Looking for Trim Healthy Mamas

If your a THMer please add me as a friend!


  • SBlosein
    SBlosein Posts: 18 Member
    I love THM. You can add me.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    What is this?
  • SBlosein
    SBlosein Posts: 18 Member
    Trim Healthy Mama Plan by Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison. I lost 40 lbs using it.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    SBlosein wrote: »
    Trim Healthy Mama Plan by Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison. I lost 40 lbs using it.

    I see...can you give a Cliff's Notes of the plan?
  • Mizzy58
    Mizzy58 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm doing THM also. Not much support on here. Maybe we can change that.
  • WVWalkerFriend
    WVWalkerFriend Posts: 575 Member
    It sounds good, like another way of keeping calories in under control. I'm in love with good girl moonshine. For the person who asked for cliff notes, the website says this "You are not instructed what to eat at every meal with portion sizes dictated to you. The plan encourages you to learn to put meals together that will suit your own needs, challenges and food preferences. Since Trim Healthy Mama is geared as a lifelong plan, you learn as you go, but after a while it becomes second nature for most people."

    Link to their FAQ https://www.trimhealthymama.com/#faq .
  • Mizzy58
    Mizzy58 Posts: 47 Member
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Just read that FAQ. A lot of it seems contradictory.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Mizzy58 wrote: »
    I'm doing THM also. Not much support on here. Maybe we can change that.

    In addition to this thread, what about starting a group?

    I'm not doing this but it seems like a few people on here are.
  • SBlosein
    SBlosein Posts: 18 Member
    There is a Trim Healthy Mamas (THM) group... just try a search to find it. The boiled down basic idea of THM is to not eat carbs and fat in the same meal. The thing about regular milk is that is has lactose=sugar=carbs and fat in the same item, therefore it may not be conducive to weight loss. THM authors don't claim milk and honey to be "unhealthy", but they may slow or stall weight loss if you are trying this fuel separation method. I heard the authors say they use raw milk and raw honey with their kids. This plan encourages the use of many other dairy products. It's encouraged to make the plan work for you (maybe add a little honey to your E meal (carb), if that's your preference). The only foods I consider to be "off plan" is white refined sugar and white refined carbs (ex: white bread) and the like. I like how the fuel (carb and fat) separation method has leveled my blood sugar and helps me have energy all day. Please don't think I'm pushing the idea on you... just giving some info in case you were curious :)
  • crazyycatlady1
    crazyycatlady1 Posts: 292 Member
    SBlosein wrote: »
    There is a Trim Healthy Mamas (THM) group... just try a search to find it. The boiled down basic idea of THM is to not eat carbs and fat in the same meal. The thing about regular milk is that is has lactose=sugar=carbs and fat in the same item, therefore it may not be conducive to weight loss. THM authors don't claim milk and honey to be "unhealthy", but they may slow or stall weight loss if you are trying this fuel separation method. I heard the authors say they use raw milk and raw honey with their kids. This plan encourages the use of many other dairy products. It's encouraged to make the plan work for you (maybe add a little honey to your E meal (carb), if that's your preference). The only foods I consider to be "off plan" is white refined sugar and white refined carbs (ex: white bread) and the like. I like how the fuel (carb and fat) separation method has leveled my blood sugar and helps me have energy all day. Please don't think I'm pushing the idea on you... just giving some info in case you were curious :)

    But that has nothing to do with how weight loss actually works-it sounds like they just made up some arbitrary rules in order to sell a diet plan, (just like every other weight loss gimmick out there). Weight loss happens when the correct calorie deficit for ones goals are met. Calories are what matters-not macros or macros combinations.

    They're doing their followers a huge disservice by not educating them on how weight loss/maintenance/weight gain actually works. That knowledge goes a long way towards making weight management sustainable for the long term.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    edited April 2017
    Someone at my work was following this and you could not eat some things together because they don't digest the same. I looked it up seemed to be a little off.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    SBlosein wrote: »
    There is a Trim Healthy Mamas (THM) group... just try a search to find it. The boiled down basic idea of THM is to not eat carbs and fat in the same meal. The thing about regular milk is that is has lactose=sugar=carbs and fat in the same item, therefore it may not be conducive to weight loss. THM authors don't claim milk and honey to be "unhealthy", but they may slow or stall weight loss if you are trying this fuel separation method. I heard the authors say they use raw milk and raw honey with their kids. This plan encourages the use of many other dairy products. It's encouraged to make the plan work for you (maybe add a little honey to your E meal (carb), if that's your preference). The only foods I consider to be "off plan" is white refined sugar and white refined carbs (ex: white bread) and the like. I like how the fuel (carb and fat) separation method has leveled my blood sugar and helps me have energy all day. Please don't think I'm pushing the idea on you... just giving some info in case you were curious :)

    Thank you for the clarification. Honestly, fat helps keep me full and if I don't eat protein along with my carbs I get very hungry. I think this could work for some people just based on having specific rules. Sometimes with specific rules, the person's overall consumption will go down just from the difficulty factor of that (it's harder to just "grab-and-go.") I disagree with the science but then again, who the hell am I - just one person. Good luck to the ladies on this plan and all the success to you.
  • SBlosein
    SBlosein Posts: 18 Member
    I didn't explain very well... THM recommends protein with every meal and snack. So you would eat protein and carb for one meal and your body could use the glucose from the carbs for energy. Then, the next meal you could eat protein and fat using the fat as your fuel. So, you could hit any daily calorie or macro goals you desire while on THM.

    Calorie deficit plans work very well, but not all calories are equal when utilized in the body. There's an mfp blog article today "Is a calorie a calorie" that talks about it. THM is not "proven" science, but it tries to mash the best of the low carb, high fat ideas with the healthy carbs, lower fat/ calories ideas while emphasizing whole foods and nutrition content.

    There's a lot of ideas in the nutrition world. We all have the same goal to feel healthy and energetic. I personally like to combine ideas... for instance...THM doesn't require counting calories, but here I am on MFP logging my calories because I like to use the calorie deficit model. :)
  • Ddsb11
    Ddsb11 Posts: 607 Member
    [quote= If it works for you, or anyone, fine, but at some point we all have to know the truth about who is putting the presents under the Christmas tree and swapping our teeth for cash. [/quote]

    Hilarious and clever way of saying it.
  • SBlosein
    SBlosein Posts: 18 Member
    edited April 2017
    One reason to not eat fat and carbs together is that many of the foods people tend to overeat combine the two. (Ice cream, pizza, chips, candy bars, burger and fries, etc.) It's easier to eat too many boiled potatoes when you add butter or too much Guacamole when you scoop it with tortilla chips. So, it could be a strategy to help with moderation of these fuels and allow one to focus on getting proper amounts of protein.