need help with maintenance....

zfitgal Posts: 501 Member
edited May 2017 in Goal: Maintaining Weight
I'm ready to start working my way to maintnance, I'd like to eliminate some of the cardio I have been doing..ive been doing 3 hrs and 45 mins of cardio and 4 hrs of weight training a week. I'd like to eliminate 1 he of cardio....and I'd like to reverse diet to maintnance so the added calories doesn't co me as a like to stay as lean as I am...any suggestions and feedback would be nervous to eat more, I'm afraid I'll gain weight...

I'm currently at 1550 calories and mfp says my maintnance is 2000


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Congrats! If you eat more, you will lose slower or stop losing. If you eat TOO MUCH MORE you will gain. But you wont gsin all the weight back overnight or in a week. I assume you know you need to be watchful if you plan to decrease exercise burn and increase calories in at the same time. Increase calories eaten by 100/day each week while also decreasing exercise. I suggest that you set a 5 lb range for your maintenance goal. If you gain to the top of your range, decrease calories by 100-200 per day til you're back in range.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 501 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    Congrats! If you eat more, you will lose slower or stop losing. If you eat TOO MUCH MORE you will gain. But you wont gsin all the weight back overnight or in a week. I assume you know you need to be watchful if you plan to decrease exercise burn and increase calories in at the same time. Increase calories eaten by 100/day each week while also decreasing exercise. I suggest that you set a 5 lb range for your maintenance goal. If you gain to the top of your range, decrease calories by 100-200 per day til you're back in range.

    I don't have to do it the same time necessarily...i just started doing more cardio (45 mins extra a week) about 3 weeks ago to drop more weight and it worked...ive really pushed like to take it a bit easier for maintnance.
  • MiniMexxxxx
    MiniMexxxxx Posts: 43 Member
    I would drop the cardio without increasing calories and monitor that for a week and then slowly increase the calories.
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I agree with Mini.
  • CiaIgle
    CiaIgle Posts: 72 Member
    I am starting maintenance as well, it is a funny sensation to count more calories now :smile:

    I started leaving cardio before my maintenance goal, so the last weight lost was basically diet and weight training.

    Now I decided to basically keep weight training and use the maintenance level from MFP. I started last Thursday. I will check my weight and look weekly and then adjust.

    My best advise from experience is to start leaving cardio and go more to weight training BEFORE achieving your goal. So the transition will be "smoother", and I quote "smoother" since already eating extra 200-300 cals a day is a HUGE (and very pleasant) transition for me :smile:

    Good luck.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 501 Member
    I'm already doing weight training 4 hours a hitting every body part already. How much cardio did you take out and how did your body adjust? @cialgle
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Personally, I would increase cardio rather than reduce it, but then I like to eat.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 501 Member
    @timothyfish I'm doing to much...i just want to out an hour