Starting the HCG Protocol tomorrow!



  • countrymom1
    countrymom1 Posts: 125 Member
    I am on the HCG diet. I have lost 12.6 pds in 12 days! I love it. 203.3 to 191 in 12 days! People it is NOT a starvation diet, I have no pain, discomfort, and potentially harmful side effects. I spent $40 on my drops, which are made in an FDA aprroved lab. I am so much healthier, I have energy, I feel great.

    500 calories a day is indeed a starvation diet.

    You're right, 500 calories is a starvation diet. HOWEVER, HCG metabolizes stored fat, so that even though you're only consuming 500 calories a day, your body is actually getting around 1200-1700 calories a day. -- That is why women who are overweight that get pregnant typically do not gain a lot during pregnancy because the HCG that their body is producing is using the stored fat for calories.

    I'm no scientist, but this sounds like dangerous marketing tactics. Your body is likley living off of your muscles, not fat.

    Actually, I am more toned now that I was in mid-May, when I finished the program. Like I said, I am running now, so I'm building muscle. As a nurse, I know that the body metabolizes stored fat much more quickly than it does muscle, so, no, my body is not livng off of muscles.
  • countrymom1
    countrymom1 Posts: 125 Member
    Also, I did not just jump into the HCG Protocol uninformed. Again, my background as a nurse, I did plenty of research before going ahead with it. I read Dr. Simeon's entire manuscript on the protocol, so that I could understand how and why the program works. I would be interested to know how many of the people commenting on this thread have actually read Dr. Simeon's manuscript?
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member

    ^several peer reviewed, double blind studies that found no benefit and significant side effects to injecting yourself with HCG vs. just starving yourself on a 500 cal diet.

    And think about it, really. If it were as safe and effective as they claim, why would anyone be on MFP trying to do this the slow, hard way?

    Everyones always looking for the easy way out, there just isn't one.
  • amjmomma
    amjmomma Posts: 41
    I agree wholeheartedly. I tried it for a little over a week. Yes, I lost 9 pounds, which is fantastic in such a short time, but I felt horrible!! I felt weak (they even warn you not to do any exercise) and lethargic. I was angry and irritable all the time. It just felt so unhealthy. You are only allowed to eat certain foods and you can only eat a small amount. Everyone is going to have a different opinion about it, but mine is that you should do it the old-fashioned way and be patient! The weight will come off if you are eating good food (in healthy amounts!) and exercising, it just won't be overnight. You probably didn't get heavy overnight either! Good luck either way!
  • DinaHCG
    DinaHCG Posts: 11
    I did the same before I started. I researched for 2months. pro's and cons. All I am going to say is I feel better than I have in a long time. I have energy, I am not starving. I love what this has done for me.

    Everyone has the right to do what is right for their body and themselves. For me it's HCG ALL THE WAY BABY!!!!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    "pre-diabetic" and starting an extremely low calorie diet plan designed to try to mimic pregnancy. To me this sounds a little irresponsible. So your body is already having a hard time with the food you are eating, and then you stop putting enough food in. Do you live near a hosipital and have someone to call them if you crash?

    Maybe it's safe-ish as diets go. But it doesn't really sound like a great plan for someone with pre-existing health issues.

    Thats only an opinion, though.
  • mickynieuwoudt
    mickynieuwoudt Posts: 21 Member
    Before you badmouth something you clearly do not know much about, do your reseach!!! HCG saved my life! :noway: