Please help!! I can't force myself to drink water!!!!



  • kellydharriso
    Thanks everybody! I actually got my 8 glasses down today because of your suggestions :smile:
  • alisa1973
    alisa1973 Posts: 37 Member
    Being from the South, Arkansas to be exact, I grew up on Mt. Dew, Dr. Pepper & Sweet Tea, no water. Now, as an adult, I only drink water, unsweet tea and milk. If I am given sweet tea on accident it grosses me out.

    How did I do it? I started drinking unsweet tea and yes, it was shocking at first, but eventually I didn't even miss the sugar. When making tea became a chore, then I just kept a Pur filter pitcher in the fridge filled with water. I now love very cold water and never miss sugar in tea or dr pepper.

    Maybe try using less and less sugar with each new pitcher you make. Slowly weaning you off the sugar.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Stay away from aspartame that stuff is controversial and toxic, but if you occasionally want to use splenda or stevia sweatened addatives try that.

    Otherwise, you just get used to it, esp when you start working out more you crave it.

    You may also be caffine addicted, my husband just went through a 2 week caffine detox (it took that long for the muscle cramps and headaches and other withdrawl symtoms to stop) so realize the addiction and decide if it's something you want to face at this time.
  • nc1191
    nc1191 Posts: 51 Member
    I love water so I don't have a problem with this but I reccomend Wegmans sparkling water

    My boyfriend was a big pop drinker and started drinking this stuff, and now he drinks this more than pop. It has 0 calories and comes in a variety of flavors (peach grapefruit is my favorite). If you don't live near a Wegmans, I'd imagine there are similar products at other stores. Good luck!
  • mmccullough2
    mmccullough2 Posts: 17 Member
    There are lots of options listed below. I had a love for sweet tea myself. I don't drink it now. I'm not certain I would be able to ingest that much sugar in a beverage without getting a little queasy today. For me, the longer I stay away from the sugary drinks and soda the more naturally hydrated my body becomes. Keep up the good work and maybe and you'll regain a natural thirst for water too. Hang in there!
  • ChristinaRamos
    squeeze some lemon or lime in that glass!!!!!
  • luvmyjp
    luvmyjp Posts: 49
    Discovery health has it all laid out for ya but the gist of their article says if you drink eight 8 ounce glasses of ice cold water (0 degress) you will burn 70 calories a day. The reason: your body has to work to heat up that water to your body temp. Here's the article
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    There is absolutely no scientifically proven reason why you should drink plain water if you dont like it.
    The majority of our water needs are fulfilled by our food, and if you need extra, then drinking most liquid will rehydrate you adequately.
    If you need to add a little juice to your water to make it more palatable then do so. THE MAIN REASON people give up on their diet or heathy living lifestyle is because they make it include changes that they just dont enjoy