Stress eating getting ne down :0(

fattygirl31 Posts: 19 Member
Hiya peeps,so I'm finding it really hard to stick to my calorie intake for the day!! I don't really know why it's almost as though I keep jeopardising all my hard work!!! :0(

at the beginning of the year I pretty much started quite positively and pretty much lost 20lbs end of April so I was pretty proud of myself,however since then I've pretty much put the weightback on and feeling really sad about it,as I done it to myself!!

I've been extremely stressed over the last couple of months with study,work and financial stresses and have turned to food as it always seem to make me happy,well for the short term and it tends to fill the loneliness after the breakdown of my relationship.

I'd like to say il get back on top of things but I'm really finding it hard. I can't seem to stay motivated and I've completely forgot why I started my weightloss journey in the first place.I havent really thought much of myself recently and feel that the only real pleasure I get out of life is when I'm eating,however I do feel that maybe if I deal with my selfestem issues this might help deal with my food addiction

I'm gonna try starting from next week as I've brought my breakfast,lunch and dinner for the week and hopefully can stick to it.

I'd really like some advice on stress eating and how best to start back exercising again as I feel this will help to contribute to my
weightloss. I've started walking 40-60 mins on some days but wondering if 20mins zumba a day extra might also help!! As I have the wii game!!

Thanks so much for any advice. Need it as it's my b'day in 12week and would like to lose atleast 2 stone/28 lbs! :0)X


  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I've turned stress eating into stress exercising. So far, so good. Some days I still want to eat everything... ever, but instead I go exercise.
  • fattygirl31
    fattygirl31 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks!! S.B!! I think that's what I guess I have to start doing instead of eating atleast I'll be fitter instead of fatter!!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I don't know if you did it but I've seen some amazing results with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It's not very expensive & netflix has it too.
    No retreat, NO surrender ~
  • lmtrevin
    lmtrevin Posts: 18
    I stress eat A LOT too. I have been trying really hard to not let myself buy things to keep at home that I can just eat on endlessly. I have an air popper and try to make popcorn a lot since it is low cal and makes tons. I find that I get tired of eating it and end up just stopping and not eating anything.

    I am still working on not hitting the drive thru on the way home, tho! Baby steps. :)
  • fattygirl31
    fattygirl31 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks everyone!! Can't really eat popcorn it always gets stuck in my but to be honest it's probably more healthier than eating all the crap I do!!! Always hearing about gillian michaels might have to try it!! The only problem is I'm quite busty and find it hard to jump up and down and do sit soi hope its not too hard..hoping it has a easy section then I can slowly build up!!:0)
  • lmtrevin
    lmtrevin Posts: 18
    I strap on TWO sports bras! LOL
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    Zumba instead of eat! Something that's helped me is buying a ton of groceries and preparing every meal. I make a huge salad, a big bowl of tuna and portion everything out. I brought a lunch box to work today!
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