired. I may just have to drink some pre-workout to pump up.

    Thought for the day: Don't wait for everything to be perfect to enjoy your life. ***This!!! I use to put off doing things or planning things that I enjoy because of this or that. And I believe I've mentioned this before but I now have adopted saying "yes" to adventures. This weekend a coworker/friend and I are taking a quick trip to Chicago (I've never been). It's right next door to my state and she wants to show me around. I will be eating all of the FOOD and we will be walking bunches - so that's a plus. Say "yes" to adventure no matter how small, even if it's learning something new (crocheting, piano, rock climbing, gardening, -unerwater basket weaving LOL) Live Life!
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    Just realized that I am sitting here playing on my computer, and am not thinking about eating! I ate a nice breakfast, because I'm planning on biking, but normally once I start eating I can hardly stop, so not having it on my mind is a wonderful thing!
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    Happy Wednesday, I can't believe it is only Wed. I dragged myself to the pool this morning and struggled. I got so dizzy at one point, I had to stop. But then I stayed in and finished workout. Glad I stayed.

    I am on new anti-biotics and more steroids. Had to go into work the last two days and am taking a day trip with my boss tomorrow, so no swimming. Our flight leaves at 7:10.

    @jessiquoi - I am so proud of how you are sticking to the low carb thing and am so glad it is working! You rock girl!
    @happysherri - I love your thought for the day - living it!
    @fitzmonkey13 - What is a physio? I wish you the best of luck on Friday. Keep us posted. It is tough not to push it when you get injured. Maybe your husband will surprise you with something tasty for dinner. Sorry about the job, love your attitude.
    @aleahurst - what a relief to have insurance! I hope you have great coverage. My insurance has a $50 co-pay for specialists (like the allergist, neurologist, and ENT). It starts to get spendy... Take care of those lungs!

    I haven't slept well this week, which is not good for me with my fatigue and MS. I am thinking it has to do with my trip tomorrow and my boss's boss coming in yesterday.

    Good thoughts though. My boss is great and it will be nice to spend time with him tomorrow and bond. My current project is moving along nicely, I meet with someone Friday that should help me move things forward.

    Then I get to see my son run Friday night and Saturday. And I have to get my younger son his driving permit this week as well.

    Enjoy your week and be good to yourselves! and do something nice for yourself today!
  • fitzmonkey13
    fitzmonkey13 Posts: 88 Member
    @nickiphillips1 Physiotherapist. I'm trying a new one because the last one (a few years back) never told me what the actual problem was (torn meniscus? MCL injury? Arthritis? Aliens? Who knows?!?). Also, after doing ultrasound and tens therapy, I was sold an expensive brace and not given any follow up. If I'd been given exercises to do to strengthen my supporting muscles, this injury might not have recurred. So, I found a practice near my house that I like the sounds of and booked an appt to give it a try. I may have to see my doctor anyway if I need a prescription for anti-inflammatories, but I want to wait until I've been doing mfp for 3 months so I can get my bloodwork redone and do it all in one doctor visit. I hope you are able to start sleeping a little better. As for the job, I've known it was coming for a long time (construction... we're done building the darn road, so there's not much left to do). I'm trying not to dwell and to keep a brave face. And I do get a month of paid time off... so I really, REALLY can't complain.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    @aleahurst I use exercise as a definite stress relief. When I play pickleball I always tell everyone, I have aggression issues to get out so they know I will be slamming on some people. LOL

    @happysherri It was a good workout and then got to shoot my bow at the end of the day so that helps with the upper body too. Overall great workout.

    @jessiquoi Glad to hear the low carb diet is helping. Keep up the good work.

    Everyone have a good day! And keep on keepin on!
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    I have discovered my over-eating style. I'm a stress eater! Now, I go to work on that! Worse than that, my appetite is down today. Food tastes soapy. I got stressed and had some soapy tasting food. Yuck.

    I'll have to write a note to the lung doctor over the internet. His nurse has not called back. I'm much better at writing than talking anyway. Except when I'm stressed. So I'll write tomorrow.

    I had to drive today. In a storm. The road got flooded. I had to find another way. I stressed. My mother was with me. She had a whole bag of goodies that she bought at the drug store along with her meds. I am now enlightened. I am certain that I am a stress eater.

    @fitzmonkey13 - Sarah, I can relate to the knee pain. Ouch! Mine was helped by reducing foods with msg. You could kind of track pain and see if it relates to weather, or stress or certain foods. Personally, I don't like knee pain. In couple days, everything will be fine.

    Can you tell I'm into self-realization today?

    @str8bowbabe - Pickle ball?? What is that? Anyway. If it had not stormed today, I would have been de-stressing on the weeds! I get a little aggressive around gardens and bees. :)

    @nickiphillips1 - I'll keep you in prayer for a good night's sleep. You never know, that trip may be just the thing you need to rest. Let me know what helps if anything. The self realization nerd in me is interested.

    @jessiquoi - yay go low carbs! I'm still cheering for you!

    I hear my son's truck. Maybe he'll go to a restaurant with me. I hope the food tastes like food.

    Love to all.

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    It's midnight. Wow, I could stay awake for a long time with just a little stress! Zing!
  • plantgift92
    plantgift92 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone everyone I'm new and looking for Friends​. I've dropped 30pounds in the last 3 1/2 months and I'm getting a bit lazy so really looking to get some help so I could push myself more
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    welcome, @plantgift92!

    Lea, I hope you sleep in this morning!

    Sarah, how are your knees today? Have you ever tried Turmeric? I take Curcumin (a brand name) daily and it is a great anti-inflammatory that's safe, as it's a food.

    @nickiphillips1, how was your trip with your boss? are you sleeping better?

    @wellthenwhat, that's great to realize your thoughts are changing! congrats!

    Sherri, your activity level is such an inspiration to me. keep up the good work and the great motivational posts!

    I'm struggling today with the low carb stuff. I want my muffin. my delicious banana nut muffin whose calories I used to track religiously and never abused. I WANT MY MUFFIN!!! there's a little girl jumping up and down inside of me screaming that loudly. last night I had a little pasta, but very little. I was pleased. today I'm back to cranky. also, I jumped on the scale and was disappointed with the number. I thought after a week of this I would have lost SOMETHING but NO. :( plus, I don't want to be at work today and I have a terrible dentist appointment tomorrow to get periodontal work done and I'm just in a foul mood all around. I'm trying to decide if having my muffin will make me feel better or worse.

    thanks for being here and letting me vent. I'm probably going to get the muffin.

  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    Hi everyone! I haven't had much to post lately, but I love reading everyone's posts. Everyone is so supportive of each other, and I love everyone's sense of humor - it's wonderful! I found a local church to hold the memorial service for my neighbors who lost their preemie daughter. It's being held on Saturday. Hoping the service helps them with the healing process. Their preemie son (they were twins) is hanging in there. I'm frustrated with myself for not making a better effort at being healthy. There always seems to be other stuff that needs to be done first before I get to myself.

    My beautiful behavior will be to try to focus on myself and more healthy behaviors once we get past the memorial service.

    Spring is in full bloom here. We had a high of 86 yesterday!!! Typical Cincinnati weather! Have a lovely day, everyone!