Beautiful Behaviors - April 2017



  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Good morning, all!

    @wellthenwhat - Isn't that great. Food off your mind. Some days I think about eating a lot and then other days, I just don't. But the days I think about it - I think about all the treats and chips. :neutral:
    @nickiphillips1 - I hope your trip goes smashingly!!! And I hope you get some rest. I commend you for the workout and for listening to your body at the same time.
    @aleahurst - sending good vibes and prayers for your stress, that's the worst. I use to stress eat - but now it's more sad eating. I actually have switched to where if I'm super stressed I don't eat. *Oh, I also tired eat, which is bad because I'm tired a lot lol Hang in there and know that you are doing the right thing. :blush:
    @plantgift92 - Whoa, Man!!!! Congrats on the loss! Yep, same here, I get comfortable after losing a bit when I know I could do better. Sounds like you are doing a great job, keep it up (don't make me come over there) haha
    @jessiquoi - No muffin for You! (if you've seen Seinfeld you said this in soup nazis voice) lol Be strong. Moderation is key, but I think you already know. :blush: I'm so happy for you that you found a way to feel better. You are doing so well, despite any struggles. Keep going
    @rdevol - Just remember it is perfectly fine to allow away time to deal with other things. Yes, we strive to eat healthy and exercise but sometimes we have to take a "pause". As long as you view it as that and don't unpack your bags and live in "pause" mode - then you have nothing to worry about!!! Give yourself some slack and do what you have to.

    Update: Completed 80 minutes of Von Moger back and treadmill sprints. Last night's lifting session felt amazing. My bf had to meet me there because he was running late.

    OemWOW! The drama at work just got worse and I have to sit by and watch it unfold. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so close to me - but I literally sit facing this drama queen! I try to stay out of it all - because I am almost 42 years old and I hate drama! I will keep you updated. I just think it's sad that I love my job, the pay however there is only 1 single person out of over 1300 employees here that causes issues and at times gets my thoughts on leaving! I wish I could distance myself literally from this immature adult! Ok, well, I will survive :wink:

    Thought for the day: I'm very font of you, you're just my type!!! LOL -I couldn't help it, crackin myself up! As I read all of your journeys and feelings, I feel like you are all very strong! I admire how smart, caring and relentless this group is (relentless to not give up). I look forward to reading updates every day! So today, know that even if you're having doubts - I believe that each of you are strong, beautiful, kind, smart and fantastic!
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Morning everyone! Hope all your stress and drama is better today. Take a few deep breathes and just rock on. Its almost the weekend so keep your chin up.

    @aleahurst - pickleball is kind of a cross between tennis and table tennis but played with a ball similar to a wiffleball. I work for a sporting goods company so we have all kinds of stuff available to us. I also like to go in the archery range and shoot my bow. That REALLY helps with the stress. LOL I hope you find a way to relax a bit and relieve some of that stress.

    I am fighting a migraine today. Weather went from 80 and sunny to 60 and rainy overnight so now my head is killing me. Sitting at my desk wearing warning to anyone who walks up to tread lightly. LOL Today is supposed to be leg day. I am hoping I can work through it. We will see how it goes.

    My challenge this month of 10,000 steps a day is rapidly coming to a close but I am going to make it baring any really bad unforeseen problems.

    Keep up the good work ladies and stay positive. This journey didn't happen over night so it wont end overnight. I have to constantly remind myself of this.

  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    Sherri, lol, I hear the Soup Nazi! But I had the muffin, and I survived. I'll make up for it today with my other meals.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @jessiquoi - Yea, but your practicing moderation - so that's a good thing! :wink: Love it
    @nchippiechick - Welcome! OMG, girl, Yes! I lost myself in my unhealthy marriage and held on too long (I give people too many chances). I started below rock bottom (both our checks were getting garnished, we didn't truly own much worth fighting over - I got the 1987 minivan, it's long gone now lol). I can relate! But I took back my life and I feel so empowered, you will get there. Sounds as if you are already taking control, love it. I started with at home workouts and got in great shape only working out at home. My kids used to try and join in - so cute. Glad you're here and keep it up.
  • mcglothinm
    mcglothinm Posts: 20 Member
    Good afternoon all,

    I've been slagging on everything here lately. I was doing really well and then just kind of dropped everything. I have logged in everyday though, so that is good. At least that's one good habit I'm still sticking with. I really need to start checking this thread everyday, gives me more motivation to stick to the plan!

    @nchippiechick Welcome! I think we probably have a lot in common! I am just now in the process of divorcing my husband of almost 10 years. We had been together for a very long time, and while we didn't have the best marriage, it was okay. Then this fall a lot of stuff came out that led to me finding out he was not the person I thought he was, and for mine and our children's sakes we needed to separate. I too have my kids 24/7- there never seems to be enough time in the day for everything that needs to happen. I think threads like these help because they give me people I can connect to!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Hello and Happy Friday!!!

    Update: Took a rest day yesterday because I finally got to have dinner with my son! I tackled him with hugs and kisses even if he's 6'3 tall. I told him that's what he gets for being so busy. :smile: I weighed myself this morning and was down a bit (almost to my lowest in 2 years). I expect the scale to go up a bit after my road trip this weekend because we are going to be "foodies". I am not tracking this weekend and just enjoying. I will be starting a "cut" in about a week, after my birthday. Not sure if I will get a workout in tonight, we'll see. However, I do think my friend and I are going to the hotel gym Sunday morning :smiley:

    Thought for the day: You're only one workout away from a good mood. **This for me. I feel so much better and happier when I am consistently working out. I don't always feel like getting up and working out but once I am getting that extra rep in at the gym or even when I'm finished and sweaty; I feel like a million bucks! The times I don't have much motivation - I just try and remember this feeling and remember the progress I've made and where I want to be. Know when to push yourself and get up and go! Have a good weekend!
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    It's finally Friday!! Yay!! This has been a week. I think I wasn't sleeping because I was stressed about the meeting in Milwaukee, which went fine. My boss did try to give the client earlier dates for one of my projects, which was strange since we just discussed with his boss on Tuesday. The client backed me up and told him that it takes a long time to get eLearning created. Whew....

    I couldn't stop coughing this morning at practice and I decided to take tomorrow off and lift weights instead. Now, I hope I don't talk myself out of that and end up at the pool. I need to get over this sinus infection.

    I broke down last night after I got home and found some girl scout cookies and ate 5 thin mints. I haven't had refined sugar for over 60 days and I broke down and had some. My boss also ordered cheese curds and chips at the airport and I ate 6 of those. I thought, oh well, this is just a one-time thing.

    Check out my son:


    @jessiquoi - sometimes you just need to eat the muffin, very proud of you
    @happysherri - I know how it feels to want to tackle your son - I can't wait to see my son run tonight in the elite meet - top 16 runners in state
    @nchippiechick - you are a strong woman - I had a terrible marriage (13 years) and finally got out, then I got diagnosed with MS (auto immune) and was raising both boys on my own, I lost my job after I got sick and could barely stand, walk, or get out of bed, I went to the food shelf, it was not easy, but I made the choice to take care of my kids and be there for them, now I swim 6 days a week, eat a clean diet, lift weights, work full-time, own a house, and do my best to take care of everything - oh, and I have lost 20 lbs since Feb - it can be done - hang in there - reach out if you ever want to talk

    My beautiful behavior is to stop working for the week since I am fried. I am going to eat a very late lunch and go to my son's meet. I will watch a little tv as well before the meet.

    I am also going to try to sleep in this weekend (maybe until 8 AM if I can), at least till 7

    Oh, and my friend and son and his friend are doing the walk for MS with me on Sunday!

  • alaskandelight
    alaskandelight Posts: 24 Member
    Hello my beautiful people!! This has been quite a week! We had a lovely romantic dinner for my husband's birthday. I felt sick the next day after from eating so much rich food. What a wake up call on how much more connected I am to my body. In the past I would eat ALL the things and more without really connecting that I felt like crap because of food. I took home 3/4th of my steak and my dessert. I've been really killing it at the gym and improving my cardio for more of these crazy hikes! woot! Good news on my dad! The doctors are planning to send him back from Seattle. I am over the moon about this since my sister's wedding is less than a month away and it just wouldn't be right if he couldn't somehow be there. He's kinda the life of our party. Reading about what each of you are going through is really inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

    @str8bowbabe my husband only eats one serving of that soup (and I eat the rest all week) unless he's feeling "like the beer is catching up with him." He is waaaay more into it if I add steak. It is then the prized meal prep of the week and we fight over it.
    @fitzmonkey13 everything happens for a reason! I'm glad you didn't go for a job that wasn't going to work for you in the long run. Take it easy with this knee situation. I totally screwed myself over by not adjusting for an ankle injury. I'm so glad your going to get it checked out. Biking, ab work, and grocery list for the husband. Be straight up and tell him he needs to step up so you can recover quickly and get back to it. He can help you keep your family on the right nutritional path!
    @aleahurst look at you taking care of business with insurance! I'm sorry for your anxiety and stress. I HATE those feelings. Take a moment for yourself and reflect on all your accomplishments. This soapy taste business should be something you bring up to your doctor. Maybe you have some sort of nutritional deficiency? In any case, great job in prioritizing yourself!
    @jessiquoi you do what's good for you! I'm glad you ate that healthy muffin. Also, don't pay too much mind to the scale. My friend on the keto diet and good blood sugar did not lose weight between tests...give it time. I'm sure your body is trying to sort its self out over these changes.
    @happysherri I am going to make that cheese cake!!!! well, after I make my husband's birthday carrot cake and the infamous pizza cake for a party this weekend. Hang in there with work drama, I have been giving my coworker some support over a similar issue. A young cocky guy likes to shine it on like he's all that, but really doesn't do much and gives her (his boss) and other women he thinks he can mess with a hard time. (He ALWAYS makes excuses for mistakes or blames other. No accountability.) I have noticed this since he started (2 years ago) after he treated me like crap over his mistake that I brought to his attention. I've been logging his shenanigans ever since and it's proving to be helpful. These people get their's eventually. You're son is sure blessed to have such a great mom!
    @nickiphillips1 and @wellthenwhat way to be active and focus your energies in beautiful ways! You are rockstars!

    All you other beautiful people, keep being amazing! Over coming traumatic relationships (@nchippiechick and @mcglothinm @happisherri) is one of the hardest things anyone can deal with. Your strength, bravery, and ability to make the call to put you and your children first is inspiring. Giving support to others and taking time to heal during grief is crucial @rdevol ! Take care of yourself! <3

    My beautiful behavior's for the next few days is to be mindful of my calories during this upcoming party and focus on de-cluttering my home. My parents were "collectors" and I find that I have to be mindful of STUFF building up in the same way I can mindlessly eat. :-( Someone gave me the tip of asking yourself "does this item bring you joy?" If not, donate it.

    I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
  • jessiquoi
    jessiquoi Posts: 400 Member
    @wellthenwhat it looks adorable! i'm ready to go back to a pixie cut too, any month now. :)

    @alaskandelight great news about your dad! and congrats on connecting with your body

    @nickiphillips1 congrats on your son's achievement! take care of that sinus infection, the pool will be there next week.

    Sherri, i hope you're having a great time in Chicago being a foodie! :)

    welcome, @nchippiechick ! you will find compassion and empathy here, as well as plenty of motivation to take control of at least one aspect in your life... your health!

    @mcglothinm yes! keep coming back, i find motivation here every day, even on the days when i simply lurk and read and don't post. we're here for you!

    @str8bowbabe i hope your migraine has receded.

    Good morning, all! yesterday i had periodontal work done, and it was awful, but not as bad as i expected. i'm fine today, no soreness at all, so i'm very happy about that. i got on the scale yesterday morning and was down 2 lbs, so i'm very VERY happy about that! i took a couple of meals off of the low carb thing i'm doing over the last couple of days, but i still made sure that overall, my day was low carb, and it's starting to make changes... i'm not as cranky as i was, which everyone around me is glad about. :) i'm getting full faster, which surprised me... i can't eat as much as i did. i treated myself to an old favorite from my childhood yesterday on the road home from the dentist, and i could barely eat half of what i ordered! i happily threw the rest out, as it was not healthy food (hot dog, french fries and a coke from Nathans). today john and i have a full day of chores planned, including food shopping, and i will try to find some more protein filled snacks to fill my pantry. HA! i don't have a pantry, nor a kitchen, but you know what i mean.

    have a beautiful saturday! it's going up to the high 80s here today in MD... what a crazy month of weather we've had!

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @wellthenwhat - oh my!!! That is some change! However, you *do* look good in short hair! Awesome.

    I may be on more often. The lung doctor said to turn the oxygen up, and stay on it as long as I need, especially if I'm not getting out of bed. So, turn the O2 up and get active! Yay! I'm doing it.

    Thank you to @happysherri . I'm only one workout in the weedy yard from a good mood! You are so right! YES!

    @alaskandelight - wow yes! Do the work in the gym now, feel good, and enjoy the hikes. From the photos I've seen, you have some great places to visit and hike.

    @nickiphillips1 - I love the write up about your son! Wow! Pride!

    Welcome to @nchippiechick !

    Love to all.

  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    @jessiquoi - congratulations on the two pounds! I will catch up! Love you!
  • jahnsmary44
    jahnsmary44 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi All my name is Mary and have found this thread delightful, honest and vulnerable! You are all so encouraging and supportive of each other, in turn inspiring and supporting me. Thank you! I just wanted to introduce myself
  • aleahurst
    aleahurst Posts: 325 Member
    :)@jahnsmary44 welcome!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    @nickiphillips1 - I know you have to be unbelievably proud of your son, look at that! Glad your trip with the boss went well.
    @alaskandelight - Woot Woot! You are doing fantastic! Love the hikes and your portion control method. Keep it up
    @wellthenwhat - BOOM! Look at you, beautiful! I think you look more sophisticated, it definitely suits you!
    @jessiquoi - I used to assist with periodontal surgeries, that can be painful. Glad you got to enjoy some of your favorite foods. Sounds like you are kicking butt on the low carb thing, and down 2 lbs - Victory!!!
    @aleahurst - Greedy side of me - Yay, more Alea!!! Other side of me, hope you feel better soon. :wink: Little envious - you are so smart. I can't even grow a cactus. I bet your garden is wonderful!
    @jahnsmary44 - Hey there. Yep, this place is great. When I'm feeling unmotivated, I read this thread and think if they can do it - I can do it. So many women here making things happen and finding their way at the same time. Glad to hear from you.

    Update: I did not workout all weekend because we had quite the adventure. However, I did walk nonstop for probably half the day on Saturday. I'm only up 1 lb from all of the sodium this weekend. We had to cut our Chicago trip short because the ceiling in our hotel bathroom poured down with water. My friend in I found it hilarious, we took the whole weekend in stride and kept great attitudes. Also it rained and stormed all weekend, so was unable to truly be a tourist; so didn't end up seeing too much. It was still fun. ****Adventure**** I'm trying to do more of this, because I am a home body a lot.

    Thought for the day: Jobs fill your pockets, adventures fill your soul. *This! Like I said, I've always been a pretty cautious person filled with "what ifs" - especially with spending money. However, since my moms passing, I've learned that you need to live life while you are here - in the present. I have been working on this the past 3 years, trying to say 'yes' more often. Also to have an open mind and a great attitude toward the trying times. Like this weekend was rainy, gray, we had so many things go wrong - I could have just complained the whole time. But instead we got some interesting pictures and stories out of it (and good laughs).

    Happy Monday!
  • KimF0715
    KimF0715 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi All:

    I've come crawling back. The past week and a half have been an epic fail. I am recommitting today.

    I've missed you.

  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    @happysherri - what a great attitude with some less than ideal conditions - where do you live? I am planning a Chicago trip this summer with my younger son - we live in Minneapolis
    @wellthenwhat - did you donate your hair to locks of love? what a generous gift! You look great!
    @jahnsmary44 - welcome to our group
    @jessiquoi - nice job with the 2 lb weight loss - nice job with sticking with the low carbs - protein keeps you full longer
    @KimF0715 - so nice to have you back
    @aleahurst - keep taking that oxygen

    I did not work out at all on Saturday and I slept in. I went to another track meet for my son and watched tv and laid around. I am addicted to the National Geographic channel.

    On Sunday, we did the Walk for MS. We walked about 4 or 5 miles and did a ton of steps at the Viking stadium. It was rainy, but we had fun. Next weekend is the walk for animals for the Humane Society.

    I did swim this morning and felt ok. The workout was harder than it looked on paper. Sinus headache after, but less coughing. Small steps...

    Have a great week everyone.
  • nickiphillips1
    nickiphillips1 Posts: 114 Member
    So here is a high protein go to snack I highly recommend. If you like salty chips, my dietitian at Hyvee recommends these baked chips made with black beans. They are called Beanitos. I like to dip them in pico with lots of onions and tomatoes. They also make them in different flavors (like hint of lime). Oh, and my 15 year old LOVES them.