In need of a miracle, here we go!

I'm 21 and have been overweight my entire life.. one of my best friends is getting married this October and she asked me to be in her wedding.. I can't wait of course but it has made me realize that I need to start working for myself! I was dumped recently because I was "too big" so this is revenge on him and to make myself feel better about myself and be healthier! I have tried to start this journey many times and have failed but this time, I'm excited, I just need that little extra motivation from other people on this journey! Right now I weigh 240 and my ideal weight would be 150.. 90 lbs is a lot but here we go!!


  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    do this for you and to heck with the revenge on the guy. you already dropped X amount of pounds when he left :) .you are better off without the guy. do this for YOU! he will be kicking himself once he sees the new you. make that hater your motivator can do it.
  • dianasarhan7723
    dianasarhan7723 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! Just started here! I hope it works ✌
  • ducklady27
    ducklady27 Posts: 20 Member
    I too agree that revenge is not the best way (yes, I've done it too) do this for you so you can live a long healthy life! I started at 220, now at 184 with a goal weight of 135 ( -85 very close to your -90 goal) Shooting a friend request your way! The very best on your journey to a healthy lifestyle!!
  • Leenizi129
    Leenizi129 Posts: 133 Member
    You can juicing and I also have followed a strict 1200 cal. Anyone who dumps you did you the biggest favor believe me! They are the problem not you! And remember they are out enjoying life I suggest you do the same! Go get yourself beautiful for you and nobody else.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    edited April 2017
    No miracle needed just habit changes. Log everything before you eat it. Eat the calories mpg gives you. Remember weight will flux watch trends not individual data points. Remember it took a long time to gain the Weight it will take a long time to lose it too.
  • abigailbecker14
    abigailbecker14 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks guys! Here for motivation! In a wedding in October so here's another motivation for me! Let's do this!
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    You can do this, for sure! (Just remember that your body loses on its own timeline, so don't sweat the wedding date.)


    Down 140lbs: My story.
  • reyswife81714
    reyswife81714 Posts: 10 Member
    I believe in you and trust me if he dumped you because of your weight he is a complete douche I had it happen to me and was devastated but sure enough Mr right came along accepted me with all my imperfections and we have been married for the past 4 years together 10
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Holding on to resentment... is much like drinking poison in hopes that your enemies will die from it.

    You CAN do this... fall in love with the process, and keep one eye on the prize.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I'm 21 and have been overweight my entire life.. one of my best friends is getting married this October and she asked me to be in her wedding.. I can't wait of course but it has made me realize that I need to start working for myself! I was dumped recently because I was "too big" so this is revenge on him and to make myself feel better about myself and be healthier! I have tried to start this journey many times and have failed but this time, I'm excited, I just need that little extra motivation from other people on this journey! Right now I weigh 240 and my ideal weight would be 150.. 90 lbs is a lot but here we go!!

    You can do it. Just approach it not as a diet, but as a new way of life. Start by losing the 90 lbs but transition into fitness permanently and you won't gain it back. It's going to take time. 1 to 1.5 years for most people. I lost a bit over 100 lbs my first year but that was extreme, and I even managed to hurt myself a few times. So just realize it's not a race, and start adopting new habits. You'll quickly discover using MFP what foods were the cause.
  • cheeseandpickles
    cheeseandpickles Posts: 1 Member
    Glad you are motivated, Abigal! I have been chunkier than most all the women who people would say were average size, most of my life. I am fortunate though that I also carry some muscle and mostly carry my weight on upper body so I have never really felt extremely overweight. However, because it seemed to not show the same as looser fat, weight creeps up on me. Although others don't suggest using revenge as your goal...I say that if someone hurting you because they were unhappy with your weight and it is true you may be overweight...then I believe that incident motivated you to act. Bottom line, excess weight is not good for anyone and sometimes the truth hurts. We all do the best that we can and I believe people should reinforce what they can do, not what they can't. Like...I can walk for 10 minutes versus I did not walk for half an hour today. Focus on your positives and don't beat yourself up if it doesn't come exactly as you would like. It's always strange to me...don't know if it has happened to anyone else...but there will be several days in a row when I ate super healthy and nothing happened. Then I got discouraged and would start eating poorly rather than wait a few more days to see if the scale dropped. Some of us also have huge differences in metabolism based on age, conditions, activity level, and stress. I just hope once you see how much better you feel physically...that your mind will follow with perhaps more personal goals for your own self. My goals are mostly vanity and health, because when I get to a certain point, the excess weight gets me down emotionally. So...whatever motivates you...I say go for it. I just could not zipper my biggest pair of shorts which used to be baggy, but still proceeded to eat a whole roll of ritz crackers and peanut butter. Instead of beating myself...I thought about it and said "I need to do something. This can't be good." So here I am again. Anyone who wants to share their difficulties, accomplishments, goals, etc. with me, please feel free to message me because I need all the help I can get. Have never tried on-line support before.
  • joshuak30
    joshuak30 Posts: 110 Member
    Welcome, and good luck!

    No miracles needed; you absolutely can achieve your goals with simple techniques and hard work. Consistency and perseverance will take you far.

    That said, the revenge aspect will fade perhaps more quickly than you realize. Lose the weight for you. Lose it because you want to be the best you can be, for you. Don't let what "he" did to you get in the way of loving your life, especially as you get healthier and realize how much of life there is to love! The revenge may be the kick in the pants you needed to get started, but it won't stick around when you've made it a month or two in and are thinking about quitting.

    Remember: Slow and steady wins the race. The goal may be a ways off now, but if you just keeping moving towards it, you will get there in time.
  • kayeroze
    kayeroze Posts: 146 Member
    I started at a similar weight, 21, 5'2, 207.8# (CW 196#, GW 130#) with a goal of losing at 1.5lbs a week, but at my height, the restrictions drew closer and closer to 1200 calories after I dropped 11#. Even with exercise calories and a food scale, it just wasn't something I could sustain for a long period of time especially on my less active weekend days, so I bumped it up to 1# a week with a net goal of eating between 1300-1400 calories. You can try doing the 2lbs a week at first, but after you hit Onederland, you're going to have to decrease your rate of loss most likely, but necessarily. I only caution that you don't set yourself up for failure when starting, and give it time.