Carbed Up Vegan Losing Weight???



  • beautifullybrokken
    beautifullybrokken Posts: 1 Member
    Plant based here, just putting in my two-cents. I thrive on a high carb, moderate protein and low-er fat diet. Lots of cooked veggies(8-10c daily,) 3-5 servings fruit, 4-6 servings grains/legumes and 2 servings nuts and seeds. I cook with oil half the time and water the rest. I'm not satiated on a high protein/high fat diet and it flairs my IBS up so badly. Find what works for you, read the 'China Study' and know what you're putting in your mouth is doing incredible things to your body; both good and bad.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    And just throwing in my personal opinion here... try to limit your soy intake. Replace soy milk with almond or coconut milk. Too much soy has a possibility of being detrimental, as soybeans have a nasty habit of absorbing chemicals from their environment (pesticides, etc).