Ladies your assistance please! (contraceptive implant)

FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
edited 6:07AM in Chit-Chat
Not sure where this is bes to go so it's going here!

Any of you ladies on or had the contraceptive implant, I believe the one for the UK currently is Nexplanon (which as I'm in the UK I'd have).

Have you had any side effects, problems, etc?

I was on the depo pranova injection which caused massive weight gain and depresion, and the yasmin pill which caused huge mood swings (prior to taking any of these I never had a problem with mood or depression)

Has your implant caused you to put on weight? Were you on either teh injection or yasmin pill and had the same problems as me and now on the implant?

Figured there is a huge range of people here and some may be able to help :)

(my dr is useless for info btw)


  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I have the implant I don't really have any issue excpet that sometimes I will go months without a period and then have one out of no where.
    I started on the implant because I get really violent on the pill and also had mood swings, but it was soo long ago now that I can't remeber what I was taking. I haven't contributed my weight gain to having an implant just eating too much and not doing enough exercise.
  • My daughter ( Rebecca91) has had the depo injection for nearly 3 years and has put a lot of weight on she has been depressed ,mood swings ,angry ,you name it she has suffered ,it clicked with me the other day it was the only thing that could have put the weight on her ,so we googled it and omg there are reams of pages of girls all suffering the same as her ,she was due to go for her injection this week but she cancelled the appointment and cant wait to get it out of her system ,hopefully it wont take ages and she can try and get back to normal ,she wasnt told about nay side effects from the doctors wish we had googled it before she had it !
  • CrowMoma2
    CrowMoma2 Posts: 2
    I did the Essure plan. Please do some research on it. Especially if you are done having children. Here is a blog post I wrote on it!

  • sweetsexy43
    sweetsexy43 Posts: 99 Member
    check everything before you make a decision
  • suggagina
    suggagina Posts: 35 Member
    please research!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    My friend had hers taken out after only 11 months of having it.
    Not trying to put you off, because everybody is different put;

    She put on 2 stone (she was very skinny too) and she had an almost constant period. She'd be off for a few days, then back on for 3 weeks :(
    She was already moody though! haha, she'd kill me if she knew I said that.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    I have the implant I don't really have any issue excpet that sometimes I will go months without a period and then have one out of no where.
    I started on the implant because I get really violent on the pill and also had mood swings, but it was soo long ago now that I can't remeber what I was taking. I haven't contributed my weight gain to having an implant just eating too much and not doing enough exercise.
    I've noticed increased hairiness (facial fluff, mainly), worse PMS, insane amounts of...libido when ovulating, very irregular menstruation, at the start I went about eight months without anything, then it could be one day of spotting or two weeks of heavy, heavy bleeding. My best friend is also on it, and has had the same experiences.
    That being said, I'm on my third, I'm very happy with it and have had no problems (except from when clumsy nurses remove them! massive bruise/bleeding etc) and would recommend it. I don't see it as affecting weight loss/gain.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    (my dr is useless for info btw)

    That's unacceptable. I'd report him/her and find a new doctor. It took me years to find a doctor who would listen to me about my health problems, but whether they like it or not, that's their JOB. You are NOT an annoyance, you are a customer and a patient. Your doctor's time is NOT more valuable than yours. And it is the doctor's responsibility to tell you *exactly* what any chemical going into your body will do to it. And it is your right to know all possible side effects and all available options. I would tell him/her so in no uncertain terms.
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    If it's any consolation, I take cerazette, a pill that most doctors try to prescribe as a contraceptive.
    I've been on it for 2 years, but i haven't had a period and the weight I put on was due to laziness!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    My daughter ( Rebecca91) has had the depo injection for nearly 3 years and has put a lot of weight on she has been depressed ,mood swings ,angry ,you name it she has suffered ,it clicked with me the other day it was the only thing that could have put the weight on her ,so we googled it and omg there are reams of pages of girls all suffering the same as her ,she was due to go for her injection this week but she cancelled the appointment and cant wait to get it out of her system ,hopefully it wont take ages and she can try and get back to normal ,she wasnt told about nay side effects from the doctors wish we had googled it before she had it !

    I hope it doesn't take her forever too. I was on depo for years and did put on about half of my overall weight gain while on it. After over 2 years of being off of it, I still haven't gotten my period back and am having trouble losing weight (which may or may not be from the depo). I never had bad reactions bad burst out right before getting my second injection, but it was so much better than the pill was for me.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I have the implant I don't really have any issue excpet that sometimes I will go months without a period and then have one out of no where.
    I started on the implant because I get really violent on the pill and also had mood swings, but it was soo long ago now that I can't remeber what I was taking. I haven't contributed my weight gain to having an implant just eating too much and not doing enough exercise.
    I've noticed increased hairiness (facial fluff, mainly), worse PMS, insane amounts of...libido when ovulating, very irregular menstruation, at the start I went about eight months without anything, then it could be one day of spotting or two weeks of heavy, heavy bleeding. My best friend is also on it, and has had the same experiences.
    That being said, I'm on my third, I'm very happy with it and have had no problems (except from when clumsy nurses remove them! massive bruise/bleeding etc) and would recommend it. I don't see it as affecting weight loss/gain.

    Yea I am on my 3rd one too and I only ever had issues taking the last one out because the woman was a trainee.
    I haven't noticed any difference in hair, however I have a bit of a hair phobia and I am always waxing or shaving lol.
  • PrincessMissDee
    PrincessMissDee Posts: 183 Member
    Oh this has made me really think...

    My last doctor was helpful but I always felt she didn't want to deviate from her own opinion. She wouldn't let me take any contraception for 2 years until I finally had surgery for endometriosis.

    My new surgery has a sexual health nurse, she recommended the injection and when I asked her about any weight gain, she told me that most people don't gain real weight but do put some on around the boob area.

    I can't afford ANOTHER thing that will stop me losing weight, I already have the thyroid, anaemia, missing gall bladder, etc...
  • mizzbrittz
    mizzbrittz Posts: 10
    I've also been on Yasmin (which made me bleed and cry for a month straight), Depo shot (massive weight gain and never ending period), and have now been on implanon for a year or so. I have noticed weight gain definitely, but not as much as on others, and the other side effects I've had are practically non-existent. Plus I love that it lasts three years! I have noticed, however, that as my arms slim down, there is some aching at the implant site. Let me know how it works for you!
  • msmandyjo
    msmandyjo Posts: 95 Member
    i have the Mirena IUD. I was on it for a little over a year, gaining a little (I was very active, not sure about food) had it taken out because it tilted and was poking me when ever hubs and I would "burn calories". I had NO periods after the first few months of it being in. When it was taken out, I got pregnant THE 1st time we did anything.. I'm not good at remembering the pill, so after DS was born, I opted for it again. I breastfed for 14 months, and my period didn't come back until 15 months, but now that it's here, its weeks of spotting and cramping, not a whole lotta fun. I don't mind the spotting, it's just whatever, but the 2 weeks of cramping isn't cool, at all! I'm having a helluva time losing, and I gained more while on the IUD than I did while I was pregnant, even with breastfeeding the boy version of the hungry, hungry caterpillar. Also, both go rounds with the IUD, I've had issues with my libido (where'd it go, I dunno) Mood swings and depression. I know, I don't have the best diet, but i don't have the worlds worst diet either, so I don't think it's to blame for the volume of weight I gained but will take the blame for a few of them. I'm already planning on having it taken out in September when my insurance picks back up (job change). Until then, I'm just trying to focus on improving my overall health and getting stronger, improving endurance for exercising, and trying not to lose motivation since the scale isn't really moving. I can't guarantee that the weight will come off any easier then, but I'm hoping. And, at the very least, I'll at least get my mojo back and the 2 weeks of cramps will hopefully go back to 3-5 days.
  • Hey iv got the implant in 2 weeks ago having been on depo for 9 months and gained weight. the only side effect iv had so for is loss of appetite but part from that nothing :)
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