Looking for accountability partner

Hi everyone! I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to post in but I'm trying to find an accountability partner in a similar situation. I am a busy graduate student who is trying to stay motivated with keeping my calories under control. I exercise consistently (running 5-6 times per week, hiking ~1 time per week) but need help in the dieting department. I hope to find someone who is willing to check in on a daily basis. I aim to lose about 45 pounds.


  • kroderick
    kroderick Posts: 46 Member
    Hey there, I am sort of in the same boat as you. I am in my last quarters of getting my Bachelor's in Culinary Managment. Which means late nights at the restaurant, not eating or not eating properly and then eating at midnight or 1 in the morning when I get home. I am a mom of two as well, so I need to start cooking properly for my family. I am off today and plan on doing some meal planning to get me started. If you want to you can add me and we can keep each other accountable. :)

  • 37428
    37428 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm insteredted as well! I think a daily food diary check in could be great. I just finished my bachelors and will be going to grand school in the fall