Help! Breastfeeding new mom!

Can anyone help me out!?
My baby is 4 weeks old...I started working out again about 2 weeks ago (Crossfit but modified) and I am struggling with how many extra calories I need.
Currently I eat about 1700 calories a day, but I keep reading that's not enough. Baby boy loves to eat, and I am starting to think I need to supplement him with formula...
Any advice is valuable! Thank you!


  • mkmarte
    mkmarte Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 7 weeks postpartum and at my last Dr appointment she said 2000 calories is the right amount to lose weight but not reduce milk supply. I was only eating 1700 and when I upped it to 1900 I noticed my breasts were a lot fuller of milk and I'm still losing weight.
  • jodyapril
    jodyapril Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much! I only gained about 8# and definitely want to take that off... But more importantly I want to feel more like myself, which is intense workouts and heavy weights! I will have to be more vigilant about eating. I have been finding it hard to make the time to do anything!
  • change4char
    change4char Posts: 85 Member
    I'd definitely talk to your doctor to get the right information for your body because cutting too many calories will cut your supply drastically. Also slowly adjusting your calorie intake and monitoring your supply and weight loss should help you find a good balance for your lifestyle. If 1700 calories is helping you lose weight and you are still producing enough milk, then asking your doctor if you should continue should be all you need!