First Time

ap2514 Posts: 4 Member
This is my first time post, although I've been on MFP for about 2 months. I'm embarrassed to say that in that time I haven't lost any weight or inches. I stick to my 1300 calorie plan and exercise regularly, but have yet to see any positive changes. I guess I thought when I started this program that I would just start losing weight and that I didn't really need any help, but now I realize that's not the case. I'm looking for any support or tips people can offer. Thanks.


  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome!! When I wasn't losing weight I started to eat more (maybe bump your calorie intake up to 1500), I dropped about 10 pounds in 2 week - give it a try, you never know!
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    If your diary was open it would be easier to make suggestions. Are you netting 1300 calories? What do you mean when you say you exercise regularly? Are you doing any strength training?
  • esclava
    esclava Posts: 2
    I've only just joined MFP at my Doctor's recommendation, I have a hard time eating at least 1200 calories a day which has slowed down my weight loss a lot. Since October of last year I've lost 75 lbs, but the last 40 are really getting hard and I find myself not being hungry or having a hard time coming up with healthy snacks so I just don't do the snack part. I do good meals, but I'm still short by 200 to 300 calories a day. Any suggestions?
  • ap2514
    ap2514 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't know what you mean by if my diary was open, is that a setting I should change? As far as my workouts, I try to get at least 3 days of cardio a week and strength training 2-3 times. Some day I focus on just cardio and some days I mix the two.
  • jlzoda
    jlzoda Posts: 22 Member
    Don't give up! I just started 2 wks. ago and although I have lost weight it's just not coming off fast enough for me! But I realize I didn't gain this weight over night and I won't lose it over night either... Try lowering your calorie intake. I don't recommend mine & either does MFP It's only 800 calories daily, but Maybe cut down to 1200 and don't add more for the excercise you log in (MFP does that automatically). Good luck!
  • marshsue
    marshsue Posts: 1
    my name is sue i would like to lose 108Ibs by christmas im 358Ibs right now wish me luck i cant do alot of walking i use a walker to get around and i would like to get to walking with out it
  • tootsieanne
    tootsieanne Posts: 13 Member
    Just don't give up this is the first thing that ever worked for me. I wanted to lose weight to get into my tooo tooo tight wedding dress. I started in March. I was 144 and wanted to get down to my 'skinny weight' 127. In the beginning nothing happened. I set my calorie intake at 1200 and burned about 700 calories at gym 3 or 4 days per week if i had time (ofcourse those days I ate more to replenish those 700 calories). In the beginning, I was soooooo hungry! I wasn't losing anything but looked forward to the message when you complete a day that says in 5 weeks you will weigh ____... I love that calculator. All of the sudden my pants were almost falling off. I wasn't weighing myself regularly because I didn't realize it was working but all of the sudden I was LESS THAN 127 I was 122! When we left for our island wedding I was 111lbs... and not hungry or starving or bony BUT my super tight size 4 dress had to be made SMALLER so it wouldnt fall OFF... it was crazy. I ate all inclusive giant meals the entire time we were in Jamaica and didn't count calories at all.... we even ate pizzas at midnight OH and I ate the WHOLE wedding cake since my new husband didnt like it and we had no guests - the whole thing! When I got home I was 116 and still happy and stuffed. I have gotten back into this site since then and I love love love it! Just don't quit! I am now around 114 lb I eat ice cream, pizza, candy, cookies... heck I had dinner tonight at 8:30 pm which was not an option with my old 127 lb body. This site really helps me a lot. I never knew I could be so fit and healthy and enjoy every meal my husband does while maintaining a weight and size I never knew I could be. Good luck! Friends help too! I have many friends who quit and had no result and think this is stupid but I have one friend that logs in every single day - her excersize her total food.,. when I am too lazy I think of her and get on the computer and get myself on track. Friend me we can motivate eachother!
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 805 Member
    Welcome! It helps to track your sodium intake as well as your calories. Having a lot of weight loss pals helps to motivate you also. :happy:
  • ap2514
    ap2514 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. What kind of workouts are you doing?
  • jlzoda
    jlzoda Posts: 22 Member
    I just started working out last week, and I have artthritis so I have to stay away from high impact so I walk briskly 45min., water jogging & swim freestyle laps in my pool and also strength training at Planet Fitness. I mix it up to whatever works with my work schedule but always 5-6 days week.