Maintenance on vacation

I am about 5lbs away from my maintenance goal, but I am going on vacation in early July and was hoping for some tips about maintaining while on vacation. My plan is to be in maintenance by then, and I certainly want to be able to relax, but I don't want to ruin any of my hard work up to this point. I plan to workout in the mornings, but want to find a good balance. For reference, I am 5'6, SW-205lbs CW-160lbs GW/maintenance range-150-155lbs


  • simonplanehotmailcom910
    Great work, to be fair you will most likely be more active overall on holiday so I'd say a few extra calories everyday should be ok. I tend to pick one meal/ treat though. So if I have an icream durin the day birthing after dinner or the other way round.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Do the best you can and have fun because you clearly know how to lose a few pounds if needed when you get back.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I do my best to keep logging even on vacation just to stay mindful. If I eat out, I'll take pix of the dishes (my companions think I'm going to post foodie pictures on facebook) and then do my best to estimate the calories/ ingredients at the end of the day.

    But I also allow myself to have a good time knowing that I can always cut back on my calories for a couple of weeks after I get home if I do, in fact, put on a couple of pounds.

    Have a great trip!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I've never gained actual weight (fat) on a vacation. I'm always far more active than I otherwise would be at home/work and I typically end up eating a couple times per day...usually a brunch and dinner.
  • nichell88
    nichell88 Posts: 364 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    Do the best you can and have fun because you clearly know how to lose a few pounds if needed when you get back.

    Thank you for this. Strangely, I didn't really consider that. Not for nothing, I don't want to get into the habit of overindulging then having to lose weight again, but worse case scenario, this is true.
  • leajas1
    leajas1 Posts: 823 Member
    edited April 2017
    I don't skip workouts when I go on vacation. I pay the guest membership for a gym (searched for ahead of time), or if there is no gym I bring videos with me to do (downloaded onto my Kindle, Youtube, or I have a mini DVD player I can use).

    I tend to stick to protein throughout the day and then eat whatever looks good for dinner - one regular sized meal that includes dessert.

    I loved what the other poster said though, you know how to lose weight and whatever you gain will come off quick when you get home.

    ETA: You look great! Your hard work has definitely paid off!
  • JJS1979
    JJS1979 Posts: 177 Member
    This happened to me last year when I went away for a week. I continued to go to the gym, made healthy choices when I could and other times just enjoyed myself. I got back and had "gained" 4 pounds, within 10 days of getting back to monitoring my macros I actually weighed less then I did when i left. The point is, unless you REALLY overeat, and that is only something you know if you can control or not, having some dessert or a few higher calories meals will not really have an impact on you as long as when you get back, you get back at it.

    Goodluck and Great Job!
  • nichell88
    nichell88 Posts: 364 Member
    Wow, thanks guys. This is all super helpful
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    edited April 2017
    If you're flying, avoid the scale for a few days when you get back. I swear getting on a plane is good for 5# just on its own.

    Stick to grilled local food and seasonal veggies, but splurge a little on something you love. Walk, walk, walk and lots of water.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I try to limit the amount of bread, rolls, pasta, & booze because those calories add up fast. I don't have dessert every day and try to split it with hubby when I do have, unless it's chocolate mousse! You are often more active on vacation so that helps off set some of the eating. Also, take or buy at least a few healthy snacks if the situation allows.
  • HappyGrape
    HappyGrape Posts: 436 Member
    I had 3 vacations since I am in maintenance. I ate similar to home and tracked 2 of them and felt great aftee. I didn't track or put much effort on one 4 day vacation and came back feeling rubbish

    Consistency works better for me
  • CaliMomTeach
    CaliMomTeach Posts: 745 Member
    I was at my goal weight when I went on vacation for 7 nights in April. I ate so much. I ate whatever I wanted including big steaks, milkshakes, drinks, bacon cheeseburger, desserts etc... I do not regret it. It was vacation. I planned to gain because I realized that I knew how to take it off. I gained about 3 pounds. I am only telling you this to let you know what happened to me by forgetting completely about how many calories I was taking in for a week. So, I can't imagine that it will be any worse for you, especially since you aren't planning on eating as much as I did. I cut my calories back down to 1200 this past week and I was just a pound away from where I was before vacation this morning. There is only so much damage you can do on a week long vacation. You have obviously done an amazing job. You can handle anything!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited May 2017
    Awesome transformation!

    On vacations I still stay mindful and I don't go way over on my calories.

    I eat what I want, but I stop eating when I get close to getting full. I plan ahead (look at menus online, try to have somewhat of a meal plan for the day in place). I might have a light dinner and eat all the dessert or eat a big breakfast and keep it light the rest of the day. I use the hotel gym the early mornings, in addition to being more active (walking around, being active etc.)

    Planning is key for me. It may sound like a pain ("oh you're on vacation, live it up!!!!"), but this is my new normal, plus I like staying slim and not being bloated so this works for me.

    I usually come back a couple pounds heavier due to the extra sodium. Sometimes I've even come back the same weight or even lighter on some trips which amazes me!

    Enjoy your trip!