Accuracy of Five-Week Prediction



  • katherine_startrek_fan
    Not even close! There are too many variables it doesn't account for.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    It "might" be accurate if you ate the exact same food and calories and do the exact same exercise everyday for 5 weeks. Pretty impossible.
  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    I find it heart breaking, to be honest, one day it says I'm going to loose weight. the next day it says I'm going to gain 1k+ it's evil and wrong. they to remove it and have something that says "well done" and other good things
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    I also treat them as kind of inspirational --- but not real.

    Ditto. I think "that would be nice." Then I just do the math and look at my history for the "real" guesstimate...:)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It "might" be accurate if you ate the exact same food and calories and do the exact same exercise everyday for 5 weeks. Pretty impossible.


    I had mine set for maintenance without exercise for a while (I don't log exercise). It just told me in 5 weeks I'd be the same and I happily ignored it. Now I'll be down like .2. Who cares? It's wrong.
  • TalyaSolomon
    TalyaSolomon Posts: 1 Member
    I use it as a very rough estimate but I think the bodies a lot more complicated than a simple maths equation in terms of metabolism , water retention , hormones etc that can also contribute to tipping the scales . I also don't believe in eating back exorcise calories unless I actually see visible results on the scale since energy expenditure is even harder to count with accuracy .
  • kristinsnm
    kristinsnm Posts: 67 Member
    Never right for me. I've been essentially stagnant in my weight loss for 13 weeks....but everyday it tells me that I'll be down somewhere between 12-17lbs within the next 5 weeks.....I have learned to not pay attention to it because I do eat that way everyday....and 13 weeks of being stuck has been the result :(
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member

  • walking2running
    walking2running Posts: 140 Member
    Another problem with MFP is that the calculator overrides to 1200, and it does not work with your actual TDEE. Example: My TDEE (non-exercise days) is 1600. To lose 1 pound per week, I'd have to eat within 1100 calories. However, MFP override the number to 1200. If I manually enter 300 calories for exercise, my total allowance increases to 1500, and not 1400. So, the calculation is all wrong for me.

    I'm all for eating a minimum of 1200 calories, but when the calculator gives its users an unrealistic expectation of losing a certain amount, and MFP should at least provide an explanation.
  • firstplace21
    firstplace21 Posts: 5 Member
    Its not inaccurate. Its just that our brains are telling us we've only eaten just a few cookies but in fact we've eaten more.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    When you are at/under your goal it's kinda inspirational to stick with your plan.
    When you binged, it's a healthy slap in the face that you best not make it a habit.
  • jacmarsh
    jacmarsh Posts: 8 Member
    It "might" be accurate if you ate the exact same food and calories and do the exact same exercise everyday for 5 weeks. Pretty impossible.

    That would certainly make it closer, but after doing the same exercise every day for a while, your body would get more efficient and burn less calories doing that exercise.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    edited June 2017
    Oh no! Sucked into a necro thread!
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Some days mine is over and some days it's much more attractive to pay attention too. If your numbers are fairly consistent I'd say it's pretty accurate but I've never actually checked because my days are always so different
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Oh no! Sucked into a necro thread!

    Damn it me too
  • ilyo777
    ilyo777 Posts: 20 Member
    It would be far better if the 5 week prediction was based on say. 7 day rolling average tha. In a single days intake. As it is currently pretty much useless if you follow any kind of fasting routine which includes very low or zero calories on different days
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    ilyo777 wrote: »
    It would be far better if the 5 week prediction was based on say. 7 day rolling average tha. In a single days intake. As it is currently pretty much useless if you follow any kind of fasting routine which includes very low or zero calories on different days

    Like I said on the other thread, if you want that, get a weight trending app: Libra for Android, Happy Scale for Apple/iOS, Trendweight (requires a free Fitbit account but you don't need a device), Trendweight . . . there are probably others.

    Weigh daily under consistent conditions (first thing in AM, after bathroom before food/drink, same state of (un-)dress is good). Even the rolling trend is wrong, sometimes. It's still just statistics.
  • Kiwi2mfp
    Kiwi2mfp Posts: 166 Member
    It's not very accurate in my opinion. Sometimes I lose faster, sometimes not at all, and sometimes slower....but I'm not a machine so I don't eat the EXACT same calories every day.