This time is gonna be the last one

Gal90 Posts: 4 Member
edited April 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all!
I'm Gal, 27yo. I weight the heaviest ever in my life
I got here by eating my feelings out. Apparently I must have eaten my friends' and family's feelings, even my cat's feelings, to reach this weight. Anyhow, I've battled dysthymia and now I am facing the aftermath of many bad choices.
I've lost weight in the past. 4 years ago i weighted a much more healthier 87kg but then I blew it all away.
I am now determined - I never ever want to reach this weight again. The time is now that I'm young enough and my health or lifestyle hasn't been affected by my weight that much.
The process will be long as I plan to lose over 50kg
Btw Id love to hear from people with similar experiences and also to find a weight loss partner - it really helps and motivates the effort



  • goolhc
    goolhc Posts: 91 Member
    Hi I'm 45 years, and weight before i start with MFP 132kg. In the past i was 137kg, and decide to loose weight, so i lost 30kg a couple years ago. But i lost motivated because, a couple of issues in my personal live. I started with MFP 1 april, and by that time i was 132, i lost already 5kg in almost a month. It works very motivated to read all the story of the people here, and i think this time i can stay motivated. Next year i get married, so ik hope by that time (january 2018) i will be around 110kg
  • Gal90
    Gal90 Posts: 4 Member
    5kg in a month is a big deal!! Bravo!
    And congratulations on the upcoming wedding!